Utvecklingsingenjör, tillverkningsindustri

Sök bland 36 lediga jobb som Utvecklingsingenjör, tillverkningsindustri och börja ditt nya yrkesliv idag!

Factory simulation engineer till GKN Aerospace

Har du kunskaper i Siemens Plant Simulation och vill bli en del av GKN Aerospace globala organisation för att utveckla vårt projekt Digital Factory of the Future? Drivna av visionen om hållbart flygande utvecklar vi nya designkoncept för exempelvis lägre vikt och integrerad funktionalitet för framtidens flyg. Några av dessa nya koncept ska nu industrialiseras i produktion och vi söker därför dig med kompetens inom fabrikssimulering med Discrete Event Simulation (DES). Om företaget GKN Aerospace Sweden ingår i GKN Aerospace, som tillverkar motorkomponenter, flygplansstrukturer, kabinfönster, kablage och mycket mer till många av världens flygplan. Företagen i Aerospace-divisionen som arbetar med delar till flygmotorer bildar tillsammans Engines och vid vår anläggning i Trollhättan utvecklar och tillverkar vi avancerade delar till motorer för flygplan och rymdraketer. Vi arbetar även med motorunderhåll. Vi har produktionsanläggningar i Trollhättan, Kongsberg (Norge), Mexiko och USA. Vi har också ett ingenjörskontor i Bangalore, Indien och kontor i Stockholm (Public Affairs) och i Göteborg. Huvudkontoret för Engines ligger i Trollhättan. Dina arbetsuppgifter Ditt huvudansvar blir att analysera och föreslå hur nya och befintliga verkstäder ska designas samt visa på vilka effekter olika lösningsförslag kommer att ha på beslutade KPIer. Baserat på DES-resultaten föreslår du layouter och resurser för att förebygga logistiska och produktionsmässiga utmaningar kopplat till exempelvis ledtider och produktionskostnader. Som DES-ingenjör kommer du att utföra både ad-hoc analys av befintliga verkstäder med kort tidsram och långsiktig analys av nya fabriker och input för beslut kring utrustning och anläggningsinvesteringar. Allt med fokus på att utveckla en kvalitativ och effektiv digital fabrik för de nya produkt- och produktionskoncepten som går i produktion. I rollen kommer du att ingå i teamet Digital Solutions Manufacturing Engineering inom den globala ME-funktionen på GKN Aerospace. Avdelningen fokuserar på att utveckla digitala lösningar främst inom PLM och MOM/MES. Du kommer ha en nära samverkan med andra discipliner i organisationen men förväntas samtidigt självständigt kunna driva arbetet med DES och ta ägarskap för att utveckla ditt kompetensområde internt. Din profil Vi söker dig som är utbildad högskole- eller civilingenjör inom relevant teknikområde såsom mekanik, automation och logistik eller motsvarande erfarenhet. För att lyckas i rollen ser vi att du har några års erfarenhet av discrete event simulering och god förståelse inom produktion och tillverkningsteknik. Vidare är du skicklig på att utföra detaljerad materialflödesanalys för att kunna fatta datadrivna beslut och sammanfatta resultat för chefer. Ett krav för tjänsten är att du tidigare arbetat med 3D DES-simulering i Siemens mjukvara Plant Simulation samtidigt som vi ser att du är van att arbeta i CAD-verktyg. Du har dokumenterad ledarskapsförmåga och förmåga att driva projekt med tvärfunktionella team i en komplex tillverkningsmiljö. Du kan kommunicera muntligt och skriftligt på engelska och svenska på en nivå för att presentera planer och resultat internt och externt. Du har god social kompetens, förmåga att skapa effektiva nätverk och kan ta dig an en teknisk ansvarsroll. Ansökningsförfarande I den här rekryteringen samarbetar GKN Aerospace med Skill. Urval sker löpande och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdag, vänta därför inte med att söka! Om du har frågor angående tjänsten eller rekryteringsprocessen är du välkommen att kontakta Johan Zizala via mail [email protected]. Om oss Skill är ett modernt kompetensföretag med ett brett tjänsteutbud inom rekrytering, bemanning, hr-tjänster och kompetensutveckling. Vi har en stark kundbas i teknik- och industriföretag samt inom IT och tech. Rätt människor, på rätt plats, kan förändra allt – och när människor växer, växer företag. People change – everything.

17 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
16 maj 2024

Swede-Wheel AB, Skandinaviens ledande tillverkare av hjul och länkhjul, är i en expansiv fas och söker en Produktutvecklingschef som drivs av nyfikenhet och framåtanda. Vi erbjuder en ledarroll i hjärtat av vårt växande företag, där du blir en nyckelspelare i vår fortsatta framgång. I denna roll får du möjlighet att direkt påverka produktutvecklingen och bidra till att förenkla livet för våra kunder.Om du är en person som brinner för produktutveckling och vill arbeta i en internationell miljö med stora möjligheter till personlig och professionell utveckling, då är du den vi söker! OM ROLLENSom Produktutvecklingschef hos oss kommer du att leda vårt dynamiska team i Hillerstorp och ha ett globalt ansvar som sträcker sig ända till vår enhet i Kina. Ditt uppdrag blir att driva och utveckla vår produktportfölj från koncept till marknad, genom effektivisering av hela utvecklingskedjan. Detta innebär strategisk planering och operativt ansvar för att definiera och utveckla produkternas funktioner och kvalitet, samt att vara en viktig länk mellan konstruktion och försäljning.Rollen som Produktutvecklingschef innebär att du har det globala huvudansvaret för produktutveckling, konstruktion, prototypframtagning och provning.En viktig del i ditt ansvar är att utveckla, förbättra och effektivisera hela utvecklingsprocessen från koncept till färdigt konstruktionsunderlag med tillhörande dokumentation så att vår produktion kan ta vid.Rollen innebär ett strategiskt ansvar för Swede-Wheels långsiktiga utveckling samt ett stort operativt ansvar genom att bl.a. definiera produkternas funktioner, egenskaper, behov och krav.Du kommer vara bollplank för säljavdelningen när det gäller förändring av befintliga samt nya produkter genom att presentera konstruktionens möjligheter, risker, tid och kostnader etc.Rollen innefattar även att ansvara för CAD-system med uppdateringar och löpande utveckling. Rollen är global där du har personalansvar för konstruktions- och utvecklingsavdelningen i Hillerstorp som idag består av två konstruktörer och en testingenjör samt att du leder och utvecklar konstruktionsavdelningen på vår enhet i Kina.Du etablerar goda relationer och samarbeten med leverantörer samt upprätthåller kontakt med högskolor och universitet.Du ingår i företagets lokala ledningsgrupp och rapporterar direkt till VD. Tjänsten är placerad i Hillerstorp. VEM VI TROR DU ÄRDina personliga egenskaper är av stor betydelse och vi kommer speciellt värdera goda egenskaper i ledarskap, samarbete, service och initiativtagande tillsammans med en nyfikenhet på utveckling av såväl dig själv som företaget.Vi söker dig som har en relevant utbildning inom området eller motsvarande genom arbetslivserfarenhet, gärna av produkter i kombination av egen tillverkning. Du har genom åren skaffat dig erfarenhet och kompetens att driva dina egna utvecklingsprojekt med god förmåga att estimera tid och kostnad samt fördela arbetsuppgifter.Vi ser gärna att du har erfarenhet av ett nära samarbete med produktion och verkstad (t.ex. plast- och/eller plåtindustrin) då det mesta av konstruktionen slutligen produceras i vår egen anläggning. Du har förmågan att motivera dina medarbetare och du har en grundläggande erfarenhet av att leda och coacha andra. Vidare förväntar vi oss att du är noggrann, strukturerad och självgående samt har en god social förmåga. Du behärskar engelska väl i tal och skrift och är flytande i svenska.Vi är det lilla företaget med den stora ambitionen, vi erbjuder en prestigelös arbetsmiljö med korta beslutsvägar. Vi som jobbar på Swede-Wheel känner alla en stor stolthet för våra produkter och vi är ett gott gäng som har roligt tillsammans! Nu ser vi fram emot att lära känna dig! INFORMATION:I denna rekrytering samarbetar vi med tech&match. För ytterligare information eller frågor vänligen kontakta rekryterare Fredrik Stigbäck på [email protected] eller +46 732 360 560. ANSÖKAN:Din ansökan registrerar du på www.techandmatch.se enkelt genom att fylla i dina kontaktuppgifter och bifoga dina dokument. Vi önskar din ansökan så snart som möjligt eftersom intervjuer hålls löpande. Vi ser fram emot att höra från dig! Välkommen med din ansökan!FÖRETAG: Swede-Wheel AB ORT: Hillerstorp OMFATTNING: Heltid med anställning på Swede-Wheel AB SISTA ANSÖKNINGSDAG: 30:e April, 2024 ORGANISATION- / FÖRETAGSBESKRIVNINGSwede-Wheel AB är Skandinaviens ledande tillverkare av hjul. Vi jobbar med kunder på en internationell marknad inom alla branscher men med främsta fokus på kunder inom materialhantering och butiksinredning. Utöver direktkundsförsäljning jobbar vi även med ett brett återförsäljarnät i Europa.Huvudkontor ligger ihop med vår tillverkande enhet i Hillerstorp. Vi har även ett systerbolag i Swede-Wheel QLC Ltd. i Ningbo Kina som både fungerar som en leverantör till Swede-Wheel AB och en egen producerande enhet som bearbetar/servar kunder i Asien och Oceanien.Swede-Wheel har tydliga tillväxtmål och högt satta ambitioner. Vår mission är – Makes it easier – vilket har både ett tydligt kundfokus där vi ska erbjuda en tjänst som göra vardagen enklare för våra kunder och sätter tonen för hur vi ska utveckla vårt arbetssätt och våra processer internt. Swede-Wheel Gruppen omsätter ca 270 Mkr och är ca 100 anställda.

12 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
30 april 2024
R&D Manager – Production Technology & Geometrical Measuring

At Production Technology & Geometrical Measuring – part of our Verification & Prototyping department at Sandvik Coromant – we’re looking for a result focused and collaborative leader to join our team of brilliant and helpful R&D engineers and technicians. With us, you get the opportunity to make a mark in a global organization and influencing state-of-the-art technology development and leading business results. What we do? Within the Offer Management and R&D organization at Sandvik Coromant we’re responsible for knowledge, solutions, customer centric product data and product development, along with introduction and maintenance of a strong offer portfolio. We’re specialists in developing state of the art metal cutting tools and our work spans from understanding customer and market needs, to developing our future offering with its enabling technologies as well as facilitating and supporting execution of our product and industry segment strategies throughout the product life cycle. About your job In this position, you manage R&D activities with the aim of solving problems and improving and generating new products, components, equipment, systems and processes – all in line with our department strategy. You take responsibility and ownership for our advanced measuring lab and together with your team, you plan and execute the manufacturing, measurements and CAM programming of our prototypes. You’re also responsible for implementing state of the art manufacturing simulation tools, and you estimate costs, resources and time required to implement our goals and monitor the performance and projects. Ensuring that you and your team collaborate efficiently with necessary stakeholders – both internal and external – to be able to deliver high quality in a timely manner is of high importance. Being a key person in influencing our level of innovation, you keep a focus on industrialization and production economy already in the prototyping phase. At the end of the day, you ensure continuous improvement and act as a true role model when it comes to EHS and zero harm to our people. You constantly strive to exceed customer expectations and set clear directions with ambitious objectives that are translated into actions. Your true passion in the area generates engagement and enables your team to always strive towards more efficient solutions. The location for this position is Sandviken. About you We’re looking for someone with a relevant university degree or the equivalent experience gained from a working career connected to the role. You have experience as a leader and understand the importance of great collaboration with production units to create seamless flows of information across the organization – steering us to easier improve and streamline our processes with a focus on production economy and quality. It’s advantageous if your background includes a couple of years in production technology in combination with machining, preferably in a global company. For this role, you also need a valid work permit in Sweden. Acting in a truly global environment calls for excellent communication skills in English. Knowledge in Swedish is a plus. We’re sincerely interested in your personality! With a clear, confident and present leadership style you listen, coach and engage your team. You bring strong leadership capabilities and are truly inspired by developing a diverse team. You follow up on performance to enable delivery of high-quality results. Taking responsibility for your own actions comes naturally to you and you plan and prioritize to always be one step ahead. An outgoing personality, great communication and networking skills are other features that really comes in handy in this role! Our culture Innovation is in our DNA and we’re proud to shape the future of manufacturing in close collaboration with our customers and partners. Our leaders and employees are committed to our core values – the soul of our company – visit our website to learn more. We believe in an inclusive, equal and open-minded culture, and we nurture our diversities to form a solid foundation for achieving great results. Add fair and rewarding benefits, as well as many different career opportunities in an inspiring global environment. Contact information Are you curious to know more about this position? Please contact: Anna Pettersen, recruitment specialist, [email protected] We have already decided on which advertising channels and marketing campaigns we wish to use, and respectfully decline any additional contacts in that matter. Union contacts Robert Brandt, Unionen, +46 (0)70-261 36 19 Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70-616 43 78 Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)70-222 48 55 Hiring Manager Johan Gullander How to apply Send your application no later than May 5th, 2024. Click apply and include your resume and cover letter in English. Please note that we don’t accept applications by e-mail. Job ID: R0065567. As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline. To learn more about our recruitment process, please visit our career site or contact HR Services at [email protected]. Sandvik Coromant is part of the global industrial engineering group Sandvik and is at the forefront of developing manufacturing tools and machining solutions, with knowledge that drives the industry standards and innovations demanded by the metalworking industry now and in the next industrial era. Collaborations with educational institutions, extensive investment in research and development and strong customer partnership ensure the development of machining technologies that change, lead and drive the future of manufacturing. Sandvik Coromant owns over 1700 patents worldwide, employs around 8000 staff and is represented in more than 150 countries.

12 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
5 maj 2024
R&D Manager – Planning & Operations Support

At Planning & Operations Support – part of our Verification & Prototyping department at Sandvik Coromant – we’re looking for a result driven and collaborative leader with constant focus on streamlining processes. Joining us, you get the opportunity to make a mark in a global organization, influencing state-of-the-art technology development, and leading business results. What we do? Within the Offer Management and R&D organization at Sandvik Coromant we’re responsible for knowledge, solutions, customer centric product data and product development, along with introduction and maintenance of a strong offer portfolio. We’re specialists in developing state of the art metal cutting tools and our work spans from understanding customer and market needs, to developing our future offering with its enabling technologies as well as facilitating and supporting execution of our product and industry segment strategies throughout the product life cycle. About your job In this position, you manage R&D activities with the aim of solving problems and improving and generating new products, components, equipment, systems and processes – all in line with our department strategy. You lead a team of quite self-driven engineers and together you support and develop the daily operational work and planning of the workflows. Developing and implementing agile planning and maintenance tools and routines to improve end-to-end lead times and efficiency in our operations is also on your agenda. You take responsibility for handling incoming matters and distributing and applying them on our daily operations. You ensure that our maintenance planning runs smoothly without disruptions and plan the preventative maintenance on our machines – when a problem occurs, you react promptly and make sure that we solve the issue quickly. Another part of your job is to take on a supportive role in our EHS work within R&D - driving continuous improvements, investment projects, and implementing new ways of working in the department. Additionally, you’re a supportive co-worker to your manager and fellow R&D managers – always lending a helping hand when needed. At the end of the day, you ensure continuous improvement and act as a true role model when it comes to EHS and zero harm to our people. You constantly strive to exceed customer expectations and set clear directions with ambitious objectives that are translated into actions. Your true passion in the area generates engagement and enables your team to always strive towards more efficient solutions. The location for this position is Sandviken. About you We’re looking for someone with a relevant university degree or the equivalent experience gained from a working career connected to the role. You have experience from a leading role in planning of manufacturing, testing and prototyping, as well as a background in some kind of R&D laboratory – preferably in a global company. Previous work within EHS is advantageous. For this role, you also need a valid work permit in Sweden. Acting in a truly global environment calls for excellent communication skills in English. Knowledge in Swedish is a plus. Your personality truly makes the difference – and with your supportive and confident leadership style you enable great collaboration with people around you. You bring strong leadership capabilities and are truly inspired by developing a diverse team. You’re secure in your knowledge and truly believe in sharing best practices and that success is a team effort. With a flexible and creative mindset, you can shift focus in a moment’s notice, and are able to notice details in the bigger picture - always with our business best interest in mind! Our culture Innovation is in our DNA and we’re proud to shape the future of manufacturing in close collaboration with our customers and partners. Our leaders and employees are committed to our core values – the soul of our company – visit our website to learn more. We believe in an inclusive, equal and open-minded culture, and we nurture our diversities to form a solid foundation for achieving great results. Add fair and rewarding benefits, as well as many different career opportunities in an inspiring global environment. Contact information Are you curious to know more about this position? Please contact: Anna Pettersen, recruitment specialist, [email protected] We have already decided on which advertising channels and marketing campaigns we wish to use, and respectfully decline any additional contacts in that matter. Union contacts Robert Brandt, Unionen, +46 (0)70-261 36 19 Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70-616 43 78 Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)70-222 48 55 Hiring Manager Johan Gullander How to apply Send your application no later than May 5th, 2024. Click apply and include your resume and cover letter in English. Please note that we don’t accept applications by e-mail. Job ID: R0065565. As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline. To learn more about our recruitment process, please visit our career site or contact HR Services at [email protected]. Sandvik Coromant is part of the global industrial engineering group Sandvik and is at the forefront of developing manufacturing tools and machining solutions, with knowledge that drives the industry standards and innovations demanded by the metalworking industry now and in the next industrial era. Collaborations with educational institutions, extensive investment in research and development and strong customer partnership ensure the development of machining technologies that change, lead and drive the future of manufacturing. Sandvik Coromant owns over 1700 patents worldwide, employs around 8000 staff and is represented in more than 150 countries.

12 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
5 maj 2024
R&D Manager – Materials Testing & Digitalization

At Materials Testing & Digitalization – part of our Verification & Prototyping department at Sandvik Coromant – we’re looking for a result focused and collaborative leader to join our team of brilliant and helpful R&D engineers and technicians. With us, you get the opportunity to make a mark in a global organization and influencing state-of-the-art technology development and leading business results. What we do? Within the Offer Management and R&D organization at Sandvik Coromant we’re responsible for knowledge, solutions, customer centric product data and product development, along with introduction and maintenance of a strong offer portfolio. We’re specialists in developing state of the art metal cutting tools and our work spans from understanding customer and market needs, to developing our future offering with its enabling technologies as well as facilitating and supporting execution of our product and industry segment strategies throughout the product life cycle. About your job In this position, you manage R&D activities with the aim of solving problems and improving and generating new products, components, equipment, systems and processes – all in line with our department strategy. Here, you act in a modern R&D lab where we perform materials testing and work with advanced microscopes to perform hardness measurements, quality testing of our products and rig testing. You lead and plan this work, and answer questions from our product developers – as part of your team also provide support in the testing of our new products, for example with analysis tools, software and hardware installations in CNC machines and testing equipment. Additionally, you ensure that the daily operational work runs smoothly, and with your expertise, you’re also our go to person when we need to transform information into usable data. You lead a team of R&D engineers and technicians where you ensure continuous improvement and act as a true role model with a strong focus on EHS and zero harm to our people. You constantly strive to exceed customer expectations and set clear directions with ambitious objectives that are translated into actions. Your true passion in the area generates engagement and enables your team to always strive towards more efficient solutions. The location for this position is Sandviken. About you We’re looking for someone with a relevant university degree or the equivalent experience gained from a working career connected to the role. You have leadership experience where you’ve managed a laboratory as well as digitalization of processes to improve efficiency and data driven development in testing and prototype manufacturing. For this role, you also need a valid work permit in Sweden. Acting in a truly global environment calls for excellent communication skills in English. Knowledge in Swedish is a plus. Your personality is our common key to success – and with confidence in your knowledge and leadership you make decisions even in the face of uncertainty. You bring strong managerial capabilities and are truly inspired by developing a diverse team. With your excellent networking and communication skills you easily build strong and trusting relationships with people you encounter. At the end of the day, you stay curious, seek feedback and take responsibility for your own development and always act with integrity. Our culture Innovation is in our DNA and we’re proud to shape the future of manufacturing in close collaboration with our customers and partners. Our leaders and employees are committed to our core values – the soul of our company – visit our website to learn more. We believe in an inclusive, equal and open-minded culture, and we nurture our diversities to form a solid foundation for achieving great results. Add fair and rewarding benefits, as well as many different career opportunities in an inspiring global environment. Contact information Are you curious to know more about this position? Please contact: Anna Pettersen, recruitment specialist, [email protected] We have already decided on which advertising channels and marketing campaigns we wish to use, and respectfully decline any additional contacts in that matter. Union contacts Robert Brandt, Unionen, +46 (0)70-261 36 19 Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70-616 43 78 Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)70-222 48 55 Hiring Manager Johan Gullander How to apply Send your application no later than May 5th, 2024. Click apply and include your resume and cover letter in English. Please note that we don’t accept applications by e-mail. Job ID: R0065566. As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline. To learn more about our recruitment process, please contact HR Services at [email protected]. Sandvik Coromant is part of the global industrial engineering group Sandvik and is at the forefront of developing manufacturing tools and machining solutions, with knowledge that drives the industry standards and innovations demanded by the metalworking industry now and in the next industrial era. Collaborations with educational institutions, extensive investment in research and development and strong customer partnership ensure the development of machining technologies that change, lead and drive the future of manufacturing. Sandvik Coromant owns over 1700 patents worldwide, employs around 8000 staff and is represented in more than 150 countries.

12 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
5 maj 2024
R&D Manager – Tool Prototyping & Testing

At Tool Prototyping & Testing – part of our Verification & Prototyping department at Sandvik Coromant – we’re looking for a result focused and collaborative leader to join our team of brilliant and helpful R&D engineers and technicians. With us, you get the opportunity to make a mark in a global organization and influencing state-of-the-art technology development and leading business results. What we do? Within the Offer Management and R&D organization at Sandvik Coromant we’re responsible for knowledge, solutions, customer centric product data and product development, along with introduction and maintenance of a strong offer portfolio. We’re specialists in developing state of the art metal cutting tools and our work spans from understanding customer and market needs, to developing our future offering with its enabling technologies as well as facilitating and supporting execution of our product and industry segment strategies throughout the product life cycle. About your job In this position, you manage R&D activities with the aim of solving problems and improving and generating new products, components, equipment, systems and processes – all in line with our department strategy. You lead a team of 20 R&D technicians operating numerous advanced CNC machines and robots. To create efficiency and flexibility, you ensure that your team has the right competence needed. As we continuously strive towards increased digitalization and automated processes it’s more important than ever to secure the right competence in the right place and set up your team for future requirements – and this is where you come in. At the end of the day, you ensure continuous improvement and act as a true role model with a strong focus on EHS and zero harm to our people. You constantly strive to exceed customer expectations and set clear directions with ambitious objectives that are translated into actions. Your true passion in the area generates engagement and enables your team to always strive towards resource efficiency and lead time improvements. The location for this position is Sandviken. About you We’re looking for someone with hands on experience in leading prototype manufacturing or manufacturing industrialization, preferably within metal cutting. You’re used to managing a larger group of CNC technicians and have built an understanding of how to organize this in the best possible way. Your background also includes working with automation, which has given you the tools needed to lead and develop this area. For this role, you also need a valid work permit in Sweden. Acting locally in a truly global organization calls for good communication skills in both Swedish and English. We’re sincerely interested in your personality, and with your confident and secure leadership style you easily create trust and are truly inspired by developing a diverse team. You’re a true team player with a strong focus on creating an inclusive environment where you ensure that everyone is included and respected. With this in mind, you have the ability to drive change in both culture and attitude in your team. You’re responsive and attentive, which enables you to spot possible setbacks in your everyday job and find solutions. Our culture Innovation is in our DNA and we’re proud to shape the future of manufacturing in close collaboration with our customers and partners. Our leaders and employees are committed to our core values – the soul of our company – visit our website to learn more. We believe in an inclusive, equal and open-minded culture, and we nurture our diversities to form a solid foundation for achieving great results. Add fair and rewarding benefits, as well as many different career opportunities in an inspiring global environment. Contact information Are you curious to know more about this position? Please contact: Anna Pettersen, recruitment specialist, [email protected] We have already decided on which advertising channels and marketing campaigns we wish to use, and respectfully decline any additional contacts in that matter. Union contacts Robert Brandt, Unionen, +46 (0)70-261 36 19 Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70-616 43 78 Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)70-222 48 55 Hiring Manager Johan Gullander How to apply Send your application no later than May 5th, 2024. Click apply and include your resume and cover letter in English. Please note that we don’t accept applications by e-mail. Job ID: R0065568. As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline. To learn more about our recruitment process, please visit our career site or contact HR Services at [email protected]. Sandvik Coromant is part of the global industrial engineering group Sandvik and is at the forefront of developing manufacturing tools and machining solutions, with knowledge that drives the industry standards and innovations demanded by the metalworking industry now and in the next industrial era. Collaborations with educational institutions, extensive investment in research and development and strong customer partnership ensure the development of machining technologies that change, lead and drive the future of manufacturing. Sandvik Coromant owns over 1700 patents worldwide, employs around 8000 staff and is represented in more than 150 countries.

12 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
5 maj 2024
Senior R&D Manager – Verification & Prototyping

Are you a visionary and strong leader who believes in a transparent culture where everyone is heard and respected? At Sandvik Coromant in Sandviken, we’re looking for a Senior R&D Manager for our Verification and Prototyping department. We offer you the chance to be part of our journey towards more digitalized and automated processes, where you’re able to actually make a difference – for our organization, yourself and your team members! What we do? Within the Offer Management and R&D organization at Sandvik Coromant we’re responsible for knowledge, solutions, customer centric product data and product development, along with introduction and maintenance of a strong offer portfolio. We’re specialists in developing state of the art metal cutting tools and our work spans from understanding customer and market needs, to developing our future offering with its enabling technologies as well as facilitating and supporting execution of our product and industry segment strategies throughout the product life cycle. About your job In this position, you’re responsible for your department – including deliveries, our prototyping workshops and testing laboratories, as well as for driving the development of our processes and ways of working. An important step in this is implementing a competence shift to accomplish a high level of flexibility in the workforce as well as ensuring great collaboration with our production units. You achieve this by assuring development of prototyping, measuring and testing methods in all aspects – from resources, leaders and technical experts to technology and product development. You ensure that we increase knowledge content in our products and processes by generating and reusing knowledge and applying appropriate methods and systems - all with the aim of reducing lead times and increasing both flexibility and quality. Identifying and building networks with internal and external stakeholders is another important part of your mission. You lead a team of direct reporting managers and together you’re expected to significantly decrease lead time in product and technology development. Naturally, you’re accountable for environment, health, and safety in the operations. You represent the organization in steering committees and decision-making forums, where you act as a true role model. You’re an active member of the management teams for Product Innovation, which includes involvement in developing the organization in alignment with strategies and objectives. The location for this position is Sandviken where you’re a present and active leader. Some travelling may occur. Your profile We’re looking for an exceptional and experienced leader with a couple of years’ background in a similar role within R&D or Production, preferably in a larger international company. Experience from leading both white- and blue-collar personnel is a must. You have a proven ability to develop and execute strategical, tactical and operative plans, achieving this through efficient decision making, stakeholder management and communication. Experience from metal cutting production, production technology or laboratory environments is highly beneficial, as well as from working with digitalization of different processes. Acting in a truly global environment calls for excellent communication skills in English. We place great value on your personal qualities; characterized by your ability to keep focus and take accountability by setting clear goals. With creativity and flexibility, you create a climate that cultivates imagination, innovation and experimentation, while keeping a clear focus on delivering exceptional results. You actively work for integration across teams, as you see the benefits from learning by others, and for creating an inspiring team spirit. For this role, you also need a valid work permit in Sweden. Our culture Innovation is in our DNA and we’re proud to shape the future of manufacturing in close collaboration with our customers and partners. Our leaders and employees are committed to our core values – the soul of our company – visit our website to learn more. We believe in an inclusive, equal and open-minded culture, and we nurture our diversities to form a solid foundation for achieving great results. Add fair and rewarding benefits, as well as many different career opportunities in an inspiring global environment. Contact information Are you curious to know more about this position? Please contact: Anna Pettersen, recruitment specialist, [email protected] We have already decided on which advertising channels and marketing campaigns we wish to use, and respectfully decline any additional contacts in that matter. Union contacts Robert Brandt, Unionen, +46 (0)70-261 36 19 Göran Norell, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)70-616 43 78 Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)70-222 48 55 Hiring Manager Johan Gullander How to apply Send your application no later than April 28th, 2024. Click apply and include your resume and cover letter in English. Please note that we don’t accept applications by e-mail. Job ID: R0065553. As we aim for a fair recruitment process, we utilize assessment tools to safeguard objectivity. When you apply for this job, you will therefore receive an invitation via email to a personality and logic ability test. Feedback comes immediately after the test has been completed and the selection process begins after the application deadline. To learn more about our recruitment process, please contact HR Services at [email protected]. Sandvik Coromant is part of the global industrial engineering group Sandvik and is at the forefront of developing manufacturing tools and machining solutions, with knowledge that drives the industry standards and innovations demanded by the metalworking industry now and in the next industrial era. Collaborations with educational institutions, extensive investment in research and development and strong customer partnership ensure the development of machining technologies that change, lead and drive the future of manufacturing. Sandvik Coromant owns over 1700 patents worldwide, employs around 8000 staff and is represented in more than 150 countries.

12 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
28 april 2024
Design engineer - Rear seat structure

Who are we? Volvo Cars is a company on a mission; to bring traditional car manufacturing into a connected, sustainable and smart future. Since 1927, we have been a brand known for our commitment to safety, creating innovative cars that make life less complicated for our consumers. In 2010, we decided to transform our business, resulting in a totally new generation of cars and technologies, as well as steady growth and record sales. Today, we’re expanding our global footprint in Europe, China and the US, and we’re on the lookout for new talent. We are constantly pushing our own skills and abilities to drive change in the automobile industry like never before. We are looking for innovative, committed people to join us in this endeavour and create safe, sustainable and connected cars. We believe in the power of people and will challenge and support you to reach your full potential. Join us and be part of Volvo Cars’ journey into the future. Design engineer - Rear seat structure  Are you looking for a position where you can develop your leadership competencies, continue to build on your technical skills, as well as building and maintaining a network that includes people from all areas in the company? We are now looking for a new colleague as Design engineer within the Rear seat structure team at Seat Platform.  Seat Platform – Let’s introduce ourselves  Seat Platform is a part of Seat department consisting of approximately 80 engineers organized into four groups, developing components within the following areas: Program & Strategy, Seat Integration, Seat Platform, and Seat Tophat.  What you will do  You will work in a team together with Design engineers, CAE engineers as well as GDL’s, who are working with both Full-service suppliers and built-to-print suppliers to deliver a premium seating experience in a Volvo car. Seat Platform is responsible for the development of seat structures, headrest mechanisms, and comfort systems to assure quality of the designs from concept until the end of production phase. You will be involved in developing some of the safest seats in the whole automotive industry. Seat Platform are responsible for the products in all development phases of a project and in running production. You will be responsible for the design and quality assurance of your parts. The role includes securing the mechanical integration to our interfaces and external collaboration with our suppliers.  What you will bring  You are structured and solution driven, with high integrity and professionalism. It is also important that you can focus on both daily issues and long-term strategy, hence have a holistic perspective. We also believe that you have good communication- and presenting abilities. You trust in people and the power of collaboration, where teamwork is your high priority while solving tasks and heading towards a common goal. You should be able to build good relationships with internal stakeholders, as Design, as well as have a good relationship with external suppliers.  To thrive in this role, we also believe you:   * Hold a B.Sc. or M.Sc. degree in Automotive, Mechanical Engineering or equivalent of relevant experience  * Have at least a few years’ experience as a Design Engineer in a relevant field, with knowledge in design of metal components  And it is a bonus if you:   * Have experience from working with Seat structures or seats as complete product  How to learn more and apply  If you have any questions about the position, contact Niklas Andersson, Engineering manager Seat Platform, at [email protected]. If you have questions regarding the process, please contact responsible recruiter Felicia Hartvig at [email protected].  Your application should include CV and Cover letter written in English. To apply, please register your profile and attach your application documents via our system no later than April 25th, 2024.   Please note that applications via email will not be considered.

11 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
25 april 2024
Structural and Mechanical Engineer

Structural and Mechanical Engineer Are you our next Structural and Mechanical Engineer who shares our passion to, together with competent and engaged team members, develop important and interesting products for the marine industry+ We are constantly seeking suitable and qualified people to join our company and are currently looking for a Mechanical and Structural Engineer to strengthen our Design Team. This is an exciting opportunity to work in a global engineering company. You will be a part of team with English as the natural language, where everyone has their own expertise and where we all work together to develop new solutions and to support our customers. Job Description In this position, you are expected to function as a specialist which requires a deep interest in detailed design and analysis. You will work with Marine Propulsion Mechanical Design as well as Hydraulic design. We believe you are a team player who, together with the team and the business, wants to drive detailed product knowledge and various analysis procedures forward. You have a deep engineering interest, and you have capability to communicate your technical expertise in different contexts. Directly and as a team member, you will participate in complex engineering projects that ensures products with superior performance, durability, quality, and serviceability.You will support our local business and have close collaboration with our purchase, quality, service and production departments. Key Competences: Mechanical design Verification, calculation and in-depth post processing FEA-analysis Bolt connections Shrink fit connection Gears, Bevel gears and straight gears Bearings Hydraulic analyses Workshop experience Machining and welding Material and its corresponding standards Risk assessment and product quality management. Marine classification experience Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) experience Valuable software knowledge: Solidworks Ansys mechanical Solidworks simulation Nauticus Kisssoft AutoCad Mathcad You have a relevant technical knowledge and a BSc or MSc degree. You have good communication skills, verbally and in writing, in English. What we offer We offer a hybrid work setup, combining the benefits of physical meetings with the flexibility of working remotely. We believe people are core to our business and know the importance of employee wellness, team building and other activities. In addition to the opportunity to be part of a great team with amazing employees and friends from all over the world, we also offer you: An opportunity to really influence the global goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, driving change and making a difference in the industry Possibility to learn and share knowledge and experience with others Good employee benefits such as flexible working hours, good pension systems, health insurance, benefit bicycles, just to mention a few. And last but not least, the most fantastic work location in the Gothenburg area, with the sea as the closest neighbor and a view that beats most things combined with possibility to work part time remotely.The role is be based on Hönö, in the archipelago of Gothenburg, in nice premises just by the sea. About us BERG PROPULSION is one of the world's leading designers and producers of Controllable Pitch Propellers. We deliver fully customized main propellers, azimuth thrusters, transverse thrusters and maneuver systems. We stand before exciting times with a transformation in the marine sector where electrification and automation will be a key to fulfill the environmental requirements. With our vision “to make global shipping safe and sustainable” in focus we want to be a part of this journey, driving development of tomorrows solutions and contribute to a sustainable future for the industry. For questions about the role, please contact recruiting manager Martin Persson on +46 76 117 50 23 or email [email protected] Welcome with your application!

10 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
4 maj 2024
SSAB - Supply Chain-utvecklare - European Graduate Program

SSAB går i bräschen för att minska koldioxidutsläppen i stålindustrin med det modiga målet att bli i stort sett fossilfria runt 2030. Detta är början på en omvandling som kan driva hållbarhet på sätt som vi bara kan börja föreställa oss. För att klara av denna resa mot framtiden behöver vi en stark och driven arbetsstyrka som tror på sitt uppdrag och som vill bidra – och vi söker dessa personer via vårt SSAB European Graduate Program. Placeringsort Borlänge. Denna roll inom Supply Chain kommer att fokusera på utveckling av hela vårat Supply Chain (orderhantering, produktion, extern logistik och lagerhållning) och kommer att ansvara för ett eller flera pågående projekt inom vår Supply Chain-organisation. Detta kommer att kräva att man analyserar nuvarande sätt att arbeta tillsammans med sälj-, produktions- och Supply Chain-organisationerna för att identifiera nödvändiga utvecklingsmöjligheter och hur vi driver dessa framöver på ett effektivt och kontrollerat sätt. Denna roll har sitt fokus på produktions- och logistikkedjorna i de svenska verksamheterna inom SSAB Europe. Programmet startar i september/oktober. Du blir väl omhändertagen på den plats där du kommer att ha din befattning. Under det 14 månader långa programmet kommer du att bjudas in till fysiska möten med resten av deltagarna i programmet på så kallade Basecamps. Basecamps kommer att innehålla intressanta ämnen som kommer att stödja din kickstart i företaget, fabriksbesök och andra viktiga saker för att stödja din förståelse för SSAB i allmänhet och den utmanande men otroligt intressanta resa som ligger framför dig. Utöver Basecamps får du en egen senior mentor och ett individuellt introduktionsprogram kopplat till din specifika befattning där du tillsammans med din mentor planerar en individuellt anpassad studieresa till något av våra SSAB Europe-kontor som passar dig och din utveckling på bästa möjliga sätt. Utöver de aktiviteter som är kopplade till programmet kommer du att placeras på en verklig tjänst och redan från början introduceras för de uppgifter som är kopplade till din befattning. Läs mer om programmet här - European Graduate Program - SSAB Dina huvudsakliga ansvarsområden Utveckling av Supply Chain Samarbeta med flera olika intressenter inom bl a produktion, sälj och logistik Ansvara för olika projekt inom organisationen Om dig Du har en examen inom Supply Chain, Industriell ekonomi eller annan relevant utbildning. Goda kunskaper i engelska Goda kunskaper i det lokala språket för den tjänst du söker För att du ska kunna njuta av SSAB och få ut så mycket som möjligt av detta program måste du också Vara driven Ha ambitionen att driva fram utveckling och förbättring för både dig själv och företaget Ha förmåga att se helheten Vara analytisk Vara en lagspelare Vara duktig på att kommunicera och vara socialt kompetent Vårt erbjudande På SSAB är mångfald och inkludering en del av vår kultur. Vi använder våra värderingar – drivande, äkta och steget före – i vårt dagliga beslutsfattande, alltid med kunden i fokus. Det gör oss alla till lagspelare, med en gemensam strävan att förbättra oss. När du börjar på SSAB blir du en del av en organisation med passionerade problemlösare som arbetar tillsammans med viktiga utmaningar. Vi kommer att stödja din tillväxt genom att erbjuda en säker och vänlig arbetsplats som bidrar till balansen mellan arbete och privatliv. På SSAB har du möjlighet att bredda dina kunskaper och växa. Det har programmet ger dig En kickstart för din utveckling i ett internationellt företag och en internationell miljö Fast anställning på SSAB Marknadsrelevant lön Handplockad mentor för just dig i form av en mer senior medarbetare Trainee-”dejter” med de andra programdeltagarna, inklusive besök på anläggningen, föredrag och erfarenhetsutbyte En skräddarsydd studieresa till något av våra SSAB Europe-kontor (detta planerar du och din mentor gemensamt så att det blir en resa som passar dig och din utveckling på bästa möjliga sätt) Ett brett internationellt nätverk I samband med den här rekryteringen har vi möjlighet att erbjuda medflyttarservice till dig och din familj om ni flyttar till Dalarna. Läs mer på Medflyttarservice - Rekryteringslots Dalarna Rekryteringsprocessen 1. Ansök 2. Digital logik- och personlighetstest 3. Intervjuer 4. Referenstagning 5. Kom och träffa oss 6. Hälsoundersökning 7. Signera Bakgrundskontroll kan komma att genomföras som en del i rekryteringsprocessen. Har du frågor angående tjänsten? Kontakta gärna Christoffer Jakobsson, Chef avdelning SCM Development & Support Kontakta Christoffer via mail - [email protected] Vi undanbeder oss kontakter från rekryteringsföretag, annonssäljare och liknande beträffande denna annonsering. Facklig information lämnas av Akademikerföreningen, Unionen och Ledarna som nås via vår växel på tfn 0243-700 00. Några ord från din blivande chef "Tjena, Christoffer här. Jag leder vår avdelning för utveckling och support av supply chain-processer samt våra order- och planeringssystem. Vi är en grupp på fem mycket kompetenta kollegor som drivs av förbättring. Vi ser fram emot att välkomna en ny medlem till gruppen genom vårt European Graduate Program. Programmet är en unik möjlighet att få en kickstart på din karriär inom SSAB. Det är den vägen jag själv har gått, genom EGP, och jag kan intyga att programmet har gett mig ett brett kontaktnät samt kunskap inom våra processer både i Sverige och Finland. Framför allt har jag lärt mig att ta ansvar för min egen utveckling. Om du blir en del av EGP-programmet är det du själv som sätter gränserna för vad du lär dig. Eftersom jag själv har gått programmet kommer jag att stötta dig hela vägen och ge dig de verktyg du behöver för att lyckas. Så, om du är driven, social och vill arbeta med förbättringar inom supply chain samtidigt som du får en oförglömlig tid med andra deltagare i programmet, så ser vi fram emot att du blir vår nästa kollega!"

9 april 2024
Sista ansökan:
28 april 2024