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The Opportunity HVDC in Ludvika, Sweden is looking for a Material Coordinator to join the team. HVDC is a product group in Hitachi Energy, which develops, manufactures, and sells DC transmission systems on a global market. HVDC technology is used to transmit electricity over long distances and for power transmission via submarine cables, as well as to connect power systems. At Hitachi Energy, you will have the opportunity to work for a leading technology company that is committed to sustainability and environmental responsibility. We are looking for 1 Material Coordinator to join our team! It is a wide position where you will handle, prioritize, and plan materials, and you will get great opportunities for learning and development. Our team culture is flexible, transparent, and cooperative. How you’ll make an impact Supporting projects and the service department regarding material related questions. Maintenance and handling of material in our ERP system (SAP4Hana/Reiwa). Create and keeping track of orders. Updating delivery times and stock levels. Prioritization of material distribution. Create packing-lists. Preparing material to be shipped to site. Handling of pre-purchases requisitions. Your background Minimum 2 years work experience in similar areas (e.g administration or planning). Good skills in any enterprise recourse planning tool is a merit. (Especially SAP4Hana.) Fluency in Swedish and English both written and spoken. As a person you have good social skills, you are independent, responsible and comfortable with taking own initiative, follow up the ongoing process and ask the right questions to the right person. What we offer Collective agreement Flexible working time Health care and wellness allowance Fantastic career possibilities within Hitachi Energy both within Sweden and globally Mentor to support you throughout onboard phase Various trainings and education supporting employee development Diversified company with over 70+ nationalities working in Sweden Supplementary compensation for parental leave Employee Benefit Portal with thousands of discounts and perks More benefits could be connected to this specific role More about us Are you ready for an exciting new challenge? Does the above description sound like you? Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis, so don’t delay – apply today! Recruiting Manager Daniel Moren, [email protected], will be happy to answer your questions regarding this position. Union representatives - Sveriges Ingenjörer: Mikael Hjort, +46 107-38 29 86; Unionen: Fredrik Holmgren, +46 107-38 21 85; Ledarna: Frank Hollstedt, +46 107-38 70 43. All other questions should be directed to Talent Partner Eva Schölin, [email protected]
Du som är noggrann, strukturerad och har erfarenhet av ärendehantering? SE HIT! Vi erbjuder nu ett spännande konsultuppdrag till en samhällskritisk myndighet! Ta chansen att arbeta hos en av Sveriges absolut viktigaste hörnstenar! OM TJÄNSTEN Ärendehandläggarens övergripande uppdrag handlar om att bevaka den här myndighetens intressen och verka för att i remissvar tydligt ange deras anspråk för såväl befintliga som nya planerade anläggningar. Därmed värnas befintliga anläggningar och utbyggnad underlättas. En ärendehandläggare väger samman olika perspektiv och bedömer omfattning och konsekvenser av de remisser som inkommer till myndigheten. Ärendehandläggarens roll innebär att samordna och besvara remisser inom ramen för olika lagstiftningar såsom miljöbalken, ellagen, väglagen, förordning om nätkoncession och byggande av järnväg. Man kommer att ha många kontaktytor internt och samordnar och sammanställer remissvar. Vanliga kontakter är myndigheter, andra företag, domstol och andra aktörer. Som ärendehandläggare/planhandläggare kommer du att förstärka enheten Samhällsplanering under en medarbetares föräldraledighet. Uppdraget sträcker sig till 1 maj 2026. ARBETSUPPGIFTER Arbetsuppgifter * Bildande av, samt förändring av föreskrifter i naturreservat * Bergtäkter * Samråd från andra nätägare inför deras koncessionsansökan samt samråd vid ansökan om koncession * Dammar/dammsäkerhet, ej från domstol * Samråd för elproducenter (vindkraft, solcellsparker, anläggning för batterilager) * Ärenden kopplat till Trafikverket (ex vägplan, järnvägsplan, bärighetsföreskrifter) * Värmepumpar * Vattentjänstplan * Energiplan VI SÖKER DIG SOM - Har utbildning inom aktuellt område, viss svårighetsgrad. 2-5 års erfarenhet inom området, har deltagit i eller utfört ett flertal liknade uppdrag inom aktuellt område. - Har mycket goda kunskaper i svenska och engelska då båda språken förekommer i dokumentation och dialog med kollegor. Redogör tydligt i ditt CV hur du uppfyller de obligatoriska och meriterande kraven För att lyckas i rollen har du följande personliga egenskaper: - God samarbetsförmåga och initiativförmåga - Noggrann och strukturerad - Flexibel och anpassningsbar Vår rekryteringsprocess Denna rekryteringsprocess hanteras av Academic Work och vår kunds önskemål är att alla frågor rörande tjänsten skickas till Academic Work. Vi tillämpar löpande urval och kommer plocka ner annonsen när tillräckligt många kandidater har nått slutskedet i rekryteringsprocessen. Rekryteringsprocessen innehåller två urvalstest: ett personlighetstest och ett test i kognitiv förmåga. Testerna är ett verktyg för att kunna hitta den kandidat med högst potential för tjänsten samt främja jämlikhet, mångfald och en rättvis rekryteringsprocess.
HVDC (High Voltage Direct Current) is a product group within Hitachi Energy, which develops, manufactures, and sells DC transmission systems on the global market. HVDC technology is used to transmit electricity over long distances, and for power transmission via submarine cables. It is also used to connect power systems. By 2050, the energy need will have increased by 50% compared to today, and HVDC is a prerequisite to meet this demand in a greener, smarter, and more sustainable way. Both the HVDC market and the target for our new HVDC quality solutions and products are growing. To be able to perform all the upcoming and challenging projects we have in front of us, we need to strengthen our team with additional R&D Process Improvement Specialists in several areas, who want to contribute to our team spirit, our quality, our company, and to the global society and environment. Today, the R&D Process Improvement Specialists execute Process and Quality Improvement initiatives within the HVDC R&D areas System design, Control & Protection, Valve mechanical and electrical design, and Digitalization. The work includes creating new processes, updating existing processes, supporting users, creating documents and templates, and monitor results from quality related investigations. Collaboration with the complete R&D and HVDC organizations is a key success factor, so is the ability to communicate in all applicable areas and having strong documentation skills. We are very proud of the team and what we are doing within R&D, HVDC and the entire Hitachi Energy, managing and supporting the transition into the future. The need of our structure and quality in systems and products, where we are supporting the acceleration towards renewable energy, is evident. To work fulltime with something that really matters and has a huge impact on our future society and environment, is inspiring and meaningful, and we hope you want to be a part of it too. We are in a very exciting phase and are interested in knowing more about you and how you would like to contribute, and how we at the same time can support your personal journey. Therefore, warm welcome to apply! Your responsibilities As an R&D Process Coordinator you will be a part of the respective local department, but also report to the R&D Process Owner You will be responsible for keeping processes up to date and develop new processes where needed, and together with the respective team(s) coordinate the Process maturity assessment and identify/propose improvement areas You will learn to work within the applicable process design and quality improvement tools You will prepare presentations and report progress within your area, and create supporting documents and templates, when needed You will also drive quality culture, raise awareness, and create engagement in the organization. Identify, drive progress, follow-up, and keep track on quality related investigations Report continuous improvements and keep track on agreed updates and their time plan Work closely with the Quality Engineers within our department for process improvements Your background Your personal qualities are vital for success! You are a good team player, structured, open-minded, and communicative You have strong analytics and data visualization skills Strong documentation and organization skills Having an experience working with geographically distributed teams globally University degree in applicable area, ie Process Management or Engineering Knowledge in Lean Product Development and Continuous Improvement Green Belt certification in Lean Six Sigma and experience on working with Power BI is strongly meritorious Proficient in English since you will be part of an international setting where you will exchange knowledge with people from all over the world What we offer Collective agreement Flexible working time Health care and wellness allowance Fantastic career possibilities within Hitachi Energy both within Sweden and globally Mentor to support you throughout onboard phase Various trainings and education supporting employee development Diversified company with over 70+ nationalities working in Sweden Supplementary compensation for parental leave Employee Benefit Portal with thousands of discounts and perks More benefits could be connected to this specific role Additional information Would you like to help us develop the HVDC technology of tomorrow? Apply today! Recruiting Manager, Liselotte Vikenadler [email protected] will answer your questions on the position. Union representatives - Sveriges Ingenjörer: Mikael Hjort, +46 107-38 29 86; Ledarna: Frank Hollstedt, +46 107-38 70 43; Unionen: Fredrik Holmgren, +46 107-38 21 85. Any other questions can be directed to Talent Partner Ingrid Schjelderup, [email protected] You will be based in Ludvika, Sweden & we offer flexible working – from – home options. Other flexible possibilities can be discussed prior written agreement is signed. Office location in Ludvika, Sweden is in the quite small but in this business famous town. Located in the centre of Sweden, about two hours’ drive from Stockholm. A calm city, close to nature with forest and lake areas where you can amuse yourself with activities all year around.
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