Avdelningschef, smältverk
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Alleima söker nu en Flödeschef till Rock Drill Steel i Sandviken med ansvar för Kutsfabriken och Flexstyrkan. Här erbjuder vi ett spännande arbete i en omväxlande miljö där du har förmånen att kombinera din passion för både teknik och människor. I rollen som Flödeschef ingår du i produktionsledningsgruppen för Borrstål 09. Där du kommer spela en stor roll för avdelningens långsiktiga och strategiska arbete. Din roll Som Flödeschef har du en viktig roll i det dagliga arbetet och det formella personalansvaret. Du kommer i rollen driva och utveckla produktionsavdelningen, ansvarar för kvalitet, leverans, ekonomi, människa och miljö – med säkerheten alltid i främsta fokus. Genom ett starkt engagemang bidrar du tillsammans med teamet och våra supportfunktioner till en väl fungerande arbetsmiljö där människor trivs och presterar. Med ett starkt förankrat ledarskap och engagemang arbetar du med att utveckla och förbättra processer och arbetssätt, och du uppmuntrar till en kultur av öppen kommunikation. Dina arbetsuppgifter innefattar att: Daglig styrning och uppföljning av operativ verksamhet. Ansvara för enhetens kort- och långsiktiga utveckling avseende säkerhet, arbetsmiljö, kostnadseffektivitet, leveransprecision och kvalitet. Leda och utveckla personalen på skiftlagen. Ansvara för att lagar och avtal följs. Upprätta budget och ta ekonomiskt ansvar. Leda och delta i projekt- och förbättringsarbeten. Vidare kommer du att ingå i ett sammansvetsat team med ett nära samarbete med de övriga Flödescheferna, underhåll samt processutveckling. I rollen förekommer det även beredskap. Din Profil Vi söker dig som har en för tjänsten relevant utbildning, gärna med teknisk inriktning, alternativt arbetslivserfarenhet som anses likvärdig. Vi ser att du har tidigare erfarenhet från producerande verksamhet erfarenhet från skärande bearbetning anses meriterande. Då vi är en global organisation och verkar lokalt krävs det goda kunskaper i svenska och engelska, både i tal och skrift. Vi lägger stor vikt vid dina personliga egenskaper som präglas av att du har god förmåga att motivera och engagera dina medarbetare med ett coachande ledarskap, måluppföljning och kompetensutveckling. Då vi arbetar med ständiga förbättringar ser vi gärna att du är initiativtagande och ansvarsfull med förmåga att arbeta självständigt likväl som tillsammans med andra. Vi lägger stor vikt vid att du kan se och hantera frågeställningar och möjligheter ur olika perspektiv. I utbyte erbjuder vi dig en spännande och kreativ miljö där du har stor möjlighet att påverka det egna arbetet och för rätt person finns det goda utvecklingsmöjligheter. Vad du kan förvänta dig av oss På Alleima är vi övertygade om att mångfald och inkludering leder till en bättre arbetsplats för våra anställda, vårt företag och våra kunder. Vi bryr oss: Vi är stolta över det vi gör. Vi bryr oss om våra kunder, våra medarbetare, miljön, de samhällen där vi verkar och den framtid vi delar. Vi levererar: Vi levererar på våra åtaganden, med ett lösningsorienterat tankesätt gör vi det möjligt för våra kunder att vara deras allra bästa: effektivare, lönsammare och hållbarare Vi utvecklas: Vi utvecklas ständigt. Tillsammans tar vi ledningen för att främja material, ambitioner, industrier, oss själva – och samhällen till det bättre. Övrig information För mer information om tjänsten är du välkommen att kontakta: Jonas Lund, rekryterande chef, 070-209 75 71 För frågor angående rekryteringsprocessen, vänligen kontakta: Sara Kühner, ansvarig rekryterare, +46 76 495 02 40 Fackliga kontaktpersoner: Maria Sundqvist, Akademikerföreningen, 070 651 73 81 Kjell-Åke Klockervold, Ledarna, 070 314 24 43 Mikael Larsson, Unionen, 070 307 30 48 Du är välkommen med din ansökan senast 2024-11-03. På Alleima är vårt uppdrag mycket mer än att leverera högkvalitativa produkter, teknologi och processer – genom samarbete utvecklar vi de bästa lösningarna efter våra kunders behov och att det är så vi uppnår våra affärsmål är bästa sättet att beskriva vårt dagliga arbete. Med nyfikna medarbetare och säkerheten som vår första prioritet, skapar vi en arbetsmiljö där Du kan utvecklas både som person och i ditt arbete. Med en tydlig riktning för vår resa, där vi nyttjar vår position som teknologiledare, progressiv affärspartner och där vi är drivande vad gäller hållbarhet, syftar vi till att bli ett ännu starkare bolag inom vår industri. Är Du redo att anta denna utmaning tillsammans med oss? Följ med på vår resa! www.alleima.com
Research shows that women and other under-represented groups within our industry hesitate to apply unless they tick most boxes of a role description. At Stegra, we are building an impact company with sustainability at its core. We need a diverse, inclusive, and authentic team to rally behind our purpose of de-carbonizing hard-to-abate industries, starting with steel.So, if you are equally passionate about our purpose yet concerned that your experience doesn’t perfectly align with the qualifications stated in the job advert, we strongly encourage you to apply anyway. You may be just the right candidate, either for this role – or for another upcoming role in our rapidly growing business. About us: Stegra, formerly known as H2 Green Steel, is on a missionto disrupt the global steel industry by producing green steel, with the end goal of bringing down CO2 emissions to zero. By using green hydrogen and fossil-free electricity instead of coal; water and heat will be our primary emissions. By 2030, our ambition is to produce 5 million tonnes of green steel annually in our fully integrated, digitalized, and sustainable plant in Boden, located in northern Sweden - currently in construction phase. But this is just the beginning – our expertise in green hydrogen will enable us to decarbonize other industries in addition to steel, and we look forward to what’s next in store for us. We are looking for talented, innovative, and purpose-driven people to join our rapidly growing and diverse team. Our employees get to learn everyday, implement the latest technology and test and put their ideas into practice. Together, we are building an impact company with sustainability at its core – for our people, customers, investors, society, and planet.Scrap Yard Manager We are seeking an experienced and dynamic Scrap Yard Manager to join our team. In this position you will be responsible for building, establishing, and developing a robust safety culture across the organization. This role includes taking an active role in creating a safe work environment by participating in the development and maintenance of process control and safety practices. As a Scrap Yard Manager, you will be joining the organization in an early stage of the company and will thus be making sure the steel mill gets up and running before the launch of the steel production. Responsibilities: Build, establish and develop a robust safety culture across the organization. Take responsibility to contribute to a safe work environment actively participating in the development and upkeep of process control and safety practices. Overall operational responsibility for personnel, HSE, performance and budget within the production department. Lead the organization in achieving goals and objectives and monitor progress toward achieving them. Lead the team, providing mentorship and guidance to Scrap Yard operations Ensure the organization's compliance with all relevant industry regulations and standards. Lead the department`s development of working methods, investment plan and continuous improvements. Follow up operations to ensure efficient, safe and quality controlled processes. Foster an innovative and inclusive organizational culture with focus on continuous improvements and cross-functional collaboration. Qualifications: Academic degree in Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering or related field or equivalent 5-7 years of relevant experience in process, production or maintenance. Relevant meltshop knowledge experience Good knowledge in relevant industry regulations, best practices and compliance standards. Strong understanding of process optimization and lean principles Proficiency in using relevant software and tools e.g. office suite, maintenance systems, information system, follow-up system and purchase systems Very good process knowledge Ability to combine long-term thinking with the ongoing work in the department. Good leadership skills, ability to develop the group and the department. Very good oral and written skills in English. Basic Swedish skills is seen as a plus. Location: Boden What we can offer you If you are passionate about making actual change and having a positive impact on society and our planet, Stegra offers a unique opportunity to be part of a fun and professional team with high ambitions. You will get the opportunity to shape your future career together with a company focusing on creating a culture where everyone can thrive and feel a sense of belonging. In the end, we know that Stegra’s growth and success is dependent on our people and we can’t wait to shape the future of steelmaking and other industries together as a team.
Research shows that women and other under-represented groups within our industry hesitate to apply unless they tick most boxes of a role description. At H2 Green Steel, we are building an impact company with sustainability at its core. We need a diverse, inclusive, and authentic team to rally behind our purpose of de-carbonizing hard-to-abate industries, starting with steel.So, if you are equally passionate about our purpose yet concerned that your experience doesn’t perfectly align with the qualifications stated in the job advert, we strongly encourage you to apply anyway. You may be just the right candidate, either for this role – or for another upcoming role in our rapidly growing business. About us: H2 Green Steel is on a mission to disrupt the global steel industry by producing green steel, with the end goal of bringing down CO2 emissions to zero. By using green hydrogen and fossil-free electricity instead of coal; water and heat will be our primary emissions. By 2030, our ambition is to produce 5 million tonnes of green steel annually in our fully integrated, digitalized, and sustainable plant in Boden, located in northern Sweden - currently in construction phase. But this is just the beginning – our expertise in green hydrogen will enable us to decarbonize other industries in addition to steel, and we look forward to what’s next in store for us. We are looking for talented, innovative, and purpose-driven people to join our rapidly growing and diverse team. Our employees get to learn everyday, implement the latest technology and test and put their ideas into practice. Together, we are building an impact company with sustainability at its core – for our people, customers, investors, society, and planet.Scrap Yard Manager We are seeking an experienced and dynamic Scrap Yard Manager to join our team. In this position you will be responsible for building, establishing, and developing a robust safety culture across the organization. This role includes taking an active role in creating a safe work environment by participating in the development and maintenance of process control and safety practices. As a Scrap Yard Manager, you will be joining the organization in an early stage of the company and will thus be making sure the steel mill gets up and running before the launch of the steel production. Responsibilities: Build, establish and develop a robust safety culture across the organization. Take responsibility to contribute to a safe work environment actively participating in the development and upkeep of process control and safety practices. Overall operational responsibility for personnel, HSE, performance and budget within the production department. Lead the organization in achieving goals and objectives and monitor progress toward achieving them. Lead the team, providing mentorship and guidance to Scrap Yard operations Ensure the organization's compliance with all relevant industry regulations and standards. Lead the department`s development of working methods, investment plan and continuous improvements. Follow up operations to ensure efficient, safe and quality controlled processes. Foster an innovative and inclusive organizational culture with focus on continuous improvements and cross-functional collaboration. Qualifications: Academic degree in Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering or related field or equivalent 5-7 years of relevant experience in process, production or maintenance. Relevant meltshop knowledge experience Good knowledge in relevant industry regulations, best practices and compliance standards. Strong understanding of process optimization and lean principles Proficiency in using relevant software and tools e.g. office suite, maintenance systems, information system, follow-up system and purchase systems Very good process knowledge Ability to combine long-term thinking with the ongoing work in the department. Good leadership skills, ability to develop the group and the department. Very good oral and written skills in English. Basic Swedish skills is seen as a plus. What we can offer you If you are passionate about making actual change and having a positive impact on society and our planet, H2 Green Steel offers a unique opportunity to be part of a fun and professional team with high ambitions. You will get the opportunity to shape your future career together with a company focusing on creating a culture where everyone can thrive and feel a sense of belonging. In the end, we know that H2 Green Steel’s growth and success is dependent on our people and we can’t wait to shape the future of steelmaking and other industries together as a team.
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