Postdoc position in sustainable and circular housing design

Do you want to contribute to research in the field of sustainable and circular housing design? We are seeking a postdoctoral researcher to contribute to our pioneering research focused on resilient future housing design, exploring new buildings and the transformation of existing structures. Collaborating with a team of senior researchers, another post-doc, and doctoral students, you will contribute to the development and consolidation of the research area known as Architecture, Building & Society. This interdisciplinary field merges architectural design and sociology, emphasizing the interaction between spatial configuration, user experience, and social dynamics through the perspectives of sustainability, resource efficiency, and circular societies. Project description You will take part in a research project called "Dwellology" - People, sustainability and energy in future homes. This project investigates the interplay between architectural design, human behaviour, and resource utilisation, aiming to enhance an understanding of how spatial characteristics influence behaviour and, by extension, energy and resource consumption. The ultimate goal is to develop tools for decision-making and design to revolutionize sustainable and resilient housing planning and construction. The project involves empirical case studies, workshops, and feedback seminars with industry stakeholders, and is a collaboration between Chalmers and the universities of Lund and Linköping. A network of industry partners contributes to knowledge development and dissemination. You will also work on developing new research fields with the research group. One suggested direction is the reuse of existing buildings to solve the need for housing while meeting ambitions for resource efficiency to address the current climate crises. Information about the division and the department The post-doc is positioned at the Department for Architecture and Civil Engineering, in the Research area Architecture, Building & Society which has around 20 members. The research area belongs to the organisational unit, the division of Building Design which embraces research and teaching in building design and planning. The division consists of permanent staff, doctoral students, a post-doc, as well as artistic and adjunct staff with a foot in architectural practice. The Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering has about 290 employees encompassing a broad theoretical knowledge base, where design-based artistic architectural research meets engineering, social sciences and the humanities. The combination of all of these perspectives allows for great interdisciplinary advancement in the field and a broader discussion of various aspects of sustainability. Together, we provide a comprehensive environment for architecture and civil engineering, well-equipped to take on the common challenges of building a sustainable future. The Department hosts two centres for collaboration with the building sector and utility of research which are both of particular interest for the research area Architecture, building & society, The Center for Housing Architecture and The Center for Healthcare Architecture. Major responsibilities As a post-doc, you will work closely with the research group but you will take significant responsibility for planning and executing your research. Your findings are expected to be published in high-impact journals and shared through popular articles and reports. You will also take part in organising and participating in meetings, and workshops, and attend international conferences and national seminars. Qualifications Candidates should hold a master’s degree and a PhD in Architecture or a related field, with experience in housing design and research. You should be well-versed in sustainable building practices and the circular economy, proficient in qualitative research methods, data management, and analysis, and fluent in English. Experience in publishing in international scientific journals is required. Additional qualifications include familiarity with the Swedish language, Swedish housing traditions, and quantitative research methods. You are self-propelled, creative and have problem-solving analytical abilities. You have experience in organising workshops and set-up meetings with non-academic partners. You are relationship-oriented and genuinely interested in understanding other people’s views and sharing knowledge and experience. To qualify for the position of postdoc, you must hold a doctoral degree awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline (according to the current agreement with the Swedish Agency for Government Employers). Exceptions from the 3-year limit can be made for longer periods resulting from parental leave, sick leave or military service*. * The date shown in your doctoral degree certificate is the date we use, as this is the date you have met all requirements for the doctoral degree. Contract terms This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two years. We offer Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg.  Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees. Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers. For more information about the application procedure, please visit Chalmers website.  Application deadline: 2024-05-30   For questions, please contact: Professor Paula Femenias, Head of Division Building Design [email protected] Dr. Anna Braide, Building Design [email protected]

2 maj 2024
Sista ansökan:
30 maj 2024

Enheten för studentstöd söker två studievägledare! Som studievägledare på Chalmers får du ett intressant och meningsfullt jobb där du arbetar med unga människor i en dynamisk och internationell miljö. Arbetet baseras på studenternas behov och uppgifterna är både varierande och mångfacetterade. Du verkar nära studenter och utbildningsprogram samt samverkar med kollegor i samma yrkesroll.  Information om avdelningen Studievägledarna tillhör organisatoriskt Enheten för studentstöd som ligger under Student- och utbildningsavdelningen, inom Chalmers verksamhetsstöd. Studentstöds uppdrag är att på olika sätt ge stöd åt studenter samt stärka individen att agera självständigt och fatta egna beslut. På enheten finns, förutom studievägledarna, även central studie- och karriärvägledare, stöd till studenter med funktionsnedsättning, samordning av jämställdhets- och likabehandlingsfrågor, kuratorsfunktion samt handläggare. Inom enheten finns ett stort engagemang för studenterna och deras väg genom Chalmers. Förutom att möta studenten reaktivt, arbetar vi även med förebyggande insatser framför allt på gruppnivå.  Beskrivning av tjänsten På individnivå är din främsta uppgift att stödja, vägleda och motivera studenter genom stödjande samtal, vägledning eller coachning. Olika typer av insatser bidrar till att studenterna framgångsrikt och hållbart hanterar sin studiesituation. Exempel på arbetsuppgifter är att vägleda vid studieuppehåll, avbrott och olika typer av val, stöd i att hitta rätt studiestrategier, karriärvägledning, hantera och upprätta individuella studieplaner. Du arbetar med planering och introduktion av nya studenter, gör uppföljningar och analyser för återkoppling till verksamheten, informerar om programupplägg, regelverk, examenskrav samt genomför studieadministrativt arbete. Du utreder och identifierar studenters behov samt planerar och genomför olika insatser som bidrar till framgångsrika studier. Arbetet bedrivs både på individ- och gruppnivå, liksom på både svenska och engelska. Ofta sker planering och genomförande av insatser i nära samarbete med kollegor inom enheten samtidigt som du självständigt driver ditt arbete. Som studievägledare ingår du i programledningen för ett antal utbildningsprogram, där du tillsammans med progransvariga och utbildningssekreterare ansvarar för utveckling av och insatser på programmen. Anställningsform • En studievägledare, tillsvidareanställning. • En studievägledare, visstidsanställning (vikariat till och med juni 2025). Kvalifikationer Studie- och yrkesvägledarutbildning eller därmed jämförbar beteendevetenskaplig utbildning. Mycket goda kunskaper i svenska och engelska, både i tal och skrift. Ett genuint intresse för vägledningssamtal och goda kunskaper inom samtalsmetodik. Datorvana med erfarenhet av arbete i olika system såsom dokumenthantering, Office-paket, kommunikationsplattformar (exempelvis Teams, Zoom) Som person har du god kommunikativ förmåga, är empatisk och inger förtroende. Du är självgående samtidigt som du tycker om att arbeta tillsammans med andra för att nå gemensamma mål. Du har lätt för att ställa om till nya förutsättningar och situationer. Du har inga problem med att uttrycka dig i tal och skrift både på svenska och engelska och har lätt för att agera framför såväl större som mindre grupper. Meriterande är om du tidigare arbetat inom högskola/universitet gärna som studievägledare, har erfarenhet av digital vägledning, coachning och/eller arbetat med unga vuxna. Att arbeta på Chalmers Chalmers värdeord: öppenhet, respekt, delaktighet, mångfald och kvalitet, genomsyrar synen på vår arbetsmiljö och våra medarbetare. Vi erbjuder en stimulerande arbetsplats i en akademisk miljö, där studenter och medarbetare drivs av att skapa värde för en hållbar framtid. Våra förmåner för anställda omfattar bland annat: ⦁ Flexibilitet att arbeta på distans med hänsyn till verksamhetens behov.  ⦁ Semester upp till sju veckor per år. ⦁ Kollektivavtal med föräldralön, sjukpenningtillägg, läkemedelskostnader, löneväxling, pension, inarbetade dagar samt flextid. ⦁ Friskvårdsbidrag samt en friskvårdstimma varje vecka under betald arbetstid. Här kan du läsa mer om våra förmåner och hur det är att arbeta på Chalmers. Ansökningsförfarande Ansökan ska vara märkt med namn och referensnummer 20240285. Dokumenten sparas som PDF-filer enligt nedan: CV Personligt brev • 1-2 sidor Övrigt (valfritt) • Eventuella intyg, betyg etc. Referenser lämnas vid en eventuell intervju. Sista ansökningsdag: 2024-05-14 Vid frågor, vänligen kontakta Enhetschef Studentstöd, Anette Järelöw, Student- och utbildningsavdelningen, [email protected] Funktionsansvarig studievägledare, Rebecca Zandén, [email protected] *** Chalmers undanber sig alla erbjudanden om ytterligare jobbannonsering eller rekryteringsstöd i samband med denna rekrytering. ***   Chalmers vision är att aktivt medverka till en hållbar framtid. Vår forskning och utbildning inom teknik, naturvetenskap, arkitektur och sjöfart bedrivs i nära kontakt med omvärlden. Strategin för att nå vetenskaplig excellens förverkligas inom sex styrkeområden; Energi, Hälsa och teknik, Informations- och kommunikationsteknik, Materialvetenskap, Produktion och Transport. De grundläggande vetenskaperna utgör basen och hållbarhet, innovation och entreprenörskap är viktiga drivkrafter. Chalmers har omkring 11 000 studenter och 3000 anställda. Utveckling och förnyelse har präglat Chalmers ända sen starten 1829, helt enligt grundaren William Chalmers motto: Avancez!

29 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
14 maj 2024
Postdoc irradiation driven solute redistribution in Ni and Zr base alloys

This project is interfaces between industry, Swedish safety authorities, and the university. It exemplifies how atomistic 1st principles studies contribute complementary insight to field studies and experiments characterized by for example atom probe tomography or microscopy. It will give you unique insight into the nuclear energy sector. You will find a field eager to learn of your findings, and also allowing you to develop new contacts and extend your scientific network. Project description The project title is "First-principles based mechanistic studies of irradiation assisted stress corrosion cracking in Ni base and Zr base alloys". The context is nuclear energy conversion and therein the ability of the load bearing materials to withstand the radiation field in vicinity of the fuel. Of major concern are the impacts of transformations of the alloy owing to atomic displacements. You will perform 1st principles atomistic electronic structure calculations by means of Density Functional Theory on the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing, SNIC. These calculations will include identifying descriptors controlling the interplay between alloying elements, second-phase particles, any dissolved hydrogen and irradiation induced vacancies in the alloy matrix. Relevant are stability of transients, activation energies of diffusion, as well as drivers for segregation. You will work closely with Prof Itai Panas. Information about the division and the department You will work in the division of Energy and Materials at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Chalmers. It ranges from theoretical chemistry, light-matter interactions, corrosion science, combustion technologies, nuclear chemistry, and industrial materials recycling. Your activity will be housed in the theoretical chemistry group that has extended experience in the topic of the project. Additional parties involved in the project includes the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority as well as the research laboratory Studsvik AB. Major responsibilities The computational models as well as analysis of data will be formulated jointly, while you will be responsible for performing the calculations, structuring the data, reading up on the literature and drafting manuscripts. You will present our results to the stakeholders. Your major responsibility as postdoc is to perform your own research in a research group. The position may also include teaching on undergraduate and master's levels as well as supervising master's and/or PhD students to a certain extent. Another important aspect involves collaboration within academia and with society at large. The position is meritorious for future research duties within academia as well as industry/the public sector. Qualifications 1. Expert in applying density functional theory to explore properties and chemical transformations in the solid state and at interfaces as evidenced a PhD thesis on a relevant topic. 2. Experience of working on large-scale high-performance computing resources is meritorious. 3. Programing skills clearly plus. To qualify for the position of postdoc, you must hold a doctoral degree awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline (according to the current agreement with the Swedish Agency for Government Employers). Exceptions from the 3-year limit can be made for longer periods resulting from parental leave, sick leave or military service*. The position requires sound verbal and written communication skills in English. Swedish is not a requirement but Chalmers offers Swedish courses. You are expected to be somewhat accustomed to teaching, and to demonstrate good potential within research and education. * The date shown in your doctoral degree certificate is the date we use, as this is the date you have met all requirements for the doctoral degree. Contract terms This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two years. We offer Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg.  Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees. Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers. Application procedure The application should be marked with 20240280 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files. CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname, Ref. number) including: • CV, include complete list of publications • Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences • Two references that we can contact. Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. number) 1-3 pages where you: • Introduce yourself • Describe your previous research fields and main research results • Describe your future goals and future research focus Other documents: • Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates. Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form. Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered. Application deadline: 2024-05-25   For questions, please contact: Professor Itai Panas, Div. of Energy and Materials, [email protected]

29 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
25 maj 2024
PhD student position in Food Science - Hybrid Plant-based foods

We are offering a four-year PhD position to an ambitious candidate who is interested in working on alternative proteins, evaluating and enhancing their functionality and structuring them to a new generation of hybrid products via emerging technologies such as extrusion and 3D printing. Project description A shift toward production and consumption of foods with lower environmental impact and better use of our food side streams is necessary. This PhD position addresses these challenges and aims to develop innovative routes for valorization of different food processing side streams and their use in development of hybrid plant-based food products. The PhD-student will be enrolled at the Chalmers Bioscience Graduate School, and most experimental work will be performed at Chalmers. However, visits to the collaborating university and industry partners are foreseen.  Information about the division and the department The Department of Life Sciences is aiming at bridging cutting edge life science research with biochemical engineering, in order to emerge as the leading innovation center in the region. The research has broad applications in areas of health and industrial production of e.g. fine chemicals, food and energy. The department offers highly qualified education for engineering students within the area of bioengineering. It is furthermore collaborating in broad, interdiciplinary national and international networks within academia and the industry. The division of Food and Nutrition Science is one of four research divisions at the Department of Life Sciences. Food and Nutrition Science is one of the leading units in the area in Sweden with particular strengths in nutritional and computational metabolomics, dietary biomarkers, micronutrient metal nutrition, nutritional immunology, marine food science, plant based foods and nutrition as well as food by-product biorefining and protein technology. The division has a wide range of modern analytical equipment for chromatography coupled with mass spectrometery, an in vitro human cell laboratory, and a microbiology laboratory. The division focuses on nutritional solutions for health and disease prevention by studies on the molecular, cellular, and whole-body level. It also has a strong focus on sustainable use of food raw materials and on many different quality aspects of food. Major responsibilities Carry out research within the PhD project with specific focus on to extract protein from different resources, evaluation of their functionality and their formulation to hybrid ingredients as well developing new customized and personalized products via different innovative technology.  The candidate would be responsible for experimental planning, practical work, sample collection, data handling, writing of publications and communications of results to both academic and industrial partners within the project. Your major responsibilities are to pursue your own doctoral studies. You are expected to develop your own scientific concepts and communicate the results of your research verbally and in writing. The position generally also includes teaching on Chalmers' undergraduate level or performing other duties corresponding to 20 per cent of working hours. Read more about doctoral studies at Chalmers here. Qualifications • The applicant must hold a Master's level degree in food technology, food biophysics, biotechnology, bioprocessing, food chemistry, protein technology or similar. • Experience of working on valorization of agricultural biomasses and their side streams is meritorious. • Experience of working with protein extraction and characterizing their structural and funtional properties is advantageous. • Knowledge on protein structuring and texturization is advantageous. • Ability to work independently as well as in teams and take responsibility for progress of the projec To qualify as a PhD student, you must have a master's level degree corresponding to at least 240 higher education credits in a relevant field. The position requires sound verbal and written communication skills in English. If Swedish is not your native language, Chalmers offers Swedish courses. Contract terms Full-time temporary employment. The position is limited to a maximum of five years. We offer Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg.  Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees. Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers. Application procedure The application should be marked with reference number 20240277 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Note that the system does not support Zip files. CV: (Please name the document: CV, Family name, reference number) • CV • Other, for example previous employments or leadership qualifications and positions of trust. • Two references that we can contact. Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, ref.number) 1-3 pages where you: • Introduce yourself • Describe your previous experience of relevance for the position (e.g. education, thesis work and, if applicable, any other research activities) • Describe your future goals and future research focus Other documents: • Copies of bachelor and/or master’s thesis. • Attested copies and transcripts of completed education, grades and other certificates, e.g. TOEFL test results. Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.  Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered. Application deadline: 2024-05-26 For questions, please contact: Mehdi Abdollahi, Associate Professor, Food and Nutrition Science, [email protected]

29 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
26 maj 2024
Postdoc position in CFD simulation of chemical reactors

The postdoc position is offered in a research group which has a long tradition of developing CFD models to understand the coupling between flow field, mass- and heat transport, reaction, turbulence, and multiphase flow in chemical processes. The project focuses on developing CFD models to understand key phenomena in chemical reactors and obtain improved predictive capability in CFD simulations. Information about the division and the department Division of Chemical Engineering has a tradition of working with both fundamental scientific questions and applied research together with research institutes and industry using modeling and CFD simulations. Our expertise in advanced simulation methods and developing understanding of chemical processes is crucial for the societal transition towards a sustainable world. The postdoc position is offered in a research group which has a long tradition of developing CFD models to understand the coupling between flow field, mass- and heat transport, reaction, turbulence, and multiphase flow in chemical processes. The project focuses on developing CFD models to improve the understand and obtain improved predictive capability of chemical reactors. The research is done in collaboration with partners at other universities and industry. Measurement data and diagnostics exists which allow the CFD simulations results to be validated. The recruitment is needed to support ongoing research and addressing upcoming research questions. Major responsibilities The key responsibility as postdoc is to drive the research to bridge gaps in the knowledge base and validate the simulations results. You will develop CFD models that includes the main physical and chemical phenomena in the process. The position will involve reporting current research results in both written and oral forms as well as authoring scientific research publications. The position is meritorious for future research duties within academia as well as industry/the public sector. Qualifications Mandatory: PhD degree in Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Physics (or equivalent), with a focus on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Expertise in CFD simulations and theory relevant to the position, documented by international journal publications. Strong theoretical background in mass, heat and momentum transport.  Meritorious: Knowledge in chemical reactions or combustion modelling, mutliphase flow, programming subgrid models. The position requires sound verbal and written communication skills in English. Swedish is not a requirement but Chalmers offers Swedish courses. To qualify for the position of postdoc, you must hold a doctoral degree awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline (according to the current agreement with the Swedish Agency for Government Employers). Exceptions from the 3-year limit can be made for longer periods resulting from parental leave, sick leave or military service*. * The date shown in your doctoral degree certificate is the date we use, as this is the date you have met all requirements for the doctoral degree. Contract terms This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two years. We offer Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg.  Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees. Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers. Application procedure The application should be marked with 20240275 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files. CV: (Please name the document as: CV, Surname, Ref. number) including: • CV, include complete list of publications • Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences • Two references that we can contact. Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. number) 1-3 pages where you: • Introduce yourself • Describe your previous research fields and main research results • Describe your future goals and future research focus Other documents: • Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates. Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form. Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered. Application deadline: 2024-05-30   For questions, please contact: Prof. Ronnie Andersson, Division of Chemical Engineering, [email protected] *** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. ***  Chalmers University of Technology conducts research and education in engineering sciences, architecture, technology-related mathematical sciences, natural and nautical sciences, working in close collaboration with industry and society. The strategy for scientific excellence focuses on our six Areas of Advance; Energy, Health Engineering, Information and Communication Technology, Materials Science, Production and Transport. The aim is to make an active contribution to a sustainable future using the basic sciences as a foundation and innovation and entrepreneurship as the central driving forces. Chalmers has around 11,000 students and 3,000 employees. New knowledge and improved technology have characterised Chalmers since its foundation in 1829, completely in accordance with the will of William Chalmers and his motto: Avancez!

26 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
30 maj 2024
PhD student position in Innovation systems of..

PhD student position in Innovation systems of emerging fission and fusion technologies This position provides the opportunity to deep-dive into research at the crossroad of the vibrant fields of transition studies, industrial dynamics, climate change, sustainable development and physics. The position will give you the opportunity to work with experienced scholars and get access to networks stretching across academia and industry in an area at the center of political attention. Project description Climate change mitigation, energy security concerns and cumulative technical development have led to a renewed interest in nuclear energy. However, established nuclear fission technology suffers from long construction times, high up-front costs, limited learning, and high political risk. Small modular reactors (SMRs) could potentially open a new trajectory for nuclear fission, and thermonuclear fusion could open a completely new space for innovation and industrial development. To realise such visions, not only technical problems, but also a broad set of economic and institutional barriers related to developing new industrial value chains need to be overcome. This PhD project at Chalmers, in cooperation with RISE, applies the technological innovation systems (TIS) framework to identify barriers and drivers in different parts of the emerging sociotechnical systems around SMRs and fusion reactors, with the aim of providing foresight to policymakers and industry. Information about the division The research is conducted at the division of Environmental Systems Analysis at the department of Technology Management and Economics. The division conducts research on technology governance, including environmental assessment of technology and organisation, and studies of system transformation. Our research requires inter- and transdisciplinary efforts combining environmental assessment, such as life cycle assessment, with approaches from social science, such as innovation system and transition studies, often in close interaction with stakeholders. The division offers a range of courses in related areas. The division has around 35 staff members, faculty and PhD-students with diverse expertise, including engineering, natural and social sciences. Major responsibilities As a PhD student you will have the responsibility to pursue doctoral studies including a research project and doctoral courses. You are expected to plan and organize your work, work independently, collaborate closely with supervisors, other researchers and partner stakeholders, and be able to communicate scientific results, both orally and in written form, in English. In addition to research and coursework, you are expected to take part in seminars and conferences. The doctoral program is supposed to lead to the doctoral degree, equivalent to four years of full-time studies. Since there are also teaching obligations, the position is expected to be five years long. Read more about doctoral studies at Chalmers here. Qualifications You are self-propelled learner with a critical mind, motivated by a will to contribute to global sustainability agendas. You have a background in the engineering sciences in areas like physics, industrial ecology or energy systems, with a demonstrated experience in social science, or you are a social scientist with a demonstrated experience in engineering and physics. You are familiar with innovation and transition studies. To qualify as a PhD student, you must have a master's level degree corresponding to at least 240 higher education credits in a relevant field. The position requires sound verbal and written communication skills in English. If Swedish is not your native language, Chalmers offers Swedish courses. Contract terms Full-time temporary employment. The position is limited to a maximum of five years. We offer Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg.  Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees. Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers. Application procedure The application should be marked with reference number 20240274 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files. CV: (Please name the document: CV, Family name, reference number) • CV • Other, for example previous employments or leadership qualifications and positions of trust. • Two references that we can contact. Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, ref.number) 1-3 pages where you: • Introduce yourself • Describe your previous experience of relevance for the position (e.g. education, thesis work and, if applicable, any other research activities) • Describe your research interests and future goals Other documents: • Copies of bachelor and/or master’s thesis. • Attested copies and transcripts of completed education, grades and other certificates, e.g. TOEFL test results. Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.  Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered. Application deadline: 2024-05-26 For questions, please contact: Professor Björn Sandén, Environmental Systems Analysis, [email protected] Associate Professor Hans Hellsmark, Environmental Systems Analysis, [email protected] Johnn Andersson, RISE, [email protected]

26 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
26 maj 2024
Postdoc in bioinformatics with emphasis to ML

Step into the nexus of bioinformatics and machine learning as a researcher focused on gene expression modelling for applications in generative synthetic biology. This role is not just another position; it's a chance to redefine boundaries in an emerging scientific domain. Working hand-in-hand with experimental scientists, you'll drive innovations and turn computational insights into actionable synthetic biology breakthroughs, i.e. all results will be tested in the lab to iterate over models and hypotheses effectively. If you're geared up for challenge, collaboration, and direct impact, this is your arena. The opportunity to independently project in the environment allows for scientific creativity and innovation while developing leadership skills through project management and teamwork provides personal growth and a chance to make a meaningful impact. Overall, this position offers a unique and rewarding experience for candidates looking to advance their careers in a dynamic and progressive scientific setting. Project description This position entails working as part of the group of Associate Professor Aleksej Zelezniak. The Zelezniak lab is an interdisciplinary research group operating at the forefront of scientific exploration, combining the power of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) with cutting-edge experimental biology techniques for studying molecular systems. A primary focus of the group is unravelling the fundamental principles of gene expression regulation to advance synthetic biology applications. As a researcher in this role, you will lead computational work using ML approaches with applications in synthetic biology. You will lead your given project involving the analysis of large datasets from high-throughput NGS assays and training large neural networks to design DNA and proteins for multiple applications as required by the project objectives. Information about the division and the department The Department of Life Sciences at Chalmers University of Technology is dedicated to harnessing the potential of biological systems and innovative technologies for the conversion of biomass into diverse applications such as foods, pharmaceuticals, materials, chemicals, and fuels. The Division of Systems and Synthetic Biology (Sysbio), as one of the four divisions within the department, offers a vibrant and collaborative research environment. With researchers from over 30 countries, the department embraces a truly international atmosphere, providing ample opportunities for networking, cultural exchange, and professional growth. Nurturing the careers of young researchers is a key objective, ensuring that you will receive the support and resources necessary to flourish in your scientific journey. In summary, the position within the Zelezniak group at the Chalmers University of Technology offers a remarkable chance to work on the cutting edge of scientific discovery, combining ML and AI with wet lab experimentation. Furthermore, being part of the Department of Life Sciences and the Sysbio division provides access to a highly international and supportive research community. Embark on this transformative journey, where your skills and passion will contribute to advancing the frontiers of generative synthetic biology. Major responsibilities As a bioinformatician specialising in gene expression, this position requires a deep understanding of theoretical and methodological aspects of NGS data modalities, e.g. ATAC-seq, RNA-seq, single cell analysis. Your expertise in NGS analysis will be essential. In addition, your experience in machine learning and interest in developing your skills in generative AI will find its best use cases. An integral part of your responsibilities will involve leading projects independently, requiring your commitment, self-discipline and planning skills. Furthermore, you will have an opportunity to contribute to other interdisciplinary projects at the intersection of machine learning and protein engineering, exploring innovative approaches and advancing the frontiers of both fields. Alongside your research activities, you can supervise master's students, supporting their development and nurturing your leadership skills. Your involvement in interdisciplinary research, combined with the opportunity to work with cutting-edge technologies and other researchers like yourself, will enable you to make significant contributions to the field while continuously expanding your leadership and teamwork expertise. Qualifications The ideal candidate for this position should possess a PhD in bioinformatics/computational biology, focusing on genomics/evolution/protein engineering. The candidate should demonstrate experience in working with ML projects. Programming experience in Python/R is essential, including data analysis. Working with high-performance computing GPU clusters is highly desirable. It would be advantageous if the candidate had participated in international projects in the past. To qualify for the position of postdoc, you must hold a doctoral degree awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline (according to the current agreement with the Swedish Agency for Government Employers). Exceptions from the 3-year limit can be made for longer periods resulting from parental leave, sick leave or military service*. The position requires sound verbal and written communication skills in English. Swedish is not a requirement but Chalmers offers Swedish courses. You are expected to be somewhat accustomed to teaching, and to demonstrate good potential within research and education. * The date shown in your doctoral degree certificate is the date we use, as this is the date you have met all requirements for the doctoral degree. Contract terms This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two years. For more information about what we offer and the application procedure, please visit Chalmers website. *** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. ***

26 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
30 maj 2024
Professor of AI/Machine learning and Scientific Leader of CHAIR Centre

We have an opening for a permanent position at a vibrant, international, and outward-looking work environment, in the lively city of Gothenburg on the west-coast of Sweden. We offer you rewarding tasks and the freedom for you to develop your research and teaching excellence in your goal towards making a real difference. The Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) is recruiting a faculty member at the rank of Full Professor to also take on the responsibility as Scientific Leader for Chalmers AI Research Centre, CHAIR. The position is open to excellent applicants with a very strong background in research and teaching in AI and machine learning. About the Department The Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) is a joint department at both Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg (GU). Around 90 faculty members and 140 PhD students, hailing from more than 50 different countries, are engaged in research and education across the full spectrum of computer science, computer engineering, software engineering, and interaction design, from foundations to applications. The department is organized into four academic divisions and one division for operation support. • Computer and Network Systems • Computing Science • Data Science and AI • Interaction Design and Software Engineering. About Chalmers AI Research Centre Chalmers AI Research Centre (CHAIR) was established in January 2019 with the aim of significantly increasing Chalmers’ expertise and excellence within AI in research, education, and innovation. The Centre is a major strategic initiative, funded by the Chalmers Foundation. As a Chalmers-wide initiative, CHAIR promotes and covers AI-related activities across the university. The research supported by the Centre is performed by researchers from Chalmers and GU, either internally, or in cooperation with external research partners. The Centre goals are to: ● strengthen AI basic research and establish applied research activities in selected strategic areas ● coordinate AI-related activities across Chalmers ● support educational activities in cooperation with Chalmers educational programs Complementary activities that go across these three goals are: AI ethics in research and in practice, focus on gender balance, and innovation activities. Our research spans across three core dimensions: ● AI Foundations, AI theories and algorithms ● AI Enablers, AI-based systems and software ● Applied AI in Transport, Life Science and Health, and Automation and Internet of Things A core principle of CHAIR is a strong relationship with industry and the public sector, and we are currently developing a consortium with selected core partners. In extension, CHAIR will establish a collaboration platform to allow for partnerships with various external actors having an interest in AI. We would like, however, to point out that the future Scientific Leader of CHAIR will have the mandate to form how the centre will be set up for the coming decade. Assessment of competence for the faculty position level will be weighed against your specific area of research. Our offer to you At Chalmers we seek to establish a good work/life balance. We want to provide you with the means to pick the best path possible in your pursuit of making a difference. Our ambitions in this area are reflected in the generous employment conditions, including: • holiday allowance of up to 7 weeks per year • a collective agreement including parental pay, sick pay supplement, and medicine costs • a wellness allowance towards activities promoting good health • flexible working conditions • a competitive starting package to hire PhD students and/or postdocs Sweden’s extensive social welfare system means, for example, that you are entitled to 390 days of paid parental leave, and education at all levels is free. Chalmers offers courses in the Swedish language. Although most of our work is in English, and English is widely spoken throughout Swedish society, developing a good knowledge of Swedish is an advantage in everyday life and in the workplace, and we offer to help you unlock this dimension of life in Sweden. Chalmers continuously strives to be an attractive employer. Our aim is to actively improve the gender balance and diversity in our faculty. We therefore welcome a diversity of applicants with different backgrounds and experiences. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers. Major Responsibilities You will foster both independent and collaborative research in the field, teach specialist courses at master’s level, attract research funding, supervise students at all academic levels, cooperate in exchange of knowledge and communication with external partners, and support our internal development work at the department. As the Scientific Leader for CHAIR you are responsible for developing and implementing a scientific vision and research agenda for the Centre, as well as organizing and supporting research-related activities at CHAIR. Your key responsibilities will be: ● Developing and implementing CHAIR´s research agenda and scientific strategy ● Following up CHAIR research projects ● Leading the Industrial Advisory Board ● Having overall responsibility for scientific workshops and meetings ● Developing and following up internal and collaborative project calls The Scientific Leader is a member of the CHAIR Management Group (CMG) and partakes in the shared responsibilities of the group. As an AI researcher at the department and in CHAIR you will: ● Lead selected research projects ● Supervise PhD students and postdoctoral researchers ● Apply for external research grants as principal investigator ● Be involved in teaching activities as well as in supervising master theses Your time will likely be divided in the following way, albeit this can later be discussed: 25 % as Scientific Leader of CHAIR, 50 % as a researcher/research leader in CHAIR AI projects, and 25 % for departmental duties (including teaching), in agreement with the host department. Application procedure Read more and apply here.

26 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
26 maj 2024
PhD student position in New functions of amyloid fibers

The Wittung-Stafshede research group is looking for a PhD student to explore newly-discovered catalytic activity of amyloid fibers. Major focus will be on alpha-synuclein involved in Parkinson's disease. The project will involve purified proteins, cell cultures, metabolomics, spectroscopy, microscopy, various biochemical assays and more. The successful candidate will work on a frontline research topic in a vibrant research environment with excellent infrastructure. Information about the division In the division of Chemical Biology (ChemBio), we combine and develop protein engineering, synthetic chemistry, nucleic acid technology, and state-of-the-art biophysical methods (spectroscopy, live cell imaging and nanotechnology) to address cutting-edge questions in biology and meet medical challenges. Our joint expertise is strategic and spans from molecular biophysics of single molecules to cell and organism biology. Project description In Wittung-Stafshede’s research group, a combination of biochemical and biophysical methods are employed to study functional properties of individual proteins and of cellular pathways on a molecular, mechanistic level. The overall goal is to increase basic knowledge important for human health and to counteract diseases. Current research directions include the role of copper-binding proteins in cancer and how protein misfolding and aggregation result in amyloids. Recent results have shown that amyloids formed by the protein alpha-synuclein, which is linked to Parkinson's disease, can act as enzymes and catalyze chemical reactions. This PhD project will explore this novel amyloid activity in vitro, in cells, and through metabolomic approaches. The focus will be on alpha-synuclein and Parkinson, but other amyloidogenic proteins may be included. In addition, the role of metal ions as modulators of catalytic activity, liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS), and final amyloid structure will be elucidated. The project will involve a range of biochemistry and biophysics (spectroscopy, microscopy) methods using purified proteins along with cell culture studies as appropriate. Some parts of the project may involve collaborators. The project may change focus over time, depending on results and interests. Overall, the goal is to reveal new knowledge about amyloids that, in the long-term, is helpful to combat neurodegenerative disorders. Major responsibilities Your major responsibilities are to pursue your own doctoral studies. You are expected to develop your own scientific concepts and communicate the results of your research verbally and in writing. The position generally also includes teaching on Chalmers' undergraduate level or performing other duties corresponding to 20 per cent of working hours. Read more about doctoral studies at Chalmers here. Qualifications We are looking for a highly motivated candidate with a master's degree or equivalent proficiency in biophysics, biochemistry or similar. Excellent knowledge of English is a prerequisite, as the position is located in an international environment. We value personal characteristics such as good cooperative ability, a self-motivated personality, and a keen interest in basic research and in addressing fundamental biological questions with quantitative approaches. Research experience with intrinsically disordered proteins, microscopy and spectroscopy is required. It is meritorious to have completed advanced courses on protein biochemistry, spectroscopic methods, microscopy, and bioinorganic chemistry. Also, hand-on experience with protein over-expression, LLPS and amyloid formation, AFM and plate reader methods, and metal ion handling is favorable. To qualify as a PhD student, you must have a master's level degree corresponding to at least 240 higher education credits in a relevant field. Contract terms Full-time temporary employment. The position is limited to a maximum of five years. We offer Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg.  Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees. Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers. Application procedure The application should be marked with reference number 20240260 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files. CV: (Please name the document: CV, Family name, reference number) • CV • Other, for example previous employments or leadership qualifications and positions of trust. • Two references that we can contact. Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, ref.number) 1-3 pages where you: • Introduce yourself • Describe your previous experience of relevance for the position (e.g. education, thesis work and, if applicable, any other research activities) • Describe your future goals and future research focus Other documents: • Copies of bachelor and/or master’s thesis. • Attested copies and transcripts of completed education, grades and other certificates, e.g. TOEFL test results. Use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.  Please note: The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete. Incomplete applications and applications sent by email will not be considered. Application deadline: 2024-05-31 For questions, please contact: Pernilla Wittung-Stafshede,  [email protected]

26 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
31 maj 2024
Postdoc positions in giant atoms for quantum..

Postdoc positions in giant atoms for quantum simulation or quantum communication These postdoc positions are part of the 5-year project "Quantum simulation and communication with giant atoms" that began in 2023, funded by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, with the aim of developing useful applications based on an exciting new paradigm in quantum optics: giant atoms. Giant atoms couple to light at multiple points, which gives rise to interference effects. The succesful candidates will, in theoretical studies using both analytical and numerical tools, harness these interference effects to either (i) control the interaction between giant atoms, which function as qubits, and their surroundings, to create quantum-simulation protocols for large molecules, or (ii) control emission of light from and absorption of light in the giant atoms functioning as qubits, to enable quantum communication and distributed quantum computing. Project description In quantum optics, it is common to assume that atoms can be approximated as point-like compared to the wavelength of the light they interact with. It is only in the past few years that experiments (at Chalmers, MIT, and other places), with artificial atoms built from superconducting circuits, have shown that this assumption can be violated. These artificial atoms can couple to an electromagnetic field at several points, which can be wavelengths apart. The study of giant atoms and the interference effects that arise from their coupling points is still in its infancy, but it is attracting increasing attention. In this project, we aim to go from fundamental research towards useful applications of giant atoms in emerging quantum technology. The project is carried out in the stimulating research environment of the Wallenberg Centre for Quantum Technology (WACQT), a 12-year, billion-SEK initiative started in 2018 with the purpose of advancing Swedish academia and industry to the forefront of quantum technology, and to build a Swedish quantum computer. The WACQT team at Chalmers currently has about 80 members (faculty, permanent research staff, postdoctoral researchers, PhD students, and undergraduate students) and is expanding. WACQT is committed to promoting career development, diversity, and gender equality through networking and supporting activities. Information about the department and the division Our department (MC2) is host to the state-of-the-art MC2 Nanotechnology Laboratory cleanroom, the largest such facility in Northern Europe, and our measurement lab at QTL is well equipped with cryogenic and microwave electronic equipment. We are in a position to build and operate large-scale quantum processors! At the Applied Quantum Physics Laboratory (AQPL), we work on theoretical aspects of future high-performance nano-electronic systems. Our research covers a broad spectrum, from fundamental problems to very applied ones. We work in close collaboration with experimental groups such as the Quantum Technology Laboratory (QTL), especially within WACQT. For the research on giant atoms, we also have a long-standing collaboration with the experimental group of Prof. William Oliver at MIT. Major responsibilities Your major responsibility as a postdoc is to develop protocols using giant atoms for either (i) quantum simulation of open systems or (ii) quantum communication and distributed quantum computing. This will include both analytical and numerical work, and also communication with experimentalists who can implement the protocols that are developed in this project. You may also help in supervising PhD students and/or master's students working on other uses of giant atoms for quantum technology. Qualifications Required qualifications: *PhD in Physics or neighbouring fields (obtained before employment begins) *Excellent communication skills in written and spoken English *Ability to program in high-level languages such as Python or C Desired qualifications: *Experience from working on quantum simulation, quantum communication, quantum chemistry, quantum optics, or quantum computing. We value a collaborative attitude and an interest in working both in teams and independently. Self-motivation, attention to detail, and a problem-solving analytical ability are important personal qualities for this position. To qualify for the position of postdoc, you must hold a doctoral degree awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline (according to the current agreement with the Swedish Agency for Government Employers). Exceptions from the 3-year limit can be made for longer periods resulting from parental leave, sick leave or military service* * The date shown in your doctoral degree certificate is the date we use, as this is the date you have met all requirements for the doctoral degree. Contract terms This postdoc position is a full-time temporary employment for two years, with the possibility of extension for another year. We offer Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg.  Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees. Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers. For more information about the application procedure, please visit Chalmers website. Application deadline: 2024-05-31   For questions, please contact: Assoc. Prof. Anton Frisk Kockum, AQP, [email protected]

26 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
31 maj 2024