Civilingenjör, forskning och utveckling, kemi

Sök bland 13 lediga jobb som Civilingenjör, forskning och utveckling, kemi och börja ditt nya yrkesliv idag!

Senior CMC-project manager till Dicot Pharma i Uppsala
Winrow rekrytering AB
Civilingenjörsyrken inom kemi och kemiteknik

Senior CMC Project Manager till Dicot Pharma Dicot Pharma AB är ett Uppsalabaserat läkemedelsbolag som utvecklar kandidaten LIB-01 till ett nytt modernt potensläkemedel för världsmarknaden. Till Dicot Pharma söker vi nu en Senior CMC Project Manager. Tjänsten är en nyckelroll inom företaget och du rapporterar till Dicot Pharmas CTO. I tjänsten kommer du att samordna CMC-verksamheten och fungera som bolagets primära CMC-kontakt mot tillverkare och leverantörer, från API till färdig produkt. Vidare kommer du ansvara för att utveckla och implementera CMC-strategier för Dicot Pharmas projekt och säkerställa att relevant arbete utförs i relation till projektens utvecklingsfaser. Dicot Pharma erbjuder en spännande och utmanande roll i en dynamisk organisation med höga ambitioner. Du kommer att arbeta med erfarna och kompetenta kollegor i en kreativ och innovativ miljö, där du får möjlighet att utveckla din kompetens och bidra med ditt kunnande. ARBETSUPPGIFTER OCH ANSVARSOMRÅDEN Ansvara för att tillsammans med Dicot Pharmas leverantörer säkerställa att relevanta CMC-krav uppfylls. Ansvara för författande och koordination av CMC-dokumentation och regulatoriska inlämningar. Organisera och delta i möten med regulatoriska myndigheter. Presentera och diskutera CMC-strategi och innehåll till potentiella affärspartners. Ge strategisk input till val av eventuella nya leverantörer. Projektleda Dicot Pharmas tillverkningskampanjer och ansvara för koordinering av företagets materialskeppningar. Arbeta fram budgetunderlag för ditt ansvarsområde tillsammans med CTO. Stötta QA-funktionen vid utredningar kopplade till CMC. KVALIFIKATIONER Flerårig erfarenhet av arbete i CMC-projekt för läkemedel gärna inkluderande sen fas. God förståelse av regulatoriska krav för läkemedel. Dokumenterad god erfarenhet av CMC-projektledning. Mycket god förmåga att kommunicera skriftligt och muntligt på engelska. Arbetar självständigt med både strategiskt och operativt ansvar. Universitetsutbildning inom relevant naturvetenskapligt ämnesområde. God kunskap om cGMP. Erfarenhet av att ha arbetat med CDMOs, gärna internationellt. MERITERANDE Erfarenhet från att arbeta för ett mindre bolag God förmåga att kommunicera skriftligt och muntligt på svenska Erfarenhet av organisk syntes Stor vikt kommer att läggas på dina personliga egenskaper. Vi söker en engagerad och motiverad medarbetare med driv, med stor erfarenhet av tillverkning och CMC- frågor som tycker om att arbeta tillsammans med andra i team. En mycket god kommunikativ förmåga och vana att presentera inför olika typer av grupper, strukturerad, samt förmåga att anpassa sig efter olika situationer, är viktiga personliga egenskaper. Du behöver också vara öppen för att resa några gånger per år. Stämmer detta in på dig och du vill bli en del av teamet, skicka in din ansökan så snart som möjligt, dock senast den 6/10 2024. Ansökningar hanteras löpande. Vid frågor är du varmt välkommen att ringa till rekryteringskonsult Martin Winrow, 0707900205. OM DICOT PHARMA Dicot Pharma utvecklar läkemedelskandidaten LIB-01 vilket förväntas bli ett potensläkemedel för att bättre behandla erektionssvikt och tidig utlösning. Sedan Viagra lanserades för över 25 år sedan har innovationer inom detta område lyst med sin frånvaro, trots att det finns ett stort behov av nya förbättrade behandlingar. Ambitionen är att skapa ett läkemedel med betydligt längre verkningstid och långt färre biverkningar, jämfört med de läkemedel som nu finns på marknaden. Idag lider över 500 miljoner män av dessa sexuella dysfunktioner och marknaden är värderad till cirka 80 miljarder SEK. Dicot Pharma är listat på Spotlight Stock Market och har cirka 6 500 aktieägare. För mer information se

13 september 2024
Sista ansökan:
6 oktober 2024
Master Thesis: Corrosion studies for high and low alloyed steels
Civilingenjörsyrken inom kemi och kemiteknik

We want to be more! The research institute Swerim conducts needs-based industrial research and development concerning metals and their route from raw material to finished product. Swerim has 200 co-workers in two locations in Sweden - Luleå and Stockholm. Our vision is a fossil-free and circular industry. Project Description:  The project offers an opportunity to a master student to be involved into the field of corrosion science, using electrochemical set-ups in combination with microscopy techniques. The primary goal is to examine corrosion properties of different compositions of low and/or high alloyed steels. The influence of heat treatment/s and modification of microstructure in connection with microfeatures will be tested and evaluate their role to the corrosion resistance of steels. The Master student will become familiar with different electrochemical methods with the use of a potentiostat in connection with an electrochemical cell, while analysis of the results is expecting. Moreover, the student will become familiar with the use of microscopy such as optical microscopy and SEM. The thesis work will mainly involve a literature survey, sample preparation, test solution preparation, electrochemical and microscopy measurements. The results should be written and presented at the end of the thesis. The results should also be presented to the industrial partners of the project.   Qualifications: We are looking for a curious and collaborative Master of Science student with a passion for corrosion, materials science, chemistry engineering, or similar field.   Project time The project is intended for a Masters’ thesis (30hp). Starting date will be in March 2025, or it can be mutually decided after negotiations Further information This project is intended to be performed at Swerim in Stockholm. Swerim rewards the student with 50 000 SEK for an approved master thesis (30hp).  Contacts For further information please contact: [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected]  Application Apply by using the application function below. The application can be written in English or Swedish. Latest date for application is October 20th. You will receive a confirmation that Swerim has received your application. Please note that we fill the position as soon as we find a suitable applicant, which means we can fill the position before the deadline.

12 september 2024
Sista ansökan:
20 oktober 2024
Master Thesis: Surface Enhancement of Steel Utilizing Different Pre-treatme
Civilingenjörsyrken inom kemi och kemiteknik

We want to be more! The research institute Swerim conducts needs-based industrial research and development concerning metals and their route from raw material to finished product. Swerim has 200 co-workers in two locations in Sweden - Luleå and Stockholm. Our vision is a fossil-free and circular industry. Are you passionate about materials science and metallurgy? Do you want to contribute to the development of advanced steel treatment methods that can revolutionize the industry? We are offering an exciting master’s thesis opportunity focused on investigating the effects of pretreatment process on steel’s properties. Project Description:  Steel is one of the most widely used materials in various industries due to its excellent mechanical properties, such as strength, toughness, and durability. However, many applications, especially in demanding environments like within the energy sector, require surface properties that exceed the capabilities of untreated steel. Pretreatment methods, such as nitriding or aluminizing, have proven to significantly enhance surface characteristics, such as hardness, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, and thermal stability. This master’s thesis will focus on investigating the structural and microstructural changes in steel resulting from various pre-treatment processes and their impact on the material’s performance in industrial applications. Your Role: * Conduct a literature review on steel pretreatment processes. * Perform laboratory experiments on steel samples under various conditions. * Use advanced characterization techniques (SEM, XRD, GD-OES, etc.) to evaluate the treated steel’s properties. * Collaborate with a multidisciplinary team in materials science. * Present your findings in a comprehensive thesis. Qualifications: * Background in materials science, chemical engineering, or metallurgy. * Strong interest in surface engineering, steel treatment, and experimental research. * Knowledge of laboratory equipment and characterization techniques is a plus. Project time The project is intended for a master thesis (30hp). The start date is February 2025 or can be mutually decided through negotiations. Further information This project is intended to be performed at Swerim in Stockholm. Swerim rewards the student with 50 000 SEK for an approved master thesis (30hp). Contacts You are welcome to contact [email protected] or [email protected] if you have any questions about the project. Application Apply by using the application function below. The application can be written in English or Swedish. Latest date for application is October 20th. You will receive a confirmation that Swerim has received your application. Please note that we fill the position as soon as we find a suitable applicant, which means we can fill the position before the deadline.

12 september 2024
Sista ansökan:
20 oktober 2024
Master Thesis: Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for chemical analysis o
Civilingenjörsyrken inom kemi och kemiteknik

We want to be more! The research institute Swerim conducts needs-based industrial research and development concerning metals and their route from raw material to finished product. Swerim has 200 co-workers in two locations in Sweden - Luleå and Stockholm. Our vision is a fossil-free and circular industry. . Schematic of LIBS experimental set up. We are looking for a master’s student who want to do diploma work in experimental laser spectroscopy. The project goal is to investigate the feasibility of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) as a rapid tool for quantitative analysis of hot materials. The long-term purpose is to enable online quantitative chemical analysis of molten metals.   Swerim has long experience with development of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) as a chemical analysis method in different industrial applications. LIBS uses a high-energy pulsed laser focused on the surface sample and causes a local ablation of the material. This leads to the formation of a plasma onto the sample’s surface that contains excited atoms from the evaporated material. These excited atoms emit light at characteristic wavelengths, giving a “fingerprint” spectrum of the elemental composition of the sample. In previous experiments it has been observed that the LIBS response changes with temperature of the sample, but the underlying cause cannot be clearly understood from the data.   The purpose of the project is to investigate the effect of sample temperature on the LIBS spectra of hot materials (slag, steel). In a first step, this will include LIBS measurements on selected types of slag/steels under well-controlled temperatures (up to approx. 1100 åC). The second step will be to analyze the data using different approaches i.e. classical univariate and multivariate based on machine-learning algorithms. The final goal will be to understand how the response of hot materials correlates with the temperature and eventually propose an approach to correct this temperature dependence in the analysis. The procedure will be adapted to the skills of the student.   Required qualifications Experience and interest in optical emission spectroscopy is a prerequisite. Experience in data-analysis using Matlab or Pyton is a plus.   Project time The project is intended for a master thesis (30hp). The start of the work should be initiated during the beginning of 2025 or can be mutually decided through negotiations. The master student performing the work will gain a large industry network.   Further information This project is intended to be performed at Swerim in Kista (Stockholm). Swerim rewards the student with 50 000 SEK for an approved master thesis (30hp). Contacts You are welcome to contact Mélina Gilbert Gatty, [email protected] or Jonas Petersson, [email protected] if you have any questions about the project. Application Apply by using the application function below. The application can be written in English or Swedish. Latest date for application is December 1 2024. You will receive a confirmation that Swerim has received your application. Please note that we fill the position as soon as we find a suitable applicant, which means we can fill the position before the deadline.

11 september 2024
Sista ansökan:
1 december 2024
Master Thesis: Grain size analysis from SEM/LOM images – using EBSD data to
Civilingenjörsyrken inom kemi och kemiteknik

We want to be more! The research institute Swerim conducts needs-based industrial research and development concerning metals and their route from raw material to finished product. Swerim has 200 co-workers in two locations in Sweden - Luleå and Stockholm. Our vision is a fossil-free and circular industry. Project Description:  Obtaining quantitative results, such as grain size, from metallographic images is often limited to traditional methods like line intercept. This involves drawing test patterns (lines or circles) on microscope images and counting the intersections between the test patterns and grain boundaries. While these methods provide a good estimate of grain size, they require significant manual adjustment, are user-dependent, and do not yield adequate statistical results. EBSD is more commonly used and, for many materials, is the only method that can reliably obtain grain size distribution. Feasibility tests indicate that machine learning and deep learning methods have great potential to identify grain boundaries from images, even in complex microstructures where thresholding and conventional image analysis methods fail. Once grain boundaries are correctly identified, a Python script can provide grain size distributions comparable to those obtained from EBSD. This project aims to train robust methods for grain size analysis, potentially incorporating EBSD images and results in the training process. This project will be supported by the META research consortium at Swerim, along with Swerim’s internal resources. META is a consortium focused on research in metallography and microanalysis, emphasizing method development, demonstrating new techniques, and offering courses and seminars. META includes 13 member companies. The project plan, samples, and detailed direction will be led and defined by META members before the project begins.   Qualifications: Master student in materials science, mathematics or physics with experience in Python programming, and strong communication and presentation skills. Patient in understanding microstructures of metallic materials and interested in exploring how microstructure impacts material properties.   Project time The project is intended for a master thesis (30hp). The start date is January 2025 or can be mutually decided through negotiations.   Further information This project is intended to be performed at Swerim in Kista, Stockholm. Swerim rewards the student with 50 000 SEK for an approved master thesis (30hp). Contacts You are welcome to contact Shirin Nouhi, [email protected] if you have any questions about the project. Application Apply by using the application function below. The application can be written in English or Swedish. Latest date for application is 30th of November. You will receive a confirmation that Swerim has received your application. Please note that we fill the position as soon as we find a suitable applicant, which means we can fill the position before the deadline.

10 september 2024
Sista ansökan:
30 november 2024
Master Thesis: Emission-Free Manganese Alloying (two students)
Civilingenjörsyrken inom kemi och kemiteknik

We want to be more! The research institute Swerim conducts needs-based industrial research and development concerning metals and their route from raw material to finished product. Swerim has 200 co-workers in two locations in Sweden - Luleå and Stockholm. Our vision is a fossil-free and circular industry. Job Description The automotive company Polestar has the ambition to deliver a car made by materials produced with net-zero emissions by the year 2030. SSAB is expected to deliver special steels based on fossil-free iron using the HYBRIT technology, but for the whole steel production to be completely emission-free, it is also required that materials such as alloying elements are produced emission free. Manganese is the alloying element responsible for the largest CO2 emissions at SSAB. Manganese ore is today reduced with metallurgical coal, which generates large CO2 emissions. In this project, we want to conduct a feasibility study to evaluate the possibility to manufacture a suitable raw material for manganese alloying using emission-free methods. The project will be divided into two parts, namely (1) Hydrogen assisted reduction of manganese ore, and (2) The dissolution of manganese into molten iron. Two master students will be employed at Swerim, who will work on each part of the project, covering the whole value chain from manganese ore to dissolved manganese in iron. The project is in cooperation with Polestar and SSAB. The students will be part of a team in Swerim that works closely together, including daily discussions about both experimental setup development and interpretation of results. Representatives from the companies will also have active roles in the work and will contribute with research questions relevant to the activities.   Objectives and learning outcome * Learn how to plan and conduct high temperature experiments * Analyze and interpret experimental results based on a theoretical basis * Learn to organize and write a research report Qualifications Master student in materials science, chemistry engineering, or similar field. It is qualified to start master thesis project.   Project time The project is intended for a master thesis (30hp). The work will be initiated in the beginning of 2025.   Further information This project is intended to be performed at Swerim in Stockholm. Swerim rewards the student with 50 000 SEK for an approved master thesis (30hp). Contacts You are welcome to contact Johan Martinsson, [email protected], if you have any questions about the project. Application Apply by using the application function below. The application can be written in English or Swedish. Latest date for application is 2024-12-01. You will receive a confirmation that Swerim has received your application. Please note that we fill the position as soon as we find a suitable applicant, which means we can fill the position before the deadline.

9 september 2024
Sista ansökan:
1 december 2024
Master Thesis: The effect of carbon gradients on processing response in AH
Civilingenjörsyrken inom kemi och kemiteknik

We want to be more! The research institute Swerim conducts needs-based industrial research and development concerning metals and their route from raw material to finished product. Swerim has 200 co-workers in two locations in Sweden - Luleå and Stockholm. Our vision is a fossil-free and circular industry. Summary The goal of the study is to determine the possibility to create a carbon gradient material by casting two different compositions on top of each other, followed by homogenizing and standard thermomechanical processing. The master’s thesis will involve practical laboratory and thermomechanical processing work, as well as the modelling of carbon diffusion during various heat treatments. The results will be verified based on chemical and dilatometry experiments, complemented by metallography.   Introduction Gradient materials are characterized by variance in structure, composition and properties over the volume of the material, designed to answer specific research questions or application needs. In casting and thermomechanical processing the manufacturing process must involve the diffusional movement of alloying components (atoms) across an interface during high-temperature processing operations such as homogenizing. Modelling tools are available for predicting these phenomena, but it would be highly useful to have an economical and robust method to validate and calibrate the modelling results. Modification of the rapid prototyping route at Swerim could provide such a validation tool, at the same time as the prototype gradient material itself would be created. Goals The goal of the study is to create a validation and calibration tool for the prediction of long-distance diffusion during homogenizing to create gradient material. At the same time, the rapid prototyping route at Swerim will be modified to create these materials.   The study will be conducted in Kista (Stockholm). In practice, a starting composition and gradient targets will be decided with the student. The material will then be cast, homogenized, hot and cold rolled and characterized by chemical, dilatometry, hardness and microstructure measurements.   The results and conclusions of the work will be presented to the research partners of the Consortium for Low-alloy and Stainless Steels (CLASS) in one or more of the consortium meetings.   Required qualifications Student in material science, physics, chemistry, or related area. The work should be initiated as soon as possible. The master student performing the work will gain a large industry network. Further information Swerim rewards the student with 50 000 SEK for an approved master thesis (30hp).     The work will be initiated as soon as possible.   Contact You are welcome to contact JTuomo Nyyssönen, [email protected], if you have any questions about the project. Application Apply by using the application function below. Please note that we fill the thesis as soon as we find a suitable applicant, which means we can fill the position before the deadline. You will receive a confirmation that Swerim has received your application. Please note that we fill the position as soon as we find a suitable applicant, which means we can fill the position before the deadline.

9 september 2024
Sista ansökan:
30 november 2024
Sheet Metal Forming Specialist
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB
Civilingenjörsyrken inom kemi och kemiteknik

Are you passionate about shaping the future of the manufacturing industry? We are looking for a motivated individual to join our team and collaborate with both Swedish and international companies and research groups. In this role, you’ll have significant freedom to influence your work, as well as the opportunity to create, manage, and complete research projects and assignments. About the role RISE is Sweden's research institute and innovation partner. We need more sharp minds who want to join us in solving some of society's most important and perhaps exciting problems. Our mission unites our different roles, skills and perspectives into a larger task. Together with our customers and partners, we develop competitive solutions that drive sustainable development forward. In the Manufacturing Processes department, we develop industrial processes that combine quality, performance, sustainability, and productivity from a long-term perspective within forming and joining technology, additive manufacturing, casting, heat and surface treatment. We are often involved at the early idea stages, working with applied concepts and product development. You are involved in the entire chain from idea generation and formulation of the application/quote to practical planning and implementation. Our work is funded by national funding agencies or as commercial assignments. Who are you? You have a PhD in mechanics or physics, or a Master’s in Engineering with extensive research experience. You are interested in research and development and want to be involved in shaping future production. Being able to combine research questions with industrial understanding is central. Furthermore, you are used to work both independently and collaboratively and find it exciting to develop new knowledge and implement it in industrial applications. You are used to working both practically and theoretically. In our lab, for example, you will carry out tensile tests and Nakajima tests, and then generating input data for FE simulations. You will participate in national and EU projects to further develop both numerical and physical methods of advanced material characterization. You will support customers in solving problems related to sheet metal forming operations, and materials in general. You will be shaping future production in cross-functional teams within all the technical areas of the department and implementing novel cutting-edge AI-technology. As a person, you are analytical, outgoing, proactive, unprestigious and easy to collaborate with. You are fluent in English in speech and writing and can present results in an easy-to-understand manner, both orally and in writing. Are we right for each other? We cannot promise you an easy job, but on the other hand we have many committed and enthusiastic colleagues and many exciting challenges to tackle. However, balance in life is important which is why RISE offers flexible working hours and the opportunity to work remotely up to 40% a week. You will work in a dynamic environment that gives you development opportunities both professionally and personally. At RISE, we want you to succeed and feel good, because then you, together with your colleagues will contribute to a sustainable future and a competitive Swedish industry. Welcome with your application! If this sounds interesting and you want to know more, you are welcome contact Daniel Wiklund, Unit Manager Component Manufacturing, tel: +46 10 228 48 33 Last day of application is the 30th of Sep 2024 Our trade union representatives are Linda Ikatti, Unionen, 010-516 51 61 and Ulf Nordberg, Sveriges Ingenjörer, 010-5166959.

30 augusti 2024
Sista ansökan:
30 september 2024
R&D - Principal Cell Design Engineer
NOVO Energy R&D AB
Civilingenjörsyrken inom kemi och kemiteknik

We are building a state-of-the-art facility and a world-class team of technologists for R&D into next-generation battery cells. We are now seeking a visionary Principal Cell Design Engineer to make it happen. Are you ready to shape the future while honing your leadership skills and becoming an expert in a technical field that will revolutionize the world? In this role you will spread and lead the technological development of our product from ideation to prismatic cell level across the functional teams internally at NOVO energy and with our partners. You are the technological voice pointing the way from concept to commercialization. At NOVO Energy we enable Volvo Cars to go fully electric by 2030. We are a start-up, with the benefit of funding and expertise from our two strong mother companies Northvolt & Volvo Cars. Embrace an awe-inspiring challenge and be at the forefront of technological advancement. We are focused on integrating cutting-edge cell technology into vehicle design, ensuring safety, performance, and sustainability. Together we push the boundaries of battery design in a fast-paced environment. You will report to the R&D Cell Platforms Director (managing Cell Design Department) and work cross-functionally, collaborating closely with Materials and Process engineering teams as well as with Volvo Cars to drive the development of next-gen batteries. What You'll Do - Lead, foster and implement R&D technological cell development methodology from small cell platforms as coins and pouches to product-level prismatic EV battery cells, according to performance and specs delivered by our customer. - Support all R&D functional teams on research challenges, technological bottlenecks, providing guidance and reporting progress to management. - Evaluate technologies towards a valid product prototype. What kind of tests to apply during the different stages of cell development? What criteria should be met along the way toward the MVP? - Design & iterate experimentally, exploring various forms and chemistries in both an R&D and production-facing context. - Conceptualize, implement, and optimize designs for multiple types of next-generation Li-ion cells. - Ensure long-term manufacturability, performance and cost requirements are met for our developed product. Your Background Drawing on your extensive R&D experience, particularly within the battery industry, you have successfully led large-scale, innovative, and challenging high-tech projects. - A relevant university degree in chemistry, electrochemistry, materials science, or chemical engineering is required. - 8+ years of R&D experience from a private company within the battery cell industry. - Proven experience developing cells to commercialization: from concept to production, on an automotive cell. - Proficiency in making statistically informed inferences from experimental data and translating them into cell design improvements. - Proven experience leading technological projects with cross functional teams, not necessarily reporting to you. Personal Success Factors - Passion for innovation - Contribute to an inclusive, collaborative working environment with shared goals, and mutual trust. - Highly organized with excellent technical management skills - Effective communication skills to introduce new methods and processes in different Our Offer We offer you an R&D environment, with a clear goal to ship product. Our facility is located in the central parts of Gothenburg, a small but international city with a lot to offer and the nature around the corner. We will support you in a potential relocation and our comp package covers benefits to encourage a good work-life balance while being part of an exhilarating global venture! We would like to inform you that our recruitment process may take longer than usual due to the holiday season. We ask for your understanding as our lead times are extended during the summer, and we appreciate your patience. We will review your application as soon as possible and get back to you at the earliest opportunity. Volvo Cars is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world. Northvolt is a leading supplier of sustainable, high-quality battery cells and systems, dedicated to delivering the world’s greenest lithium-ion battery. Together, we have formed a joint venture, NOVO Energy, to power the next generation of pure electric Volvo and Polestar cars. Our Gigafactory in Gothenburg will be one of the largest cell production facilities in Europe, with a potential annual cell production capacity of up to 50 gigawatt hours (GWh) - thereby enabling a supply of batteries for approximately half a million Volvo and Polestar cars per year. Our state-of-the-art R&D facility will gather leading expertise from all over the world, to create the next generation battery cells. You can read more about this joint venture in these press releases, here and here.

27 augusti 2024
Sista ansökan:
30 september 2024
Technical writer
Boule Medical AB
Civilingenjörsyrken inom kemi och kemiteknik

Boule Diagnostics AB är ett globalt diagnostikbolag som utvecklar, tillverkar och säljer system och förbrukningsvaror för blodcellräkning (hematologi). Bolaget riktar sig främst till små och medelstora sjukhus, kliniker och laboratorier samt till andra diagnostikbolag inom såväl human- som veterinärhematologi. Verksamheten bedrivs genom rörelsedrivande dotterbolag i Sverige, USA, Mexiko och Ryssland. Försäljning sker globalt, företrädesvis via distributörer med stöd av Boules egna lokala säljare och servicepersonal. Boule Diagnostics aktie är sedan 2011 noterad på Nasdaq Stockholm. We are expanding our Applied Hematology team and are now looking for a Technical Writer! Boule is looking for a dedicated technical writer to join our team in producing high-quality documentation that contributes to the overall success of our products. The candidate must have a background within Life Science, with a particular interest and understanding of the clinical field and diagnostic sphere. Furthermore, the candidate must be fluent in English and possess excellent writing skills. The position will be a part of the Applied Hematology team at our headquarters in Spånga, Sweden, and will report to the Applied Hematology Manager. Scope As a technical writer for Boule you have the responsibility to develop technical documentation such as instructions and labels. You will also work closely with graphical designers to enable a strong visual and contextual message. Stakeholders The role includes engagement with multiple stakeholders such as laboratory staff, developers, quality and usability engineers, and product managers. Key Responsibilities • Produce and maintain high-quality documentation that meets applicable standards and is appropriate for its intended audience • • Write and maintain user manuals for our diagnostic systems • • Write and maintain inserts and instructions for our reagents and consumables • • Write and design labels and other product related documents/markings • • Contribute to the preparation of training materials for laboratory staff and service engineers • • In collaboration with UX designers and developers, contribute to the preparation of intuitive and understandable interface text and guides • Create and maintain the information architecture • • Maintain templates and modules of technical documents • • Analyze existing and potential content, focusing on reuse and single-sourcing opportunities • Review technical documents • Participate and/or drive Change Control activities related to technical documentation • Collaborate with internal stakeholders to obtain an in-depth understanding of the product and the documentation needed The Ideal Candidate Language • Fluent in English, in speech and writing • Swedish is preferred but not a requirement • Other languages are a merit Education • Higher education within Life Science Experience • High understanding of biology, diagnostics and medicine • Minimum of 5 years experience from technical writing within the Life Science sphere • Experience from Content Management Systems, preferably Paligo Additional merits • Experience from working in a laboratory environment • Experience from medical diagnostics regulations, especially IVDR and FDA • Experience from global/international environment with multi-cultural influences Personal qualifications • Pragmatic and works in a systematic, methodical and well-structured manner with ability to prioritize • Ability to explain complex information in a simpler way, graphically and in text • Attention to detail and consistency • A good eye for layout and graphics • High ability to work across functions – a true team player • Energetic – ability to meet deadlines and push high priority projects through in a fast-paced environment Come and join a great team in an important and fun role, we offer a friendly environment with great employee benefits! Selection takes place continuously, so send your application right away! If you have any questions related to the role or the life at Boule, kindly connect with responsible department manager Sofié Olander at [email protected] or HR at [email protected].

27 augusti 2024
Sista ansökan:
26 september 2024