H2GS AB jobb

Lediga jobb hos H2GS AB


Forskning visar att kvinnor och andra underrepresenterade grupper inom vår bransch tvekar att ansöka om de inte uppfyller de flesta kraven i en rollbeskrivning. På H2 Green Steel bygger vi ett företag med hållbarhet i centrum. Vi behöver ett mångsidigt, inkluderande och autentiskt team för att samlas bakom vårt syfte att minska koldioxidutsläppen från industrier som är svåra att ställa om, och vi börjar med stål! Om du brinner för vårt syfte men är orolig för att din erfarenhet inte helt överensstämmer med de kvalifikationer som anges i jobbannonsen, uppmuntrar vi dig starkt att ansöka ändå. Du kan vara precis rätt kandidat, antingen för den här rollen - eller för en annan kommande roll i vår snabbt växande verksamhet. Om oss: H2 Green Steel har som mål att förändra den globala stålindustrin genom att producera grönt stål, med slutmålet att sänka kolduixidutsläppen till noll. Genom att använda grön vätgas och fossilfri el istället för kol kommer vatten och värme att vara våra primära utsläpp. År 2030 är vår ambition att producera 5 miljoner ton grönt stål per år i vår helt integrerade, digitaliserade och hållbara anläggning i Boden i norra Sverige - som för närvarande är under uppbyggnad. Vi letar efter begåvade, innovativa och målinriktade personer till vårt snabbt växande och mångsidiga team. Våra medarbetare får lära sig nya saker varje dag, implementera och arbeta med den senaste tekniken och testa sina idéer i praktiken. Tillsammans bygger vi ett företag med hållbarhet i fokus - för våra medarbetare, kunder, investerare, samhället och vår planet.Processingenjör Som processingenjör på H2 Green Steel har du en avgörande roll för att optimera och övervaka olika stadier av ståltillverkning för att säkerställa effektivitet, kvalitet och säkerhet. Dina ansvarsområden omfattar en rad uppgifter, inklusive analys av produktionsprocesser, identifiering av förbättringsområden och genomförande av förbättringar avden övergripande prestandan. Som processingenjör samarbetar du med olika avdelningar inom stålverket, såsom metallurgi, underhåll och drift, för att effektivisera produktionsflödena. Du övervakar utrustningsprestanda, felsöker problem och implementerar förebyggande underhållsstrategier för att minimera driftstopp och maximera produktionen. Vi letar efter processingenjörer för följande områden: EAF, Caster, Hot Mill, Cold Mill och Galv line. Ansvarsområden: Stödja arbetet för Säkerhet, Hälsa, Miljö och Kvalitet. Arbeta med produktionschefen för att utveckla utbildningsprogram som stödjer medarbetarnas integritet, kompetens och för att säkerställa ett effektivt kvalitetshanteringssystem. Övervaka avdelningens organisation och vara ansvarig för förändringsarbetet. Säkerställa att policys, rutiner och alla aktiviteter genomförs för att stödja mål och syften. Säkerställa att avdelningens drift och faciliteter är väl underhållna Arbeta med ledningsteamet för att utveckla och upprätthålla en driftsbudget som uppfyller avdelningens mål. Kvalifikationer: Relevant ingenjörsutbildning eller motsvarande erfarenhet. Påvisat säkerhetsfokus och vilja att proaktivt tillämpa det i ditt team. Kvalitets- och detaljorienterad med överlägsen problemlösnings- och kommunikationsförmåga. Motiverad, självgående, praktiskt inriktad och villig att göra det lilla extra. Betydande erfarenhet inom processutveckling- och optimering. Bekant med SMS-utrustning. Erfarenhet av start-up och/eller green field. Vad vi kan erbjuda dig Om du brinner för att göra faktiska skillnad och ha en positiv inverkan på samhället och vår planet, erbjuder H2 Green Steel en unik möjlighet att bli en del av ett roligt och professionellt team med höga ambitioner! Du kommer att få möjlighet att forma din framtida karriär tillsammans med ett företag som fokuserar på att skapa en kultur där alla kan trivas och känna en känsla av tillhörighet, utvecklas och ha kul. I slutändan vet vi att H2 Green Steels tillväxt och framgång är beroende av våra medarbetare och vi ser fram emot att forma framtiden för ståltillverkning och andra industrier tillsammans som ett team.

24 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
31 augusti 2024

Forskning visar att kvinnor och andra underrepresenterade grupper inom vår bransch tvekar att ansöka om de inte uppfyller de flesta kraven i en rollbeskrivning. På H2 Green Steel bygger vi ett företag med hållbarhet i centrum. Vi behöver ett mångsidigt, inkluderande och autentiskt team för att samlas bakom vårt syfte att minska koldioxidutsläppen från industrier som är svåra att ställa om, och vi börjar med stål! Om du brinner för vårt syfte men är orolig för att din erfarenhet inte helt överensstämmer med de kvalifikationer som anges i jobbannonsen, uppmuntrar vi dig starkt att ansöka ändå. Du kan vara precis rätt kandidat, antingen för den här rollen - eller för en annan kommande roll i vår snabbt växande verksamhet. Om oss: H2 Green Steel har som mål att förändra den globala stålindustrin genom att producera grönt stål, med slutmålet att sänka kolduixidutsläppen till noll. Genom att använda grön vätgas och fossilfri el istället för kol kommer vatten och värme att vara våra primära utsläpp. År 2030 är vår ambition att producera 5 miljoner ton grönt stål per år i vår helt integrerade, digitaliserade och hållbara anläggning i Boden i norra Sverige - som för närvarande är under uppbyggnad. Vi letar efter begåvade, innovativa och målinriktade personer till vårt snabbt växande och mångsidiga team. Våra medarbetare får lära sig nya saker varje dag, implementera och arbeta med den senaste tekniken och testa sina idéer i praktiken. Tillsammans bygger vi ett företag med hållbarhet i fokus - för våra medarbetare, kunder, investerare, samhället och vår planet. Automationsingenjör H2 Green Steel erbjuder en spännande möjlighet för dig somAutomationsingenjör att vara med och bygga Europas första gröna stålverk.Som en nyckelperson i produktionen iBoden kommer du att bidra till design och teknik för automationsystem i vårt Stålverk. Vi letar efter efter dig som haromfattande erfarenhet av att driva stora, innovativa och utmanande automationsprojekt. Din erfarenhet bör påvisa framgångsrik implementering av avancerade automationsystem inom relevanta industrier. Vi letar efter automationsingenjörer för följande områden: EAF, Caster, Hot mill, Cold Mill and Galv line. Ansvarsområden: Ansvarig för serverdatorer, konfigurering av modellering och referensdistributionssystem, datahanteringssystem, kommunikationssystem och annan styrelektronik. Arbeta direkt med all underhålls- och driftspersonal i en snabbt tempo för att hjälpa till att utveckla ett säkerhetsfokuserat och produktivt team. Utbilda andra inomautomatiseringssystemen. Stödja driften och samarbeta med kvalitets-/IT-avdelningarna för att uppnå produktionsmål. Stödja kollegor på andra områden för att upprätthålla ett pålitligt automatiseringssystem i hela anläggningen. Hantera design, utveckling, implementering och inköp av hårdvara och/eller programvara inom automation förförbättringsprojekt, samt tillhandahålla stöd i andra projekt. Kvalifikationer: Påvisat säkerhetsfokus och vilja att proaktivt tillämpa det i en produktionsmiljö Kvalitets- och detaljorienterad med överlägsna problemlösnings- och kommunikationsförmågor Högt motiverad, självgående, praktiskt inriktad och villig att göra det lilla extra Betydande erfarenhet av automatisering inom produktionsindustri Erfarenhet av konfiguration och underhåll av server och nätverk Erfarenhet av PLC-programmering (gärna Siemens), datainsamling/analys och HMI-programmering Programmeringserfarenhet med kunskap inom C++, C#, Java, databashantering, Visual Studio, systemadministration, TCP/IP-kommunikation Bekant med SMS-utrustning Erfarenhet av start-ups och/eller green field. Vad vi kan erbjuda dig Om du brinner för att göra faktiska skillnad och ha en positiv inverkan på samhället och vår planet, erbjuder H2 Green Steel en unik möjlighet att bli en del av ett roligt och professionellt team med höga ambitioner! Du kommer att få möjlighet att forma din framtida karriär tillsammans med ett företag som fokuserar på att skapa en kultur där alla kan trivas och känna en känsla av tillhörighet, utvecklas och ha kul. I slutändan vet vi att H2 Green Steels tillväxt och framgång är beroende av våra medarbetare och vi ser fram emot att forma framtiden för ståltillverkning och andra industrier tillsammans som ett team.

24 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
31 augusti 2024
Automation Engineer

Research shows that women and other under-represented groups within our industry hesitate to apply unless they tick most boxes of a role description. At H2 Green Steel, we are building an impact company with sustainability at its core. We need a diverse, inclusive, and authentic team to rally behind our purpose of de-carbonizing hard-to-abate industries, starting with steel. So, if you are equally passionate about our purpose yet concerned that your experience doesn’t perfectly align with the qualifications stated in the job advert, we strongly encourage you to apply anyway. You may be just the right candidate, either for this role – or for another upcoming role in our rapidly growing business. About us H2 Green Steel is on a mission to disrupt the global steel industry by producing green steel, with the end goal of bringing down CO2 emissions to zero. By using green hydrogen and fossil-free electricity instead of coal; water and heat will be our primary emissions. By 2030, our ambition is to produce 5 million tonnes of green steel annually in our fully integrated, digitalized, and sustainable plant in Boden, located in northern Sweden - currently in construction phase. But this is just the beginning – our expertise in green hydrogen will enable us to decarbonize other industries in addition to steel, and we look forward to what’s next in store for us. We are looking for talented, innovative, and purpose-driven people to join our rapidly growing and diverse team. Our employees get to learn everyday, implement the latest technology and test and put their ideas into practice. Together, we are building an impact company with sustainability at its core – for our people, customers, investors, society, and planet. Automation Engineer H2 Green Steel offers an exciting opportunity for an Automation Engineer to be part of building Europe's first green steel mill, crucial to our mission to decarbonise hard-to-abate industries. As a key member of our operations team in Boden, you will contribute to the design and engineering of automation systems for the plant. We are looking for a candidate with extensive experience in driving large, innovative, and challenging automation projects. Your proven track record should demonstrate the successful implementation of advanced automation systems in relevant industries. We are looking for Automation engineers for the following areas: EAF, Caster, Hot Mill, Cold Mill & Galv line. Responsibilities: Responsible for server computers, setup modeling and reference distribution system, data management systems, communication systems and other control equipment. Work directly with all maintenance and operations personnel in a fast-paced environment to help develop a safety focused and productive team. Educate others in the electrical department on the function and maintenance of the automation systems. Support plant operations and work with the quality/IT departments to help attain production goals. Support technicians in other areas to maintain a reliable automation system plant-wide. Manage the design, development, implementation, and procurement of hardware and/or software for automation improvement projects and provide support for other disciplines’ projects. Qualifications: Demonstrated safety focus and willingness to proactively apply it in a team environment Quality and detail oriented with superior problem solving and communication skills Highly motivated, self-directed, hands-on approach, and willing to put in extra hours or on-call support Significant automation experience in the metals industry Experience with server and network device configuration and maintenance Experience with PLC programing (Siemens preferred), data acquisition/analysis, and HMI programming High level programming with experience in C++, C#, Java, database administration, Visual Studio, MS Windows server/system administration, MS productivity tools, TCP/IP communications Familiarity with SMS equipment. Startup and/or greenfield experience. What we can offer you If you are passionate about making actual change and having a positive impact on society and our planet, H2 Green Steel offers a unique opportunity to be part of a fun and professional team with high ambitions. You will get the opportunity to shape your future career together with a company focusing on creating a culture where everyone can thrive and feel a sense of belonging. In the end, we know that H2 Green Steel’s growth and success is dependent on our people and we can’t wait to shape the future of steelmaking and other industries together as a team.

24 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
31 augusti 2024
Process Engineer

Research shows that women and other under-represented groups within our industry hesitate to apply unless they tick most boxes of a role description. At H2 Green Steel, we are building an impact company with sustainability at its core. We need a diverse, inclusive, and authentic team to rally behind our purpose of de-carbonizing hard-to-abate industries, starting with steel. So, if you are equally passionate about our purpose yet concerned that your experience doesn’t perfectly align with the qualifications stated in the job advert, we strongly encourage you to apply anyway. You may be just the right candidate, either for this role – or for another upcoming role in our rapidly growing business. About us H2 Green Steel is on a mission to disrupt the global steel industry by producing green steel, with the end goal of bringing down CO2 emissions to zero. By using green hydrogen and fossil-free electricity instead of coal; water and heat will be our primary emissions. By 2030, our ambition is to produce 5 million tonnes of green steel annually in our fully integrated, digitalized, and sustainable plant in Boden, located in northern Sweden - currently in construction phase. But this is just the beginning – our expertise in green hydrogen will enable us to decarbonize other industries in addition to steel, and we look forward to what’s next in store for us. We are looking for talented, innovative, and purpose-driven people to join our rapidly growing and diverse team. Our employees get to learn everyday, implement the latest technology and test and put their ideas into practice. Together, we are building an impact company with sustainability at its core – for our people, customers, investors, society, and planet. Process Engineer As process engineer at H2 Green steel you play a crucial role in optimizing and overseeing various stages of steel production to ensure efficiency, quality, and safety. Your responsibilities encompass a range of tasks, including analyzing production processes, identifying areas for improvement, and implementing solutions to enhance overall performance. You as process engineer collaborate with various departments within the steel mill, such as metallurgy, maintenance, and operations, to streamline production workflows. They monitor equipment performance, troubleshoot issues, and implement preventive maintenance strategies to minimize downtime and maximize production output. We are looking for Process engineers for the following areas: EAF, Caster, Hot Mill, Cold Mill & Galv line. Responsibilities: Support the Safety, Health, Environmental and Quality programs. Work with the production manager in developing training programs to support employee integrity, competence and to ensure an effective Quality Management System. Monitor the departmental organization and responsible for change management. Ensure policies, procedures and all activities are carried out to support goals and objectives. Ensure departmental operations and facilities are well maintained to support integrity of assets. Work with Leadership Team to develop and maintain an operating budget for the department which satisfies business goals. Qualifications: Relevant engineering degree or proven experience. Demonstrated safety focus and willingness to proactively apply it in a team environment Quality and detail oriented with superior problem solving and communication skills Highly motivated, self-directed, hands-on approach, and willing to put in extra hours or on-call support Significant experience in the process area of application. Familiarity with SMS equipment. Startup and/or greenfield experience. What we can offer you If you are passionate about making actual change and having a positive impact on society and our planet, H2 Green Steel offers a unique opportunity to be part of a fun and professional team with high ambitions. You will get the opportunity to shape your future career together with a company focusing on creating a culture where everyone can thrive and feel a sense of belonging. In the end, we know that H2 Green Steel’s growth and success is dependent on our people and we can’t wait to shape the future of steelmaking and other industries together as a team.

24 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
31 augusti 2024
Steel Sales Account Manager

Research shows that women and other under-represented groups within our industry hesitate to apply unless they tick most boxes of a role description. At H2 Green Steel, we are building an impact company with sustainability at its core. We need a diverse, inclusive, and authentic team to rally behind our purpose of de-carbonizing hard-to-abate industries, starting with steel.So, if you are equally passionate about our purpose yet concerned that your experience doesn’t perfectly align with the qualifications stated in the job advert, we strongly encourage you to apply anyway. You may be just the right candidate, either for this role – or for another upcoming role in our rapidly growing business. About us: H2 Green Steel is on a mission to disrupt the global steel industry by producing green steel, with the end goal of bringing down CO2 emissions to zero. By using green hydrogen and fossil-free electricity instead of coal; water and heat will be our primary emissions. By 2030, our ambition is to produce 5 million tonnes of green steel annually in our fully integrated, digitalized, and sustainable plant in Boden, located in northern Sweden - currently in construction phase. But this is just the beginning – our expertise in green hydrogen will enable us to decarbonize other industries in addition to steel, and we look forward to what’s next in store for us. We are looking for talented, innovative, and purpose-driven people to join our rapidly growing and diverse team. Our employees get to learn everyday, implement the latest technology and test and put their ideas into practice. Together, we are building an impact company with sustainability at its core – for our people, customers, investors, society, and planet. Sales Account Manager As we continue to grow, we are strengthening our sales team with a Sales Account Manager focusing on further connecting with our customer in Europe. Together with our customers we are leading the green transition. We enter with new green products into a commodity market that has largely been looking the same for decades. We are already influencing customer behavior and strategy through creating close partnerships with our customers.The Sales Account Manager is part of the Boden Business Unit’s Commercial Management Team. Responsibilities Relationship management of existing customers and leading the onboarding and ramp-up process for a group of customers Develop go-to-market strategies that support our commercial plan across multiple markets, including transportation, construction, appliances, pipe and tube and white goods Build a strong sales funnel of prospective customers who value CO2-free steel and are leaders of sustainability in their respective marketplaces Manage pre-sale negotiations and expectations both internally and externally Lead the drafting of contracts with the support of the legal team Assist in the creation and presentation of marketing materials Actively engage in market intelligence regarding supply, demand, and pricing trends Provide monthly, quarterly, and annual forecasts of sales plans for the assigned territory as required This position will require extensive travel Multi-task in a fast-paced environment with keen problem solving and creative thinking. Qualifications At least a Bachelor's degree in business or engineering related field Previous experience working in saleswith flat rolled steel, with proven senior level contract negotiations Fluency in English is required, ideally proficient in additional languages as well High degree of professional ethics and integrity, with sound judgement and ability to analyze situations and information Self-driven with proven results What we can offer you If you are passionate about making actual change and having a positive impact on society and our planet, H2 Green Steel offers a unique opportunity to be part of a fun and professional team with high ambitions. You will get the opportunity to shape your future career together with a company focusing on creating a culture where everyone can thrive and feel a sense of belonging. In the end, we know that H2 Green Steel’s growth and success is dependent on our people and we can’t wait to shape the future of steelmaking and other industries together as a team.

23 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
25 maj 2024
Contract Manager - Project

Research shows that women and other under-represented groups within our industry hesitate to apply unless they tick most boxes of a role description. At H2 Green Steel, we are building an impact company with sustainability at its core. We need a diverse, inclusive, and authentic team to rally behind our purpose of de-carbonizing hard-to-abate industries, starting with steel.So, if you are equally passionate about our purpose yet concerned that your experience doesn’t perfectly align with the qualifications stated in the job advert, we strongly encourage you to apply anyway. You may be just the right candidate, either for this role – or for another upcoming role in our rapidly growing business. About us: H2 Green Steel is on a mission to disrupt the global steel industry by producing green steel, with the end goal of bringing down CO2 emissions to zero. By using green hydrogen and fossil-free electricity instead of coal; water and heat will be our primary emissions. By 2030, our ambition is to produce 5 million tonnes of green steel annually in our fully integrated, digitalized, and sustainable plant in Boden, located in northern Sweden - currently in construction phase. But this is just the beginning – our expertise in green hydrogen will enable us to decarbonize other industries in addition to steel, and we look forward to what’s next in store for us. We are looking for talented, innovative, and purpose-driven people to join our rapidly growing and diverse team. Our employees get to learn everyday, implement the latest technology and test and put their ideas into practice. Together, we are building an impact company with sustainability at its core – for our people, customers, investors, society, and planet.Contract Manager - Project As our project procurement contract manager at H2GS, you ensure that procurement work and administrationof contracts within the project are executed professionally and according to requirements under the direction ofthe head of Contract Management.You will work with procurement activities within the project, and plan, organize your work to meet the projectdeliveries.You will be responsible for ensuring that corporate policies within procurement are properly handled in theproject.You will be involved in the creation of the ITT for developments and the tendering award process thereafterleading to managing Contracts through the execution lifecycle.We think that you have a background similar to this:-At least 5 years of substantial work experience as responsible for procurement or project contract work intechnical development projects, or aligned business areas where you can show your ability to transfer and useyour skill set to deliver the project goals.- Have solid successful track record and documented skills in contract management and preferably projectwork.-Team worker who can achieve specific goals and objectives with a view to constant improvement.- Capable of working in a fast track and ever changing environment with self-initiative and corporateresponsibility.- Knowledge of the mechanisms of EPC contracts – preferably under Swedish Law.- Master or bachelor within engineering or commercial (Other areas will be considered). Personal skills:-As a person you have a distinct business acumen enabling you to develop effective procurement/contractualstrategies.- Supported by strong analytical skills, networking skills you are able to influence suppliers and key stakeholdersin the organization.-You have a strong presence and are able to work in complex negotiation situations with contractors.- You have a structured working style enabling you to deliver input to business critical projects.-Able to work very independently and challenge specific projects and develop alternative solutions.Able to act as consultant for internal groups and management and use the right personal approach in order tohandle contractors successfully. - Good communication skills, both orally and in writing. This includes presentation skills (content andpresentation) and fluency in English.- Strong cross functional leadership skills, including an ability to work, build relationships and trust as well as getcommitment from both internal and external stakeholders. What we can offer you If you are passionate about making actual change and having a positive impact on society and our planet, H2 Green Steel offers a unique opportunity to be part of a fun and professional team with high ambitions. You will get the opportunity to shape your future career together with a company focusing on creating a culture where everyone can thrive and feel a sense of belonging. In the end, we know that H2 Green Steel’s growth and success is dependent on our people and we can’t wait to shape the future of steelmaking and other industries together as a team.

19 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
6 oktober 2024
Underhållschef El & Automation

Forskning visar att kvinnor och andra underrepresenterade grupper inom vår bransch tvekar att ansöka om de inte uppfyller de flesta kraven i en rollbeskrivning. På H2 Green Steel bygger vi ett företag med hållbarhet i centrum. Vi behöver ett mångsidigt, inkluderande och autentiskt team för att samlas bakom vårt syfte att minska koldioxidutsläppen från industrier som är svåra att ställa om, och vi börjar med stål! Om du brinner för vårt syfte men är orolig för att din erfarenhet inte helt överensstämmer med de kvalifikationer som anges i jobbannonsen, uppmuntrar vi dig starkt att ansöka ändå. Du kan vara precis rätt kandidat, antingen för den här rollen - eller för en annan kommande roll i vår snabbt växande verksamhet. Om oss: H2 Green Steel har som mål att förändra den globala stålindustrin genom att producera grönt stål, med slutmålet att sänka kolduixidutsläppen till noll. Genom att använda grön vätgas och fossilfri el istället för kol kommer vatten och värme att vara våra primära utsläpp. År 2030 är vår ambition att producera 5 miljoner ton grönt stål per år i vår helt integrerade, digitaliserade och hållbara anläggning i Boden i norra Sverige - som för närvarande är under uppbyggnad. Vi letar efter begåvade, innovativa och målinriktade personer till vårt snabbt växande och mångsidiga team. Våra medarbetare får lära sig nya saker varje dag, implementera och arbeta med den senaste tekniken och testa sina idéer i praktiken. Tillsammans bygger vi ett företag med hållbarhet i fokus - för våra medarbetare, kunder, investerare, samhället och vår planet. Underhållschef El & Automation E&A-chefen ansvarar för att etablera och utveckla en stark säkerhetskultur sin organisation. Du kommer att ta ansvar för att främja en säker arbetsmiljö genom att aktivt upprätta och upprätthålla kontrollåtgärder och säkerhetsrutiner.Du kommer att planera underhållsåtgärder och leda ett team av tekniker. Som ledare för enheten får du möjlighet att bygga ett kompetent och pålitligt team från grunden, kapabla att skala H2GS verksamhet. Ansvarsområden: Ansvarig för implementering av underhållsstrategier, aktivitetsplaner, scheman och förebyggande underhållsprogram för att säkerställa optimal utrustningsprestanda. Ansvarig för säkerhet och arbetsmiljö. Leda teamet av ingenjörer och tekniker, ge vägledning, utbildning och support. Ansvar för utförande av el/automationsprojekt inklusive uppgraderingar och installationer. Övervaka och hantera systemen inom el/automation och tekniken för att säkerställa att de fungerar effektivt och följer reglerna. Upprätthåll noggranna register över arbetsordrar, lager, underhåll av utrustning och tillhandahåll regelbundna rapporter till produktionsledningen. Arbeta med och leda leverantörer och entreprenörer. Hantera avdelningens budget. Främja en innovativ och inkluderande organisationskultur med fokus på ständiga förbättringar och tvärfunktionellt samarbete. Kvalifikationer Relevant civilingenjörsexamen eller relevant branscherfarenhet. Erfarenhet av greenfield-projekt, startups eller drifttagning. Stark process- och teknisk kunskap inom el/automation. Elbehörighet. Gedigen erfarenhet av elsystem, automation och PLC-programmering. Automation - Siemens PLCS7, HMI, SCADA. Erfarenhet av ISO-system 9001/14001/45001. Insikt i digitala verktyg för underhåll. Erfarenhet av att arbeta med utrustning från SMS. Färdighet i att använda relevant programvara och verktyg Office-paket, CMMS-system mm. Mycket goda ledaregenskaper. Kännedom om relevanta branschföreskrifter och standarder. Mycket god kommunikationsförmåga på engelska. Grundläggande svenska kunskaper ses som ett plus. Vad vi kan erbjuda dig Om du brinner för att göra faktiska skillnad och ha en positiv inverkan på samhället och vår planet, erbjuder H2 Green Steel en unik möjlighet att bli en del av ett roligt och professionellt team med höga ambitioner! Du kommer att få möjlighet att forma din framtida karriär tillsammans med ett företag som fokuserar på att skapa en kultur där alla kan trivas och känna en känsla av tillhörighet, utvecklas och ha kul. I slutändan vet vi att H2 Green Steels tillväxt och framgång är beroende av våra medarbetare och vi ser fram emot att forma framtiden för ståltillverkning och andra industrier tillsammans som ett team.

18 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
22 september 2024
DRI Process Engineer

DRI Process Engineer As a DRI Process Engineer you will be responsible for technical evaluation of Process design, evaluating and improving safety aspects associated with process, improvement of DR process and new technology initiatives. As a disciplined employee, the Process Engineer works with other managerial staff to ensure project completion in an efficient manner as well as to ensure trouble free and safe plant process operation with optimum plant productivity and desired product quality. Responsibilities: Process Engineer manages work and oversees employee training within the Process & Utility DRI group. Process Engineer to act as process discipline lead providing technical support for various projects and initiatives to Senior Manager Process and higher ups. This professional will be responsible to provide high level technical assistance to complex problems for DRI plants, evaluate/develop new alternative ironmaking technologies, support the development of new raw material and equipment suppliers, and establish value-in-use models for pellets, iron ores, and refractory. Ensuring the health & safety of employees. Perform and document process calculations. Develop new in-house software calculations when needed. Serve as Lead Process Person for the project. As required, take direction from Management. Contribute to the evaluation of existing and new process designs, keeping safety in mind. Participate in Process Hazards Analysis (PHA) reviews. Manage short- & long-term projects for operational Capital Expenditure (CapEx) & DRI process improvements Develop Quality Assurance policies/ processes to improve availability, reliability of DRI facility. Liaise with Senior Management to ensure that the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are met & manage project aspects impacting quality, timing or production output. Develop budgets or approve expenditures for supplies, materials, or human resources. Analyse any deviation from budget, determine if corrective action needed. Participate in plant long-term production planning as required, including maintenance & shutdown planning. Train Shift Operations in Process & Operations topics onsite as required. Participate in DR plant start-ups and/or troubleshooting activities related to DR plant and process. Review designs and calculations and ensure compliance with relevant codes and standards. Collaborate with teammates to ethically resolve technical issues with solutions that meet the best interest of all parties involved. Qualifications: 10 years or more years in a Senior/Engineer role in DRI plant Process Bachelor of Science in Engineering The candidate for this position should possess good understanding of metallurgy, thermodynamics, kinetics, and fluid dynamics. The candidate must understand & to be able to review process flow diagrams (PFDs), gas, water, solid mass and energy balances. The candidate must understand & to be able to review Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs) and oversee their issues. The candidate must be good at reviewing Process Engineering deliverables during project execution, including layout of equipment, process drawings, and equipment specifications. The candidate should have capabilities of monitoring KPIs to ensure cost-efficiency, formulating cost controls, long term Maintenance planning, developing preventive maintenance plan & major projects for annual capital budget, 5-year capital expenditure, CapEx projects design. Requires demonstrated success in bridging communications with senior management, operations, technical departments. The candidate must have skills of Personnel Management, Talent Development, Process Governance, Policy Implementation, Day to Day Operations, Budget & Cost Control, Corporate Governance. The candidate must be able to review logic diagrams of new systems and processes as well as should be able to develop logic diagrams in coordination with E&I department and other disciplines. The candidate must be able to draft SoPs in accordance with ISO Standards, taking care of human, plant and process safety. The candidate must have thorough understanding of PTW & LOTOTO system. The candidate for this position should possess good understanding of metallurgy, thermodynamics, kinetics, and fluid dynamics. The candidate must be thorough in planning, management & implementation of projects, process, equipment & facilities in compliance with ISO & OHSAS standards. The candidate must also possess interpersonal skills and to be a thorough team player. The candidate must understand & to be able to review process flow diagrams (PFDs), gas, water, solid mass and energy balances. The candidate must understand & to be able to review Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs) and oversee their issues.

16 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
16 maj 2024
Head of Galvanizing Line

Research shows that women and other under-represented groups within our industry hesitate to apply unless they tick most boxes of a role description. At H2 Green Steel, we are building an impact company with sustainability at its core. We need a diverse, inclusive, and authentic team to rally behind our purpose of de-carbonizing hard-to-abate industries, starting with steel.So, if you are equally passionate about our purpose yet concerned that your experience doesn’t perfectly align with the qualifications stated in the job advert, we strongly encourage you to apply anyway. You may be just the right candidate, either for this role – or for another upcoming role in our rapidly growing business. About us: H2 Green Steel is on a mission to disrupt the global steel industry by producing green steel, with the end goal of bringing down CO2 emissions to zero. By using green hydrogen and fossil-free electricity instead of coal; water and heat will be our primary emissions. By 2030, our ambition is to produce 5 million tonnes of green steel annually in our fully integrated, digitalized, and sustainable plant in Boden, located in northern Sweden - currently in construction phase. But this is just the beginning – our expertise in green hydrogen will enable us to decarbonize other industries in addition to steel, and we look forward to what’s next in store for us. We are looking for talented, innovative, and purpose-driven people to join our rapidly growing and diverse team. Our employees get to learn everyday, implement the latest technology and test and put their ideas into practice. Together, we are building an impact company with sustainability at its core – for our people, customers, investors, society, and planet.Galvanizing Line Manager As the Galvanizing line manageryour primary role would involve overseeing and managing the operations of the galvanizing line. The galvanizing process involves coating steel or iron with a layer of zinc to enhance its corrosion resistance and durability. Your responsibilities would include supervising a team of operators and technicians, ensuring that the galvanizing line operates efficiently and meets production targets. This involves coordinating the various stages of the galvanizing process, from surface preparation to the application of the zinc coating and subsequent quality control measures. Quality assurance would be a key aspect of your role, as you would be responsible for implementing and maintaining strict quality standards throughout the galvanizing process. This includes monitoring the adherence to specifications, conducting inspections, and addressing any issues that may impact the quality of the final product. Responsibilities: Build, establish and develop a robust safety culture across the organization. Take responsibility to contribute to a safe work environment actively participating in the development and upkeep of process control and safety practices. Overall operational responsibility for personnel, HSE, performance and budget within the production department. Lead the organization in achieving goals and objectives and monitor progress toward achieving them. Lead the team, providing mentorship and guidance to Production Supervisors Ensure the organization's compliance with all relevant industry regulations and standards. Lead the department`s development of working methods, investment plan and continuous improvements. Follow up operations to ensure efficient, safe and quality controlled processes. Foster an innovative and inclusive organizational culture with focus on continuous improvements and cross-functional collaboration. Qualifications: Relevant degree in engineering or relevant industry experience. Experience in process, production or maintenance. Demonstrated leadership experience in industrial manufacturing organizations. Preference given for experience in startups and galvanized, ZnMg, continious annealing. Strong understanding of mechanical, eletrical and automation mill systems. Proven track record of successfully leading cross-functional teams and projects. Experience in supporting of ISO 9001, 14001 & 45001 etc. Exceptional strategic thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving skills. Demonstrated ability to drive innovation and advancement Ability to work in a high profile and often pressured international environment. Excellent English written and oral skills, Swedish is a plus. Experience with managing budget, financial performance and forecasting. Experience working and purchasing services from vendors and contractors. Living in the Boden region or open to relocate here. What we can offer you If you are passionate about making actual change and having a positive impact on society and our planet, H2 Green Steel offers a unique opportunity to be part of a fun and professional team with high ambitions. You will get the opportunity to shape your future career together with a company focusing on creating a culture where everyone can thrive and feel a sense of belonging. In the end, we know that H2 Green Steel’s growth and success is dependent on our people and we can’t wait to shape the future of steelmaking and other industries together as a team.

12 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
26 juli 2024
Head of Meltshop

Research shows that women and other under-represented groups within our industry hesitate to apply unless they tick most boxes of a role description. At H2 Green Steel, we are building an impact company with sustainability at its core. We need a diverse, inclusive, and authentic team to rally behind our purpose of de-carbonizing hard-to-abate industries, starting with steel.So, if you are equally passionate about our purpose yet concerned that your experience doesn’t perfectly align with the qualifications stated in the job advert, we strongly encourage you to apply anyway. You may be just the right candidate, either for this role – or for another upcoming role in our rapidly growing business. About us: H2 Green Steel is on a mission to disrupt the global steel industry by producing green steel, with the end goal of bringing down CO2 emissions to zero. By using green hydrogen and fossil-free electricity instead of coal; water and heat will be our primary emissions. By 2030, our ambition is to produce 5 million tonnes of green steel annually in our fully integrated, digitalized, and sustainable plant in Boden, located in northern Sweden - currently in construction phase. But this is just the beginning – our expertise in green hydrogen will enable us to decarbonize other industries in addition to steel, and we look forward to what’s next in store for us. We are looking for talented, innovative, and purpose-driven people to join our rapidly growing and diverse team. Our employees get to learn everyday, implement the latest technology and test and put their ideas into practice. Together, we are building an impact company with sustainability at its core – for our people, customers, investors, society, and planet.Meltshop manager As the Meltshop Manager at H2GS, a growing company set to commence production in less than two years, your role will be crucial in establishing and managing the operations of the meltshop, which is responsible for melting and refining raw materials into molten metal. Your responsibilities will play a pivotal role in shaping the foundation of H2GS's production capabilities.Your tasks would encompass overseeing the construction and setup of the meltshop facility, ensuring that it is equipped with state-of-the-art electric arcfurnaces and machinery. Collaborating with engineering teams and contractors will be essential to ensure the timely and efficient installation of equipment. Responsibilities: Build, establish and develop a robust safety culture across the organization and within the section. Take responsibility to contribute to a safe work environment actively participating in the development and upkeep of process control and safety practices. Foster an innovative and inclusive organizational culture with focus on continuous improvements and cross-functional collaboration. Lead the organization in achieving strategic goals and objectives. Set clear organizational goals and monitor progress toward achieving them. Build and lead a high-performing management team, providing mentorship and guidance to department heads. Liaise with functional and operational leaders (for example in planning, logistics, maintenance, technology, quality) and together understand current and future needs and develop plans, cost estimates, and schedules for integrating these needs into existing manufacturing activities. Responsible for all aspects of operations with regardsto safety, environmentaland quality. Ensure the organization's compliance with all relevant industry regulations and standards. Develop and implement risk mitigation strategies. Qualifications: Relevantdegree in engineeringor relevant industry experience. Experience in process, production or maintenance. Demonstrated leadership experience in industrial manufacturing organizations. Preference given for experience in startups and high power DC furnaces. Strong understanding of mechanical, eletrical and automation mill systems. Proven track record of successfully leading cross-functional teams and projects. Experience in supporting ofISO 9001, 14001 &45001 etc. Exceptional strategic thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving skills. Demonstrated ability to drive innovation and advancement Ability to work in a high profile and often pressured international environment. Excellent English written and oral skills, Swedish is a plus. Experience with managingbudget, financial performance and forecasting. Experience working and purchasing services from vendors and contractors. Living in the Boden region or open to relocate here. What we can offer you If you are passionate about making actual change and having a positive impact on society and our planet, H2 Green Steel offers a unique opportunity to be part of a fun and professional team with high ambitions. You will get the opportunity to shape your future career together with a company focusing on creating a culture where everyone can thrive and feel a sense of belonging. In the end, we know that H2 Green Steel’s growth and success is dependent on our people and we can’t wait to shape the future of steelmaking and other industries together as a team.

12 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
26 juli 2024