2 amanuenser 20% till institutionen för molekylärbiologi

Umeå universitet är ett av Sveriges största lärosäten med över 37 000 studenter och cirka 4 700 anställda. Vid universitetet finns en mångfald av utbildningar av hög kvalitet och världsledande forskning inom flera vetenskapsområden, och här gjordes den banbrytande upptäckten av gensaxen CRISPR-Cas9 som tilldelats Nobelpriset i kemi. Vid Umeå universitet är allt nära. Våra sammanhållna campus gör det lätt att mötas, samarbeta och utbyta kunskap, något som gynnar en dynamisk och öppen kultur. Den samhällsomvandling och de stora gröna investeringar vi ser i norra Sverige skapar enorma möjligheter och komplexa utmaningar. För Umeå universitet handlar det om att bedriva forskning om – och mitt i – ett samhälle i omvandling. Men också om att leverera utbildningar för regioner som behöver expandera fort och hållbart. Det är helt enkelt här framtiden skapas. Är du intresserad av att veta mer? https://www.umu.se/jobba-hos-oss/om-universitetet-som-arbetsplats/   Medicinska fakulteten är en av de största fakulteterna vid Umeå universitet och attraherar många studenter med ett omfattande utbud av utbildningar inom områdena medicin, tandvård, hälsa och vård. Vi erbjuder en väl utvecklad forskningsinfrastruktur och en inspirerande, dynamisk miljö med ledande forskning. Vår nära samverkan med de fyra regionerna i Norra sjukvårdsregionen ser vi som en stor ömsesidig tillgång för att utveckla forskning och utbildning och att säkra tillgången på vår framtids vårdpersonal. Institutionen för molekylärbiologi söker 2 amanuenser motsvarande 20 procent. Tillträde 1 september 2024 eller enligt överenskommelse. Arbetsuppgifter Arbetsuppgifterna som amanuens kommer att bestå av att assistera vid sortering av gamla och oanvända kemikalier samt att katalogisera typ och mängd av dessa kemikalier enligt kemisäkerhetsriktlinjer vid Umeå universitet. Andra uppgifter kopplade till kemikaliehantering, såsom att skapa en kemisk inventering för aktiva forskningsgrupper vid institutionen, kan också ingå. Kvalifikationer Du som söker positionen som amanuens ska: - Vara registrerad på en kurs vid Umeå Universitet - Ha läst minst 30 högskolepoäng i kemi med betyget godkänt/3 eller högre. - Ha läst minst 30 högskolepoäng i molekylärbiologi med betyget godkänt/3 eller högre. - Ha fullföljt minst 10 högskolepoäng i praktisk laboratorieträning inom kemi och/ eller molekylärbiologi med betyget godkänt/3 eller högre. - Kunna visa på god kunskap i säkert laboratoriearbete. - Kunna visa att du har tid att avsätta till amanuensarbetet. Det innebär att du bör kunna visa att du i hög grad klarat dina studier under normal takt och inte har för många kurser oavklarade. - Kunna kommunicera flytande på engelska. - Tidigare erfarenhet av kemikalieinventeringssystemet KLARA och av kemiska riskbedömningar är meriterande. Urval av sökande baseras på meriter, lämplighet och erfarenhet av liknande arbetsuppgifter. Stor vikt kommer att läggas vid personliga egenskaper. Vi strävar efter en jämn fördelning av kvinnor och män och uppmuntrar därför både kvinnliga och manliga sökande Villkor Anställningen motsvarar 20 procent (8 timmar per vecka) under en period av 6 månader med start i September 2024. Du kommer att introduceras av och utföra dina arbetsuppgifter i nära samarbete med erfaren personal vid institutionen för molekylärbiologi. Anställningen ska fullgöras parallellt med studier. Ansökan Ansökan ska göras via e-rekryteringssystemet Varbi och vara inkommen senast den 8 maj 2024. Ansökan ska vara maximum två A4 sidor och i din ansökan önskar vi att du inkluderar en beskrivning av den kunskap och erfarenhet du anser vara relevant för positionen. Denna bör inkludera: - En kort beskrivning av dig själv. - En beskrivning av din kunskap och erfarenhet samt varför du anser dig vara passande för positionen som amanuens. - Bifoga ett utdrag ur Ladok med dina avklarade och pågående kurser. - Bifoga ett aktuellt intyg på studieresultat från Studentwebben. - Indikera vilka kurser du planerar att läsa under 2024. Vid frågor är du mycket välkommen att kontakta Dr Javier Avila-Carino, [email protected] eller Prof. Matthew Francis, [email protected]. Välkommen med din ansökan! Umeå universitet vill erbjuda en jämställd och jämlik miljö där öppna samtal mellan människor med olika bakgrund och perspektiv lägger grunden för lärande, skaparkraft och utveckling. Vi välkomnar därför personer med olika bakgrunder och erfarenheter att söka den aktuella anställningen. Till bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av ytterligare jobbannonser.

17 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
8 maj 2024
Postdoctoral fellow in cancer genomics

The University of Gothenburg tackles society’s challenges with diverse knowledge. 56 000 students and 6 600 employees make the university a large and inspiring place to work and study. Strong research and attractive study programmes attract researchers and students from around the world. With new knowledge and new perspectives, the University contributes to a better future.The Institute of Biomedicine is involved in both research and education. In both of these areas, we focus on fundamental knowledge of the living cell – what it consists of, how it works, how its function is directed by the genetic material, and how it interacts with various kinds of micro-organisms. Using this knowledge, we try to elucidate the causes of diseases, and find new ways to diagnose and treat them. At the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology, we are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral fellow with a background in single cell genomics and a keen interest in hematopoiesis and cancer. Subject area  Cancer genomics   Subject area description  Clonal hematopoiesis, characterized by driver genetic alterations in blood cells of healthy individuals, is associated with increased risk of blood cancer, mortality, and several age-related diseases. Whole-exome and whole-genome sequencing data available from large genomic projects provide unprecedented sample size and opportunities to study clonal hematopoiesis and cancer development. Recently, we identified two groups of clonal hematopoiesis and stratified risk of blood cancer (Niroula et al., Nature Medicine 2021). Our projects are focused on understanding the mechanisms regulating clonal expansion of blood cells.   Duties  The candidate will employ advanced single cell techniques to investigate the molecular mechanisms driving clonal hematopoiesis. The project will generate an extensive multi-modal data from single cells. As a postdoctoral fellow, you will lead the project in both experimental and bioinformatic aspects. Additionally, you will coordinate the project and collaborate with other team members.   Eligibility  The eligibility criteria for employing teaching staff are set out in Chapter 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance and in the Appointment Procedure for Teaching Posts at the University of Gothenburg.  To be eligible for appointment as a postdoc, the applicant is required to have a doctoral degree, a doctoral degree in art or a foreign degree that is deemed to be equivalent to a doctoral degree. This eligibility requirement must be met before the employment decision is made.  In the first instance, those who have completed their degree no more than three years prior to the end of the application period shall be considered. Those who have completed their degree more than three years prior to the end of the application period may also be considered in the first instance if special grounds exist. Special grounds relate to leave of absence due to illness, parental leave, commissions of trust within union organisations, service within the defence services or other similar circumstances, as well as clinical service or service/assignment relevant to the subject area.    Assessment criteria  The candidate must hold a PhD degree in molecular biology, cell biology, bioinformatics, or similar subject. Strong background in molecular biology, single-cell techniques and flow cytometry is required. Documented knowledge and experience of stem cell biology, hematopoietic stem cells, and hematologic cancer is required. Data analysis skills using R and python are advantageous. The candidate should have the ability to work independently as well as work in collaborative teams. Fluency in both spoken and written English is essential. Great emphasis will be placed on personal suitability. Regulations for the evaluation of qualifications for academic positions are given in Chapter 4, Section 3 - 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance.   Employment  The employment is full time and temporary, two years with the possibility of one year's extension, with placement at the Institute of Biomedicine. First day of employment as agreed.   Selection process  Help for applicants.   Contact information  If you have any questions about the position, please contact Abhishek Niroula, Assistant Professor, +46 (0)72 442 0580, [email protected].   Unions  Union representatives at the University of Gothenburg can be found here: https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/hjalp-for-sokande      Application  Submit your application via the University of Gothenburg’s recruitment portal by clicking the “Apply” button. It is your responsibility to ensure that the application is complete as per the vacancy notice, and that the University receives it by the final application deadline.   The application should contain:  - A cover letter giving a brief description of previous research experience, and a motivation to why you are applying - A CV including a list of publications - Contact details of two references - Proof of completed PhD Applications must be received by: 2024-05-07      Information for International Applicants  Choosing a career in a foreign country is a big step. Thus, to give you a general idea of what we and Gothenburg have to offer in terms of benefits and life in general for you and your family/spouse/partner please visit:  https://www.gu.se/en/about-the-university/welcome-services  https://www.movetogothenburg.com/  The University works actively to achieve a working environment with equal conditions, and values the qualities that diversity brings to its operations. Salaries are set individually at the University. In accordance with the National Archives of Sweden’s regulations, the University must archive application documents for two years after the appointment is filled. If you request that your documents are returned, they will be returned to you once the two years have passed. Otherwise, they will be destroyed. In connection to this recruitment, we have already decided which recruitment channels we should use. We therefore decline further contact with vendors, recruitment and staffing companies.

16 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
7 maj 2024
Postdoktor i bakteriell patogenes och genreglering

Medicinska fakulteten är en av de största fakulteterna vid Umeå universitet och attraherar många studenter med ett omfattande utbud av utbildningar inom områdena medicin, tandvård, hälsa och vård. Vi erbjuder en väl utvecklad forskningsinfrastruktur och en inspirerande, dynamisk miljö med ledande forskning. Vår nära samverkan med de fyra regionerna i Norra sjukvårdsregionen ser vi som en stor ömsesidig tillgång för att utveckla forskning och utbildning och att säkra tillgången på vår framtids vårdpersonal. Institutionen för medicinsk kemi och biofysik bedriver forskning och undervisning vid Medicinska fakulteten. Förutom institutionsgemensamma anslag för forskning och utbildning har institutionens forskargrupper ett stort antal nationella och internationella forskningsprojekt med extern finansiering. Vi är en internationell arbetsplats med medarbetare från många olika länder.    Nu finns möjligheten att söka anställning som postdoktor inom prokaryot genreglering. Anställningen är på heltid och tillträde 15 aug 2024 eller enligt överenskommelse. Sista ansökningsdag 15 maj 2024.   Beskrivning Hälften av jordens befolkning beräknas vara infekterad med den så kallade magsårsbakterien Helicobacter pylori. Infektionen är livslång om den inte behandlas. De allra flesta känner inte av infektionen och utvecklar heller inte sjukdom men hos vissa individer orsakar infektionen magsår eller magcancer. Miljön i magslemhinnan varierar och till det måste bakterien anpassa sig.  Genom tidigare forskning med både in vivo och in vitro system har vi molekylärt beskrivit mekanismer som bidrar till att H. pylori finjusterar genuttryck för att anpassa sig till den lokala miljö i magsäcken. På sin yta har många H. pyloristammar vidhäftningsproteinet SabA och med hjälp av det kan H. pylori vidhäfta till inflammerad magslemhinna. I detta projekts vill vi nu ytterligare fördjupa oss i de molekylära mekanismerna som bidrar till att H. pylori kan anpassa sig till den lokal miljön i magslemhinnan och hur uttrycket av SabA varierar med närvaron av olika faktorer. I detta projekt använder genetiska, molekylärbiologiska och biokemiska tillvägagångssätt för att analysera de bakomliggande mekanismerna varvid genuttrycket finjusteras. Det kommer att vara ett betydande fokus på DNA-proteininteraktioner. Denna forskning kommer att bidra med kunskap om molekylära mekanismer som styr genreglering hos H. pylori och som antagligen också är relevanta och applicerbara i andra bakteriearter, särskilt hos bakterier med små genom och en med begränsad uppsättning transkriptionsfaktorer. Arbetsuppgifter Postdoktorn förväntas att aktivt delta i design och genomförande av experiment, dataanalys, utveckling och etablering av nya metoder i labbet, samt att presentera och publicera resultat. Kandidaten förväntas också delta i forskningsrelaterade aktiviteter inom forskargruppen såsom gruppmöten, journalklubbar, institutionsseminarier samt delta i nationella och/eller internationella möten. Behörighet Behörig att anställas som postdoktor är den som avlagt doktorsexamen, eller utländsk examen som bedöms motsvara doktorsexamen, inom biokemi, molekylärbiologi eller mikrobiologi. Detta behörighetskrav ska vara uppfyllt senast vid tidpunkten då anställningsbeslutet fattas.  Vi söker en mycket motiverad kandidat som har dokumenterad laboratorieerfarenhet inom molekylärbiologi, mikrobiologi och biokemiska metoder. Du bör ha praktiska erfarenheter av molekylär kloning, uttryck av rekombinanta proteiner liksom biokemiska eller biofysikaliska analyser av DNA-proteininteraktioner. Du bör ha en stark relevant forskningsoutput, vilket framgår av förstaförfattarskap, eller publikationer som presenterar banbrytande forskningsrön inom områden som rör mekanismer som styr genuttryck eller interaktioner mellan värd och parasit. Kandidaten måste behärska engelska i tal och skrift. Eftersom projektet kommer att vara av samverkanskaraktär förväntas kandidaterna fungera i ett team och därför ha en god samarbetsförmåga. God initiativförmåga att arbeta självständigt är ett krav.   Meriterande Eftersom anställning som postdoktor utgör en meriteringsanställning för juniora forskare, riktar vi oss främst till den som har en doktorsexamen som inte är äldre än tre år räknat från sista ansökningsdag. Om det finns särskilda skäl kan den komma i fråga som avlagt doktorsexamen tidigare. Med särskilda skäl avses ledighet på grund av sjukdom, föräldraledighet, klinisk tjänstgöring, förtroendeuppdrag inom fackliga organisationer eller andra liknande omständigheter, samt för ämnesområdet relevant tjänstgöring/uppdrag.    Sökande med praktisk erfarenhet av metoder för studier av DNA-proteininteraktioner så som EMSA, DNase footprinting, in vitro transkription eller biofysikaliska metoder är meriterande, liksom goda kunskaper i bioinformatik av stora dataset.   Mer om anställningen Anställningen är en tidsbegränsad anställning på heltid i 2 år enligt villkor i avtal om tidsbegränsad anställning som postdoktor från 1 februari 2022.  Mer information om gruppens forskning finns att läsa på vår https://www.umu.se/forskning/grupper/anna-arnqvist/. Information om institutionen för Medicinsk kemi och biofysik hittar du https://www.umu.se/institutionen-for-medicinsk-kemi-och-biofysik/. Institutionen för medicinsk kemi och biofysik är lokaliserad i Kemiskt Biologiskt Centrum https://www.umu.se/en/chemical-biological-centre Anna Arnqvist Björklunds team ingår i Umeå Centrum för mikrobiell forskning (https://www.umu.se/ucmr/om-ucmr)   Ansökan Ansökan ska innehålla: ·         En kort beskrivning av forskningsintressen och motivering till varför du är intresserad av anställningen. ·         CV ·         Publikationslista ·         Examensbevis från forskarutbildning samt andra relevanta examina ·         Kontaktinformation till två eller tre referenspersoner ·         Annan relevant dokumentation som du vill bifoga som stöd för din ansökan Ansökan ska vara skriven på svenska eller engelska. Ansökan ska göras via vårt e-rekryteringssystem Varbi och vara inkommen senast den 15 maj 2024 Vid frågor, kontakta prof Anna Arnqvist Björklund, [email protected] Välkommen med din ansökan!

15 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
15 maj 2024
Laboratory Technician

Join Our Team as a Laboratory Technician! We are currently seeking highly motivated Laboratory Technicianto join our dynamic team. In your role as Technician, you will play a crucial role in ensuring the efficiency and effectiveness of our processes. If you have a passion for technology and a keen eye for detail, we encourage you to apply. About the RoleWe are looking for a highly motivated Lab Techto join our Specimencore. You will be involved in research projects employing cutting edge technologies, and state of the art equipment. The Laboratory Technician role at Anocca is a junior role for graduates with a keen interest in biotechnology and life sciences.As a part of Specimen core you willcontribute to Anocca’s operations by isolation and banking of cells fromblood specimens, including their geneticand phenotypic characterisation. You will alsosupport operations with equipment maintenance and service.Being a part of our Specimen core includes routine handling of incoming blood: PBMC isolation from blood and banking DNA extraction from cells Phenotyping of cells by flow cytometry What We're Looking For: Molecular biology laboratory skills Good time management skills and proficient in data documentation Fluent written and spoken English It would be nice if you have: Experience with handling blood Some experience of working with primary cells Experience of quality system driven operations (ISO, GxP or equivalent)Why us: Our company is at the forefront of technological innovation, striving to make a difference in the industry. We offer a dynamic working environment where talent and ambition are recognized and rewarded. Join us, and be part of a team that values growth, collaboration, and the pursuit of excellence. We Offer: Competitive salary and benefits package. Opportunities for professional development and career advancement. A collaborative and supportive work culture. State-of-the-art facilities and resources. How to Apply:If thisposition resonates with you, we would love to hear from you. Submit your application, including your CV and a cover letter. Join us in making a difference, apply now!

9 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
26 september 2024

Bioengineer - Maternity leave Cover! We are currently seeking a substituteBioengineerto join our dynamic process development team for a one year maternity leave cover. We are growing and you will have a good chance at a permanent position at the end of this contract. In your role as Bioengineer, you will play a crucial role in ensuring the efficiency and effectiveness of our processes. If you have a passion for technology and a keen eye for detail, we encourage you to apply. About the RoleWe are looking for a highly motivated Bioengineer/Research Associate in our process development team. You will be involved in testing, upscaling and implementation of R&D processes into GMP-compliant manufacturing processes usingcutting-edge immunology and molecular biology technologies and state-of-the art equipment. The Bioengineer role at Anocca is suited to early-career scientists or experienced laboratory technicians with a keen interest in biotechnology and scientific method. You should already have a few years of relevant high-quality experience and hold an MSc in biomedical sciences or equivalent experience. You must have excellent English communication skills, deep knowledge of relevant research techniques and the ability to independently analyse and summarise data. You must be capable of working as part of a team but should also demonstrate initiative to drive projects forward. What We're Looking For: MSc in biomedical sciences or equivalent experience Significant and relevant laboratory experience in cell biology, with an emphasis on immunology and mammalian cell culture Good time management skills and proficient in data documentation Fluent written and spoken English It would be nice if you have: Experience with T-cell immunology and functional assays Experience with primary cell culture Experience in flow cytometry Experience with automated closed-system cell processing and expansion systems Experience from GMP Why Join Us? Our company is at the forefront of technological innovation, striving to make a difference in the industry. We offer a dynamic working environment where talent and ambition are recognized and rewarded. Join us, and be part of a team that values growth, collaboration, and the pursuit of excellence. This is a temporary position with the possibility for a permanent position. How to Apply: If this Bioengineer position resonates with you, we would love to hear from you. Submit your application, including your CV and a cover letter. Join us in making a difference, apply now!

9 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
26 september 2024
Scientist - Tech Development

Join our team as a Scientist! We are currently seeking a highly motivated Scientist to join our dynamic team. In your role as a Scientist in the Tech development team at Anocca, you will have the opportunity to work at the exciting intersection of biotechnology and medicine with the possibility for innovation and development of new methods. If you have a passion for technology and a keen eye for detail, we encourage you to apply. About the role We are looking for a motivated Scientist with critical thinking skills and an innovation mindset to strengthen our Tech development team. You will be involved in research projects employing cutting edge cellular and molecular biology technologies and in the design and execution of experiments for improving current and establishing novel workflows. This Scientist role at Anocca is suited to early-career scientists who recently completed their PhD with a keen interest in biotechnology, immunology, and synthetic biology. You should already have relevant experience in cellular immunology and hold a doctorate in biomedical sciences. You must have excellent English communication skills, deep knowledge of relevant research techniques and the ability to independently analyze and summarize data. You must be capable of working as part of a team and should also demonstrate initiative to drive projects forward. What we are looking for: Recently graduated PhD in biomedical sciences Significant and relevant experience in cellular immunology Significant hands-on experience with mammalian cell culture and cell-based assays, as well as with designing, performing and analyzing multiparameter flow cytometry experiments Strong ability to analyze, summarize and present data Goal oriented with a focus on efficiency and attention to detail Ability to work efficiently both independently and in a team environment Excellent time management skills Strong problem-solving and excellent communication skills, both orally and in writing Fluent in written and spoken English It would be a merit if you can also demonstrate experience with: T-cell biology Cellular signaling pathways Cytotoxicity assays Nucleic acid delivery technologies State-of-the-art molecular characterization techniques Screening platforms and/or performing high throughput assays Performing data analyses using bioinformatics tools Why join us? Our company is at the forefront of technological innovation, striving to make a difference in the industry. We offer a dynamic working environment where talent and ambition are recognized and rewarded. Join us, and be part of a team that values growth, collaboration, and the pursuit of excellence. We offer: Competitive salary and benefits package. Opportunities for professional development and career advancement. A collaborative and supportive work culture. State-of-the-art facilities and resources. How to apply: If this Scientist position resonates with you, we would love to hear from you. Submit your application, including your CV and a cover letter. Join us in making a difference, apply now!

8 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
25 september 2024

Join Our Team as a Bioengineer! We are currently seeking highly motivatedBioengineerto join our dynamic team. In your role as Bioengineer, you will play a crucial role in ensuring the efficiency and effectiveness of our processes. If you have a passion for technology and a keen eye for detail, we encourage you to apply. About the RoleWe are looking for a highly motivated Bioengineer/Research Associate to join the team. You will be involved in our pre-clinical research projects employing cutting-edge immunology and molecular biology technologies using state-of-the art equipment. The Bioengineer role at Anocca is suited to early-career scientists or experienced laboratory technicians with a keen interest in biotechnology and scientific method. You should already have a few years of relevant high-quality experience and hold an MSc in biomedical sciences or equivalent experience. You must have excellent English communication skills, deep knowledge of relevant research techniques and the ability to independently analyse and summarise data. You must be capable of working as part of a team but should also demonstrate initiative to drive projects forward. What We're Looking For: Master’s degree in biomedical sciences or technical discipline. Minimum 2 years of experience from the biopharmaceutical/biotech industry or academia. Hands-on experience in flow cytometry; in performing and analyzing multiparameter flow cytometry, design of staining panels, and single cell sorting. At least 2 years experience in mammalian cell culture. Significant and relevant laboratory experience in molecular and cell biology, with an emphasis on mammalian cells nucleofection/electroporation, MACS enrichment, PCR, and sequencing data analysis. Good capacity to operate excel files, e.g., use spreadsheets efficiently, produce graphs and tables, create automations for large scale data sets. Proficient in data documentation, e.g., writing and reviewing SOPs, methods description, protocols and reports. Good time management skills. Ability to work efficiently both independently and in a team environment. Fluent written and spoken English.It would be nice if you have: Knowledge on T-cell biology and immunology. Experience operating liquid handling robots. Capacity to troubleshoot, and good problem-solving skills. Ability to prepare, present and discuss scientific data. Why Join Us? Our company is at the forefront of technological innovation, striving to make a difference in the industry. We offer a dynamic working environment where talent and ambition are recognized and rewarded. Join us, and be part of a team that values growth, collaboration, and the pursuit of excellence. We Offer: Competitive salary and benefits package. Opportunities for professional development and career advancement. A collaborative and supportive work culture. State-of-the-art facilities and resources. How to Apply: If this Bioengineer position resonates with you, we would love to hear from you. Submit your application, including your CV and a cover letter. Join us in making a difference, apply now!

8 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
25 september 2024
Bioengineer - with Mass Spectrometry

Join Our Team as a Bioengineer! We are currently seeking highly motivatedBioengineerto join our dynamic team. In your role as Bioengineer, you will play a crucial role in ensuring the efficiency and effectiveness of our processes. If you have a passion for technology and a keen eye for detail, we encourage you to apply. About the Role We are looking for a highly motivated Bioengineer to join our team. You will be involved in research projects employing cutting edge cellular and molecular biology technologies, and state of the art equipment. The Bioengineer role at Anocca is suited to early-career ambitious scientists with a keen interest in biotechnology and scientific method.You should already have relevant high-quality experience and hold an MSc, or at least a BSc, in biomedical sciences. You must have excellent English communication skills, deep knowledge of relevant research techniques and the ability to independently analyse and summarise data. You must be capable of working as part of a team but should also demonstrate initiative to drive projects forward. What We're Looking For: MSc in biomedical sciences or equivalent experience Significant and relevant laboratory experience in cell biology Good time management skills and proficient in data documentation Proficiency in documentation, e.g., lab records, writing and reviewing SOPs, methods description, protocols and reports. Ability to work efficiently both independently and in a team Dependability, good communication and collaborative attitude Fluent written and spoken English It would be nice if you have: Experience with mammalian cell culture Experience with peptide sample preparation for LC-MS/MS analysis Experience with flow cytometry Experience in molecular biology techniques such as PCR and western blot Experience with immunology research Experience from GLP working environments Why Join Us? Our company is at the forefront of technological innovation, striving to make a difference in the industry. We offer a dynamic working environment where talent and ambition are recognized and rewarded. Join us, and be part of a team that values growth, collaboration, and the pursuit of excellence. We Offer: Competitive salary and benefits package. Opportunities for professional development and career advancement. A collaborative and supportive work culture. State-of-the-art facilities and resources. How to Apply: If this Bioengineer position resonates with you, we would love to hear from you. Submit your application, including your CV and a cover letter. Join us in making a difference, apply now!

8 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
25 september 2024
Senior Scientist Highplex

Who we are Olink Proteomics is a rapidly growing life science company committed to advancing the understanding of human diseases through proteomics. We are dedicated to innovation, quality, rigor and transparency, providing outstanding solutions and support for human protein biomarker discovery. The vital role of proteins in understanding human biology has been recognized for many decades, but technological limitations severely restricted the comprehensive investigation of the huge number of proteins that could be important in different biological processes and diseases. With Olink, scientists can now simultaneously measure thousands of human proteins using just a few µL of blood sample, with highly specific, thoroughly validated assays that cover a very wide dynamic range (fg/mL to µg/mL). In a few years, Olink has grown rapidly from a small, Sweden-based company offering assays for a few hundred proteins, to aNASDAQ-listedorganization with a strong global presence, abroad portfolioof flexible protein biomarker solutions and library of high quality, thoroughly validated assays that covers ~5400proteins. For more information about Olink, please visitwww.olink.com Position Description We are seeking a highly motivated and experienced Senior Scientist to join our Highplex Department and thereby enabling the growth by the addition of capabilities in the area of assay development and protein characterization. This role participates in, and leads research and development of concept design, product ideas and products in accordance with project plans and work schedules. As Senior Scientist, you will be a member of the Highplex management team and report directly the Department Director Highplex. This role is based in our Uppsala headquarters. Primary Responsibilities • Active participation in driving the development of product concepts and ideas. • Independently plan and conduct laboratory work in accordance with set project plans and work schedules. • Document, evaluate and report results from the laboratory work. • Participate as project member or core team member in meetings and project planning. • Independently lead colleagues in development, product care or research activities. • Work in accordance with Olink’s quality system and relevant instructions for laboratory work. • Take an active part in development of the highplex function together with Department Director Highplex and the management team. Qualifications/skills Ph.D. in a relevant field (e.g., Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Immunology) or equivalent experience. Five or more years’ of industrial R&D experience as an independent scientist using methods within immunoassay development. Experience and in-depth knowledge of proteomics, preferably immunologic methods. Experience and in-depth knowledge of molecular biology technologies such asNGS, qPCR and PCR. Experience in related proteomics disciplines is preferred. Thorough scientific understanding of the field of proteomics, proteins, and immunoassay development. Proven experience in strategic work supporting management and stakeholders in decision making and recommendations within relevant field. Understanding of data analysis including essential statistical analysis for statistical/scientific validity. Strong communication and writing skills for presentation and documentation in English. Proficient communication also in Swedish is preferred. As a person you are a team player who finds it easy to communicate with others, both within the team and cross-functionally. You love to solve problems by thinking outside the box and you have an eye for details. Finally, you are a positive person who is flexibility in terms of your daily tasks. If you are a driven scientist with a passion for developing innovative protein assays and want to be part of a team at the forefront of biotechnology, we encourage you to apply. Please submit your resume and a cover letter detailing your relevant experience and why you are the ideal candidate for this position. The selection process is on-going, and the position might get filled before the last day of application so please apply as soon as possible, however no later than 2024.04.30.

5 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
22 september 2024
Senior Scientist to Moleculent

Moleculent is looking for an organized and positive Senior Scientist with experience in histology and assay development to join our team. This is a chance for you to be part of a dynamic startup environment alongside intelligent and friendly colleagues. Seize the opportunity to contribute to a company committed to making a real impact on advancing our understanding of biology. The job is a permanent full-time position. JOB DESCRIPTION You will be a part of the R&D team of ~ 30 people. You will work with the development of protocols and methods and will be involved in all stages of product development, from concept design to realized product. This includes responsibilities for planning your own projects, designing and executing experiments, and analyzing and interpreting results to support project decisions and milestones. QUALIFICATIONS To fit the role, you have a PhD. (or comparable experience) in molecular biology, neuroscience, biotechnology, molecular medicine, or other relevant scientific disciplines. Must have qualifications include: - Knowledge of histology, including documented experience from sectioning of different tissues. - A broad working knowledge of molecular biology. - Experience in assay development. - Relevant industrial experience, specifically in the life science industry and product development. Candidates without industrial experience will not be considered for this role. - Fluent in written and spoken English. - Excellent communication and computer skills. - Extensive experience in laboratory work. We are looking for candidates who enjoy working in a goal-oriented environment and on projects with multi-functional teams. To succeed, you must be organized and feel confident planning and performing your experiments and data analyses. The right candidate has solid communication skills and a flexible mindset. You have strong teamwork skills and an analytical and pragmatic approach. You are friendly, positive, and fun to work with, and you enjoy working in a fast-paced and changing environment. MOLECULENT We believe that our understanding of the molecular basis of human biology, in health and disease will increase radically in the coming ten years. This will lead to a vast improvement in therapies, and diagnostics, and a new, fundamental understanding of our own biology. Moleculent is on a mission to develop technology-enabled products that leverage new insights into the molecular foundation of human biology. https://www.moleculent.com/

28 februari 2024
Sista ansökan:
16 augusti 2024