Automationstekniker, elektronik

Sök bland 23 lediga jobb som Automationstekniker, elektronik och börja ditt nya yrkesliv idag!

Testingenjör till Prevas Uppsala
Meet a Group international AB
Ingenjörer och tekniker inom elektroteknik

Jobbify är en jobbplattform för vassa kandidater. För kunds räkning har vi publicerat denna annons, vill du komma i kontakt med den slutgiltiga arbetsgivaren kan du klicka dig vidare till annonsen: Har du erfarenhet av rollen som testingenjör och är sugen på att testa på konsultlivet hos ett kompetent och härlig gäng där du får jobba med spännande uppdrag och kompetenta kollegor? Gillar du att ha en varierad vardag och möjlighet att utvecklas och nå din fulla potential? Då kan konsultlivet hos Prevas vara platsen för just dig!  Om Prevas Prevas är ett tekniskt konsultföretag som erbjuder lösningar, tjänster och produkter till företag inom en rad olika branscher. I Uppsala arbetar Prevas primärt inom Medicinteknik och Life Science med utveckling av produkter som på ett eller annat sätt skapar samhällsnytta. Analytiska instrument inom patientvård eller forskning är ett exempel och Prevas har vana av helhetsåtaganden, vilket innebär att deras kunder kan komma med en enkel idé eller skiss så tar de det därifrån hela vägen till färdig produkt. Medicintekniska företag lägger helt enkelt sin framtid i Prevas händer och vi vill gärna att du är med och skapar den! Om teamet och rollen Teamet består idag av fyra medarbetare med olika utbildningsbakgrunder och senioritet. I din roll som senior testingenjör hos Prevas så kommer du att få ett varierat jobb med en stabil utgångspunkt. Prevas sköter stor del av deras utvecklingsarbete i sina lokaler på Kungsgatan 62 som ligger ett stenkast ifrån Uppsala centralstation. Det finns en enkel mekanikverkstad, ett elektroniklabb och ytor för montage av prototyper i samma våningsplan som utvecklingen sker. Som testingenjör kommer du att få ansvara att leveransen av instrument/produkt lever upp till de krav som ställs. Uppgifterna är varierande och teori varvas med praktik. Det rör sig bland annat om att testa av prestanda på delsystem men även att felsöka i de fall att instrumentet/produkten är utanför specifikationerna. Inget instrument/produkt är det andra likt så det kan röra sig om att felsöka en kabelhärva på en enhet och ett flödessystem med pumpar och ventiler på ett annat. Utöver test och felsökning vid avvikelser så kan tjänsten även innehålla att vara delaktig i FAT. (Factory Acceptance Test), samt att vara delaktig i tekniska diskussioner med kunder. Utvecklingen sker både/antingen hos kund och på Prevaskontoret. Om dig Vi söker dig som trivs i konsultrollen och som inte räds för att utvecklas! Du trivs att arbeta med kunder och i projekt där du gärna tar dig an en rådgivande roll och trivs med att leda kunder till rätta beslut. Du är en team player vilket både dina Prevaskollegor och dina kunder märker av, samt är prestigelös och har fokus på att lösa saker tillsammans. Ingenjörsbakgrund inom relevant område som exempelvis maskinteknik, elektro, teknisk fysik alt. erfarenhet från liknande yrke Minst 5 års erfarenhet av rollen som testingenjör där du arbetat med liknande arbetsuppgifter Kommunicerar obehindrat på svenska och engelska Vi ser det som meriterande om du har ett starkt nätverk och kan dra in egna uppdrag. Att har arbetat med PLC-programmering ser vi även som ett stort plus. Att vara Prevaskonsult Prevas har en stark tro på att det är viktigt att varje anställd hos de får fortsätta utvecklas. Därför sätter Prevas upp individuella mål med alla sina anställda och anpassar bland annat kunduppdrag och arbetsuppgifter därefter. Givetvis är de också kollektivavtalsanslutna och ser till att deras arbetsvillkor hålls både schyssta och trygga för sina konsulter. För Prevas är det grundläggande att du känner att du fortfarande utvecklas och att du känner att just dina behov blir tillgodosedda. Som Prevaskonsult erbjuds du utöver spännande uppdrag hos olika kunder och kompetensutveckling, även möjligheter att delta i aktiviteter såsom afterworks, fredagsfrukostar och konsultluncher på Prevas bekostnad. De ser det som värdeskapande för lagandan och för att man som Prevaskonsult ska få chansen att lära känna varandra både på och utanför arbetstid. Vi ser fram emot din ansökan! Denna rekrytering kommer att hållas av Ed:Za group. Vi tar inte emot ansökningar via e-post, men om du har några frågor kan du kontakta [email protected]

2 oktober 2024
Sista ansökan:
17 oktober 2024
Expedition Värmland för ingenjörer & IT-kompetenser 22 november
Expedition Sweden AB
Ingenjörer och tekniker inom elektroteknik

Välkommen till vårt rekryteringsevent för dig som är ingenjör eller jobbar inom IT och vill flytta till Värmland Vi samlat de mest attraktiva arbetsgivarna i Värmland! Den 22 november bjuder vi, tillsammans med 25 arbetsgivare, in 30-40 ingenjörer till att digitalt inspireras till att bo och leva i Värmland. Förutom livesänd studio träffar du de 8 arbetsgivare du tycker är mest intressanta under kortare privata intervjuer. En unik möjlighet att knyta kontakter, landa ett jobb och få en insikt i vad Värmland har att erbjuda. Så, går du i tankarna om att byta liv, då är det här eventet för dig! Se till att anmäla dig idag, urval sker löpande! Du som söker kan idag vara boende i Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö, Lund, Kalmar, Örebro, Luleå, Jönköping, Linköping, Västerås, Eskilstuna, Umeå, Skellefteå, Örnsköldsvik, Norrköping, Uppsala, Södertälje, Sundsvall eller andra städer. Mer info: Sista ansökningsdag 3 november 2024.

1 oktober 2024
Sista ansökan:
31 oktober 2024
Automotive Engineers
Comatec Sweden AB
Ingenjörer och tekniker inom elektroteknik

Join us as a consultant and shape the future of engineering! Are you ready to take the next big step in your consulting career? Do you want to be part of an exciting journey with a company that’s shaping the future of engineering consulting? This is your opportunity!We are a young consulting firm based in Gothenburg, operating for two years and backed by the strength and expertise of Comatec Group, which has been a trusted name in Engineering Services for over 35 years. Combining the flexibility of a start-up with decades of industry know-how, we offer a unique environment where you can grow and contribute from day one. About the Role Initially, you’ll work on exciting R&D assignments in the Automotive industry in fields such as:• Mechanics• Electronics• Embedded Software• Manufacturing• Logistics• Technical Documentation Our clients are leading companies in the automotive and manufacturing sectors in and around Gothenburg. Most assignments are long-term (1-2 years) and carried out on-site at the client's location. Some projects can also be performed from our office, working with a talented team of engineers both in Sweden and abroad. What We’re Looking For While a university education and relevant experience are important, we value your passion for personal growth, our clients’ success, and the development of our company just as much. Why Join Us? • Be a part of a growing company with two years of success in Sweden• Work on diverse, high-impact projects with international clients• Develop into a top professional in your field• Enjoy a flexible, supportive, and modern work environment• Access to the latest tools and technology Key Details • Multiple positions available• Ongoing interviews and hiring• Competitive salary and employment terms Are you ready for the next step in your career? Send your application by 31st of Ocotber 2024 via our recruitment system.For more information, feel free to contact: Anders Rohdin, [email protected] or p. +46 733 534264 Comatec Group employs nearly 600 skilled professionals over twenty locations in Finland, Poland, Estonia, Romania and Sweden. We provide engineering design, expert and project management services for the technology industry. We have a vision for future growth and internationalization, and so we constantly seek new experts, especially in mechanical, electrical and automation design and in project management services. If you are an ambitious professional, who is eager to learn and take responsibility as well as dedicated to contributing to company development, we are waiting to hear from you. Together we will grow, develop and make a difference.

30 september 2024
Sista ansökan:
31 oktober 2024
Instrument- och automationstekniker till Diamond Power
Meet a Group international AB
Ingenjörer och tekniker inom elektroteknik

Jobbify är en jobbplattform för vassa kandidater. För kunds räkning har vi publicerat denna annons, vill du komma i kontakt med den slutgiltiga arbetsgivaren kan du klicka dig vidare till annonsen: Är du intresserad av automation och vill jobba på ett spännande och globalt bolag? Här kommer du att få arbeta med världsledande design av automatiserad kamerautrustning för övervakning av förbränningsprocesser. Har du god el/automationsbakgrund med kunskap inom PLC-programmering och vill vara med på en fantastisk resa? Vi hjälper nu Diamond Power att leta efter en instrument- och automationstekniker till Skutskär! Om teamet och rollen Du kommer att bli en viktig del av aktiviteterna som rör produktionen av kamerasystem samt installation, service och diagnostik. Diamond Power erbjuder en roll där du kommer att vara involverad i utvecklingen och programmeringen av PLC-system samt utvecklingen av nya produkter. Du kommer också att delta i produktvisningar på plats hos våra kunder, vilket kommer att kräva mycket globalt resande. Du kan räkna med minst en affärsresa per månad. Du kommer att ha en teknisk arbetsmiljö, och dina arbetsdagar kommer vara av stor variation. De är ett litet team, och du kommer att arbeta i nära samarbete med bra kollegor som kommer att bidra med professionell feedback och specialistkunskap. Du kommer att få den nödvändiga introduktionen och applikationsspecifik träning vid behov. Om dig Vi ser att du har en bred kunskap om automatiserade topologier och hårdvaruuppställning. Du är intresserad av att lära dig nya automationsprogramverktyg och har en serviceinriktad personlighet med intresse för intressenthantering. Utöver detta ser vi även att du: Är elektriker eller har en liknande bakgrund, helst inom automation och med förståelse för PLC-system. Gärna har erfarenhet av att konfigurera och programmera lösningar samt etablera nätverksanslutningar. Förståelse för reglerkretsar och dynamik. Du behärskar engelska och svenska både i skrift och tal. B-körkort Det är en fördel om du har erfarenhet av DCS. Om Diamond Power Diamond Power är en del av Babcock & Wilcox och arbetar med kunder för att hjälpa dem lösa sina mest utmanande problem med rengöring av pannor. Vi kombinerar resurser över våra internationella Diamond Power Products-grupper för att ge kunder det bästa, samarbetsvilliga och produktiva teamet - oavsett om det gäller att möta nya utmaningar för anläggningar eller utvärdera möjligheter att förbättra prestandan för befintliga installationer. Diamond Power pannrengöringssystem finns tillgängliga i ång-/luft-, högtrycksvatten- och dubbelmedia luftvärmare rengöringskonfigurationer. Med över ett sekel av erfarenhet inom pannrengöring kan du lita på lågt underhåll, pålitlighet, mångsidighet och maximal rengöringsprestanda som stöds av erfarenhet. Vi ser fram emot din ansökan! Denna rekrytering kommer att hållas av Ed:Za group. Vi tar inte emot ansökningar via e-post, men om du har några frågor kan du kontakta [email protected]

28 september 2024
Sista ansökan:
13 oktober 2024
C/C++ Embedded Software Developer Lund
Alten Sverige AB
Ingenjörer och tekniker inom elektroteknik

At ALTEN Lund we are looking for an embedded C/C++ developer to join our embedded systems team!   Besides having the right skills for the job, we are looking for people who are positive, eager to learn, dedicated and keen on delivering results. We would also like to see that you are a team player with good communication skills and have the ability to create and maintain good relationships with colleagues and clients.    With us, the consulting assignments vary in layout, width, length and size, all depending on our customers' needs and your wishes. This means you can expect a great deal of variety in your work. YOUR PROFILE: B.Sc or M.Sc in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Embedded Systems, or equivalent education. Experience in developing embedded software in C or C++. Experience working in a modern software environment with embedded Linux and tools like GIT/Gerrit/Jenkins. Experience with agile mindset and methodologies. Experience with Python and other scripting languages is a bonus. ABOUT ALTEN At ALTEN, the focus is on the individual. As a new member of the group, you will be supported by colleagues and managers who see you. Your boss cares about your well-being and thinks it is important that you feel that you have a good balance between your work and your free time.   ALTEN is one of Europe's largest consulting companies in engineering, IT, and Life Sciences with over 57 000 employees in more than 30 countries. We are a global player with a local presence, with 1,400 committed colleagues from Lund in the south to Luleå in the north. Our engineers carried out projects at the leading companies in several different industries such as vehicles, aviation & defense, energy, industry, public sector, and Life Sciences. We are collectively connected. In addition to this, we have benefits such as health care allowance, occupational pension, education budget, and insurance.   Apply today!   PLEASE BE AWARE THAT APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED VIA EMAIL OR DIRECT MESSAGING WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.

27 september 2024
Sista ansökan:
13 oktober 2024
Vi söker Automationsingenjörer till Guard Automation AB
Prowork Göteborg AB
Ingenjörer och tekniker inom elektroteknik

Vi söker en erfaren Automationsingenjör till Kristianstad eller Hässleholm Om tjänsten: Vi söker nu en erfaren och självgående automationsingenjör till vårt team i Kristianstad eller Hässleholm. Som automationsingenjör hos oss kommer du att arbeta med programmering av PLC, HMI och SCADA-system för olika kundprojekt. Då våra projekt ofta kräver närvaro på plats hos kund så innefattar tjänsten även en del resande, mestadels nationellt men även internationella uppdrag förekommer. Arbetsuppgifter: - Programmering och konfigurering av PLC, HMI och SCADA-system.  -Deltagande i projekt från start till slut, test och driftsättning. - Felsökning och problemlösning, både inom elektriska system och mjukvara. - Samarbeta med kollegor, kunder och tekniker för att säkerställa en effektiv projektgenomföring. - Resor till kunders anläggningar för installation och driftsättning. Vi söker dig som har: - Flera års erfarenhet av arbete som automationsingenjör, gärna inom tillverkningsindustrin eller liknande. - Gedigen erfarenhet av PLC-programmering (exempelvis Siemens, Mitsubishi eller liknande). - Erfarenhet av att arbeta med HMI- och SCADA-system. - Förmåga att arbeta självständigt och driva projekt framåt. - Erfarenhet av felsökning, både elektriskt och på mjukvara, är meriterande. - B-körkort och möjlighet att resa i tjänsten. Meriterande: - Erfarenhet av värmeverk,kraftverk eller annan processindustri Vi erbjuder: En spännande och varierande roll i ett växande företag. Möjligheten att arbeta med intressanta och tekniskt utmanande projekt. En stimulerande arbetsmiljö med trevliga kollegor där du får möjlighet att utveckla din tekniska kompetens och driva projekt på ett självständigt sätt. Konkurrenskraftiga anställningsvillkor och möjlighet till personlig utveckling. Vid frågor angående tjänsten ta kontakt med Jerry Stenberg: 0709118028 [email protected]

26 september 2024
Sista ansökan:
7 november 2024
Automation Technician
European Spallation Source Eric
Ingenjörer och tekniker inom elektroteknik

The European Spallation Source ERIC (ESS) is a partnership organisation of 13 European member countries located in the city of Lund, Sweden. The ESS is one of the largest science and technology infrastructure projects being built today. The project includes the most powerful linear proton accelerator ever built, a five-tonne, helium-cooled tungsten target wheel, 15 state-of-the-art neutron instruments, a suite of laboratories, and a supercomputing data management and software development centre. In the context of its history and future as a scientific organisation, however, it is more than the sum of its parts. It is a brand new Big Science organisation and we are building it from the ground up.   Come and build the future of Science with us!   About the role  The ESS is at an exciting turning point - it is in transition from being a construction site, to being an operating facility. To help us realise our goal of being the most powerful neutron source in the world, we are now seeking to appoint an Automation Technician for the Motion Control & Automation Group (MCAG). The MCAG is responsible for deploying PLC motion control systems to the Neutron Scattering Instruments, delivered by European in-kind partners to ESS. The task of the group is to develop standards for motion at ESS and work with partners to implement these across the whole facility. The focus of the group is to support the construction of neutron instruments in NSS.  The main areas of responsibilities in this position will be to:  • Complement the engineering efforts of the MCAG with practical competence in automation components selection, cabling and electrical drawings. • Build-up of test hardware and controllers to support the motion control related parts of the various Acceptance Tests of instrument sub-systems; support the tests with installation and adjustment of electromechanical motion components. • As part of the Common MCA project: • Build-up/customise and test standardised motion control cabinets to be delivered to instrument teams. • Manufacture, terminate and test motion control cables for instruments; collaborate for this with contractors and personnel of suppliers. • Train staff and advise on ESS standards. • Support the commissioning of whole motion systems on instruments. • Contribute to the organisation of Electrical Safety in the MCAG workshops and labs. This is a 3-year fixed-term position, with the possibility of future opportunities in the organisation. It is based in Lund, Sweden, and we need someone who can start as soon as practically possible. In the future, this role may require on-call duties and/or shift work, which will be compensated for, according to our collective agreement.  About you  To thrive in this role, we believe that you have:  • Certified professional education in the field of Automation Technology (Electronics Technician, Industrial Electrician or similar). • Practical working experience in cabinet building and setting up automation control systems including installation, cabling and testing. • Experience in termination of multipin small signal cables with crimping and soldering connectors. • Knowledge of national and international norms, standards and best practices for cabling and installation. • Fluency in written and spoken English.  The following would be an advantage:  • Certificate/Training for work on Low Voltage Systems. • Experience in troubleshooting PLCs and motion control systems. • Knowledge of wiring diagram software, preferably ePlan We believe that you are a very practical person, but also with understanding in design processes. You are service-minded, collaborative and responsible, and have good organisational skills. You are self-motivated and take pride in delivering quality work, according to deadlines. Documenting your work comes naturally to you. It is also important that you feel comfortable working in an international environment.  What can we offer?  Aside from the chance to work at a truly unique Big Science project, you can also expect:   • An opportunity to contribute to the future discoveries within neutron science. • A stunning, brand new workplace filled with innovative minds and brilliant people from across the globe. • A challenging, innovative and stimulating work environment. • 25 days of annual leave, as well as more than 10 days of public holiday and company days off or days with limited working hours. • Monthly pension contributions on top of your salary. • Focus on work-life balance. • Preventative healthcare benefit. • Where applicable, relocation support and allowances may also be available. Interested? We sure hope so.   If you see yourself in what we’re looking for, please provide your CV and motivation letter in English by clicking on “apply” and following the instructions. Please be aware that we can only accept direct applications made via the ESS website. We will review applications continuously so please apply as soon as you can, or by 23 October, 2024 at the latest.  Certain roles at ESS require health and safety and/or security checks, which may be carried out during the recruitment process.   For more information regarding the ESS recruitment process, please see or contact Recruitment Officer Åsa Ander at [email protected]   For further information regarding the position, please contact the hiring manager Thomas Gahl at [email protected]   For trade union information, please contact Unionen representative Mikael Johansson at [email protected] or SACO/Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers representative Marc Kickulies at [email protected]   We look forward to receiving your application!

23 september 2024
Sista ansökan:
23 oktober 2024
C/C++ Embedded Software Developer
Alten Sverige AB
Ingenjörer och tekniker inom elektroteknik

At ALTEN Jönköping we are looking for an embedded C/C++ developer to join our embedded systems team!   Besides having the right skills for the job, we are looking for people who are positive, eager to learn, dedicated and keen on delivering results. We would also like to see that you are a team player with good communication skills and have the ability to create and maintain good relationships with colleagues and clients.    With us, the consulting assignments vary in layout, width, length and size, all depending on our customers' needs and your wishes. This means you can expect a great deal of variety in your work. YOUR PROFILE: B.Sc or M.Sc in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Embedded Systems, or equivalent education. Experience in developing embedded software in C or C++. Experience working in a modern software environment with embedded Linux and tools like GIT/Gerrit/Jenkins. Experience with agile mindset and methodologies. Experience with Python and other scripting languages is a bonus. ABOUT ALTEN At ALTEN, the focus is on the individual. As a new member of the group, you will be supported by colleagues and managers who see you. Your boss cares about your well-being and thinks it is important that you feel that you have a good balance between your work and your free time.   ALTEN is one of Europe's largest consulting companies in engineering, IT, and Life Sciences with over 57 000 employees in more than 30 countries. We are a global player with a local presence, with 1,400 committed colleagues from Lund in the south to Luleå in the north. Our engineers carried out projects at the leading companies in several different industries such as vehicles, aviation & defense, energy, industry, public sector, and Life Sciences. We are collectively connected. In addition to this, we have benefits such as health care allowance, occupational pension, education budget, and insurance.   Apply today!

23 september 2024
Sista ansökan:
13 oktober 2024
Senior Automation Technician
European Spallation Source Eric
Ingenjörer och tekniker inom elektroteknik

The European Spallation Source ERIC (ESS) is a partnership organisation of 13 European member countries located in the city of Lund, Sweden. The ESS is one of the largest science and technology infrastructure projects being built today. The project includes the most powerful linear proton accelerator ever built, a five-tonne, helium-cooled tungsten target wheel, 15 state-of-the-art neutron instruments, a suite of laboratories, and a supercomputing data management and software development centre. In the context of its history and future as a scientific organisation, however, it is more than the sum of its parts. It is a brand new Big Science organisation and we are building it from the ground up.  Come and build the future of Science with us!   About the role  The ESS is at an exciting turning point - it is in transition from being a construction site, to being an operating facility. To help us realise our goal of being the most powerful neutron source in the world, we are now seeking to appoint a Senior Technician for the Motion Control & Automation Group (MCAG). The MCAG is responsible for deploying PLC motion control systems to the Neutron Scattering Instruments, delivered by European in-kind partners to ESS. The task of the group is to develop standards for motion at ESS and work with partners to implement these across the whole facility. The focus of the group is to support the construction of neutron instruments in NSS.  The position requires expertise in Motion Control and PLC systems especially for the production, adaptation, installation, and testing of control systems and cables. The main areas of responsibilities in this position will be to:  • Guide and coordinate the Motion Control & Automation (MCA) related electrical installation efforts on neutron instruments within the Common MCA project: • Establish and maintain supply chain, early procurement and spare part management for control cabinet components, cables and connectors. • Manage manufacturing of motion control cables and customisation of control cabinets for the different Instrument projects. • Supervise cable installation and termination, quality check and energisation • Delegate, guide, train, and supervise a team of MCA technicians, contractors, supplier’s, and in-kind partner’s personnel in performing the tasks above. • Electrical Safety Leader for motion control related systems within the ESS self-audit scheme for electrical installation. • Support the engineering efforts of the MCAG in the different phases of the engineering workflow with practical competence, provide assistance in commissioning and training to fellow group members. • Responsible for MCA workshop and cable handling area; plan and supervise installation and furnishing; perform regular safety checks. This is a 3-year fixed-term position, with the possibility of future opportunities in the organisation. It is based in Lund, Sweden, and we need someone who can start as soon as practically possible. In the future, this role may require on-call duties and/or shift work, which will be compensated for, according to our collective agreement.  About you  To thrive in this role, we believe that you have profound and certified professional education in the field of Automation Technology (Electronics Technician, Industrial Electrician or similar).  You have at least 5-10 years of practical experience in installing and maintaining automation control systems including cabinet building, cabling according to wiring diagrams and testing.  Furthermore, you have:  • Solid knowledge of technology and market offer for automation components. • Knowledge of norms, standards and best practices for cabling and installation including machine safety (EN ISO 13849). • Experience in leading small teams, including staff planning and task distribution. • Fluency in written and spoken English. We believe that you are a very practical person, but also with understanding in design processes. You are service-minded, collaborative and responsible, and have good organisational skills. You should be self-motivated, and be used to deliver according to deadlines. Documenting your work comes naturally to you. It is also important that you feel comfortable working in an international environment.  What can we offer?  Aside from the chance to work at a truly unique Big Science project, you can also expect:   • An opportunity to contribute to the future discoveries within neutron science. • A stunning, brand new workplace filled with innovative minds and brilliant people from across the globe. • A challenging, innovative and stimulating work environment. • 25 days of annual leave, as well as more than 10 days of public holiday and company days off or days with limited working hours. • Monthly pension contributions on top of your salary. • Focus on work-life balance. • Preventative healthcare benefit. • Where applicable, relocation support and allowances may also be available. Interested? We sure hope so.   If you see yourself in what we’re looking for, please provide your CV and motivation letter in English by clicking on “apply” and following the instructions. Please be aware that we can only accept direct applications made via the ESS website. We will review applications continuously so please apply as soon as you can, or by 20 October, 2024 at the latest.  Certain roles at ESS require health and safety and/or security checks, which may be carried out during the recruitment process.   For more information regarding the ESS recruitment process, please see or contact Recruitment Officer Åsa Ander at [email protected]   For further information regarding the position, please contact the hiring manager Thomas Gahl at [email protected]   For trade union information, please contact Unionen representative Mikael Johansson at [email protected] or SACO/Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers representative Marc Kickulies at [email protected]   We look forward to receiving your application!

20 september 2024
Sista ansökan:
20 oktober 2024
Senior Consultant Test Engineers
Ingenjörer och tekniker inom elektroteknik

DSAB is seeking a Senior Consultant Test Engineer to join our team as a consultant for automotive customers in Gothenburg. In this role, you will conduct comprehensive tests across multiple levels, for different ECUs including manual/automated testing in vehicles, stand-alone setups, test benches, HIL systems, SIL, MIL, and test automation. You will be responsible for day-to-day test operations, ensuring test equipment is maintained and calibrated. Additionally, you will handle the tasks as per team needs and deliveries. Key Responsibilities: Plan, execute, and analyze tests in collaboration with team members. Perform tests at various levels, including manual vehicle testing, HIL systems, and test automation. Maintain, calibrate, and install test objects on the test bed. Program and configure automated test systems. Learn and apply new testing methods to complex systems. Qualifications: MSc/BSc in Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Mechatronics, Electric Power, Embedded Software, Computer Science, or related fields. Proven experience in testing, Verification & Validation. Hands-on experience with HIL, SIL, and MIL systems. Proficient with tools such as CANalyzer, CANOe, INCA. Proficient with tools such as Systemweaver, Elektra Experience with CI/CD and automation processes. Good to have: Python, C/C++, DSA Fluent in English Strong system understanding and ability to analyze requirements and create test cases. Valid B-category Swedish driving license. Join DSAB and become part of an experienced team with exciting opportunities for growth and development.

19 september 2024
Sista ansökan:
30 november 2024